Chapter 670 Gangster

Sima Lie is the most beloved warrior under Wang Li’s account.

In the hands of his battalion, he had 20,000 horses at any rate.

Excluding the heavy soldiers responsible for logistics, there are a total of fifteen thousand people capable of fighting.

According to the establishment of the Qin Army, Sima Lie already had the position of a general and could form a five-hundred-man guard.

The personal soldier is the master’s killer bronze. If used well, it can play a role as a winner on the battlefield.

Sima Lie was very brave in combat, but he also spared his life. He picked out the brave soldiers from the army and gave priority to riding horses, and formed a personal guard with both infantry and cavalry.

The appointment of generals in other troops needs to consider the title and merits. Only the appointment of personal soldiers can be appointed by generals alone.

Since nepotism was allowed within the system, Sima Lie was unceremoniously selfish, and appointed Sima Zhuang, who was to accompany him to escort, to serve as a soldier.

With his own person to protect himself, Sima Lie will take this guard wherever he goes.

“Where is Master Supervisor?”

Sima Lie saw a pair of Qin troops staying outside Jincheng. 640 he knew that it was the guard led by the explosive poison.

Reining the war horse, Sima Liebao opened his eyes, and two flashes of lightning flashed past.

Five hundred cavalry, not too many.

Miao Du and the others had no military experience. In their eyes, five hundred cavalry rushed forward, like the north wind whistling. The killing air brought a trace of coolness and made Miao Du a dry person’s body. Depressed air.

“Supervisor army is resting in the nest cart, who are you waiting for?” Sima Lie’s eyes turned to a young man standing in front of the nest cart.

There were also three thousand men in Miao Du’s guard, which was his own request.

King Qin Yingzheng also agreed to let the three thousand Qin army escort Yi Du to the army camp of King Jincheng.

The leading young man, who seemed to be still a teenager, swept past and knew that this person had not participated in a battle.

Because in the eyes of young people, there is no murderous aura left behind as a general after fighting.

Sima Lie secretly said: “Which Qingliang child will it be? I’m afraid this is the same as Li Po, who was sent by the family to gild.

The young man closed his eyes and saw the sword secretly counted. There were only five hundred people, thinking that Sima Lie was just a five-hundred lord, and his heart gradually rose again.

“I am Sima Lie, General of the Qin Army, and I am here to welcome the Lord Supervisor on the order of General Wang Jian.”

Sima Lie stayed on horseback, but did not rush forward. According to the regulations, he could only come forward to pay a visit after seeing King Qin’s will and seeing the Jianjun himself.

Careful makes Wannian ship, Wang Jian’s caution, Sima Lie made up his mind to learn the essence.

Another meaning is that Sima Lie didn’t put Mu Du and the three thousand Qin army in front of him at all.

Soldiers who had never been on the battlefield looked like thousands of tree stumps in Sima Lie’s eyes.

“Sima Lie? Who is Sima Lie?” In Xianyang, Melting Poison is in Xianyang all year round, and he often comes into contact with some harem personnel, so he doesn’t know Sima Lie’s name.

But the young man said he had never seen Sima Lie’s appearance, but he had heard his name.

I know that Sima Lie is not only a rare hero under King Qin Yingzheng, he has hacked and killed thousands of enemy heads (aibd) in countless battles.

“It turned out to be General Sima, I’ll go to inform Master Supervisor.”

It was Sima Lie who heard that the young man’s arrogance that had just condensed flew away, and half of his body bowed slightly.

A respectful look appeared on his face.

Power usually comes from ability, money and family background.

Sima Lie’s family has served in the army for three generations, and has a good family background.

“Sima Lie, why did you see this supervising army kneel down without getting off the horse?”

Miao Du leaned out of the wagon with an arm on the young man’s shoulder. The young man hurriedly bent his knees and turned himself into a guard for the gangster.

Miao Du is now relying on Zhao Ji to live and flourish, but in Yingzheng’s heart, he has immense hatred for this male favorite. He is looking for a suitable time to eradicate the gangster.

Sima Lie had heard of this person in Wang Jian’s mouth a long time ago.

He knows that there is a vaguely Oedipus complex in Yingzheng’s heart, a beautiful mother in Yingzheng’s heart, and a person like gangster, in Yingzheng’s heart, there will definitely be a bump in the boss’s heart.

Miao Du will fall from power sooner or later, how can Sima Lie be afraid of him.

Seeing that Sima Lie didn’t answer himself in time, Miao Du stepped out of the nest wagon and pointed a finger at Sima Lie, a bit like to scold him.

Sima Lie was still sitting on the horse, and slowly said: “This general will not get off his horse and bow down until he sees the edict.

Miao Du stared angrily in front of the war horse, a little aura on the face of a fierce general like Sima Lie, but in his heart, he was still a little frightened.

Turning around, Mu Du said to the young man: “Quickly, read the edict to General Sima. Let him know that I am the new supervising army.

The young man quickly read the edict aloud.

Miao Du thought that Sima Lie would bow down to himself after listening to the edict.

Unexpectedly, Sima Lie just bent over on the horseback, “Master Miao Du, forgive me for having a stomachache, I can’t get off the horse to give salutes, this general is polite here.”

After speaking, Sima Lie bowed his hands on the horse. ..

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