Chapter 668 Daqin Supervisory Army]

A close-fitting court lady ran out of Zhao Ji’s gauze tentatively.

“Queen dowager, the king is at the door.

Zhao Ji’s face was pale at this time, but her mind was very clear.

He cast a wink at Mu Du who was getting dressed.

Miao Du hugged the clothes he hadn’t had time to put on and followed Zhao Ji’s next court maid to the back of the palace’s forehead.

Where is a secret road leading to the back garden outside the palace.

Zhao Ji asked Lu Buwei to find someone to dig this secret road, and he didn’t even know that his face won the government.

It turned out to be used on Lu Buwei, but Lu Buwei had long recognized the situation, and Zhao Ji could only use this secret way for the poison.

“Queen, you haven’t rested yet?”

Ying Zheng stepped in and saw Zhao Ji lying on the palace bed, her thin clothes half covering her body. 08

Ying Zheng frowned.

“Emperor, Ai’s family has something to discuss with you?” Zhao Ji also found that winning the government was a little unhappy.

“Just talk about the queen mother.” Yingzheng didn’t want to stay in Zhao Ji’s bedroom for a while. The smell of rouge and powder made Yingzheng smell a bit uncomfortable.

Zhao Ji said: “Emperor, Miao Du has served the Ai’s family for several years, I want you to seal Melt Poison a position?”

Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Ji. At this moment, Zhao Ji was already sitting on the bedside and restored her dignified appearance.

“Mother, no merit, no merit, this molten poison is just a guard in the palace, how can I easily seal a position?”

After listening to Zhao Ji, he also felt that what Ying Zheng said made sense.

Although Miao Du is his own favor, Zhao Ji also knows that winning politics is a person who insists on principles.

So Zhao Ji thought of a way, “Majesty, you can send Mu Du to the front line and let him lead soldiers to fight, so that if you have achieved a battle, you can justify him as a marquis.”

Winning government also understood Zhao Ji’s thoughts, and winning the government didn’t want to make Zhao Ji unhappy. The most important thing was that winning government wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to send a drug to get rid of Zhao Ji’s favor.

Yingzheng nodded and agreed to Zhao Ji’s request, “Mother, now Wang Jian, Wang Ben and his son are besieging the Yan army in Ancheng, I will let Duo be a prison army, what do you think of the mother?”

“Supervisor? That’s the official position that doesn’t need to fight, right?”

“The mother queen said that the supervising army doesn’t have to fight to the front, just need to watch the enemy formation from behind.”

Zhao Ji was even more excited when he heard that Yingzheng made such an arrangement, “Emperor, just do what you said, and let the poison go tomorrow.”

“Rongjun, Jincheng Qin Army Camp is coming soon, should you rush to the city directly, or send someone from the military camp to greet him?”

Miao Du was absent-minded, he was still thinking about what Zhao Ji said when he was leaving.

“This time, Miao Du went to work as a supervising army and strived to make military exploits. After he came back, he would let Ying Zheng make you a marquis.”

Miao Du still had some ambitions in his heart. If he wanted to make a war, he had to rush to the front of the team, where was the most dangerous place. For Miao Du, he was not willing to take risks.

The guards who followed him saw Mudu drowsy, his legs trembling slightly, and he had to speak to remind him.

“Ah?! It’s coming so soon!” The woman suddenly woke up, and leaned half of her body out of the car while leaning on the cowl of the nest car.

Looking at Jincheng from a distance, a flag was flying above the city, and a big “king” was written.

Miao Du slowly retracted his body, frowned, and asked, “The surname is Wang, which general is that?”

“It’s General Wang Jian.” Melting the poison got the position of the supervising army. No one has figured out who the chief commander of the army is.

One of his escorts followed him to his heart, but he didn’t say anything.

It’s just that there is some contempt in his eyes.

“Well, General Wang Jian?” Lao Du rolled her eyes, and her brain cells were spinning fast.

“His surname is Wang, does it have anything to do with Wang Ling and Wang Yi?”

“No, Wang Jian is from Pinyang, and his father has no military merits.”

The military aristocrats of the Qin Kingdom, like the landlords of the hostess in Prussia, paid attention to military merit, married each other, pulled out the carrots and brought out the mud, cut them constantly, and the rationale was still chaotic.

Wang Ling and Wang Yi belonged to a typical old Qin military family with deep roots. If Wang Jian had relatives with his 640s, he would not dare to show his reputation in front of Wang Jian.

“Wang Jian, he is the chief general, and I am the supervising army. I am here on behalf of the king. I will send someone to tell him to come personally to meet the supervising army!”

Knowing that Wang Jian did not have a deep military background, Potoo suddenly gained confidence, and his waist became taller, and the sense of superiority in his body was straightforward.

When in Xianyang, the generals of Wei Wei and Su Wei, who didn’t agree to please him, gave him the feeling of poisonous flying.

“You, go quickly, and let Wang Jian come to meet Mr. Supervisor!”

Miao Du put on the air of supervising the army. Holding chicken feathers as an arrow, the superiority of snail poison is contagious, and the prejudice will see the poisonous god and fearless appearance, and he will naturally refuse to be awe-inspiring in front of his subordinates.

It’s a pity that he didn’t even understand what happened, so he rushed into the city of Jincheng in a daze.

Under the guidance of the soldiers of the Qin army, they arrived in front of Wang Jian’s general mansion, and Wang Jian’s general mansion still used the mansion left by Prince Dan.

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