Chapter 664 Bing and one place]

There is no problem for these Yan army to fight a downwind battle in a victorious situation. Every soldier hopes that he will be the one who wins in the end. Once he encounters a defeat on the battlefield, he will naturally lose his mood.

And they will run away when they fail. Yan Kui’s decision made the soldiers of Yan State who squeezed their bodies into the cavalry to be unwilling.

Their bodies began to struggle and disperse. Some soldiers of the Yan Kingdom shouted loudly: “We don’t want to die, we still have parents in our house.”

“Those who dare to push and shout are killed, those who dare to escape are killed!” Yan Kui has never lacked decisiveness.

What he needs is victory, and he doesn’t care about the life and death of those soldiers. Even if it hurts half of Yankui’s army, Yankui will not feel distressed again.

Yan Kui had difficulty organizing his bow and arrow troops.

There are not too many spearmen, and there is no need for people to block the cavalry. Should the enemy be allowed to ride back and forth on horseback?

Yan Kui looked at the cavalry attacking in an orderly manner, and a look of fear suddenly flashed in his eyes.

With a buffer distance, Yan Kui, who was squeezing the troops, could hear the sound of horse hooves getting closer.

The troops he brought were panicked because many soldiers who did not want to block the cavalry with flesh and blood were fleeing.

Yan Kui owes no mercy to the soldiers who pushed and flees. Who dares to push and kill, who dares to flee or kill, tells his subordinate soldiers with blood that he may live if he refuses to listen, and he will die immediately if he refuses to do so. .

When a troop becomes flustered, it depends on the leader.

Yan Kui reprimanded loudly, but it was a pity that he couldn’t shock the team in a short time?

Especially when the rumbling of horseshoes gets closer and closer, it is even more difficult to stabilize the troops.

Yan Kui began to gritted his teeth. He originally wanted to attack Jincheng with all his strength. He didn’t expect that the dumplings were reported by Daqin soldiers and treated as meat. Thinking of this, Yan Kui was a little frustrated.

Turning his head happened to see Wang Jian taking the lead, followed by more dense cavalry, and the troops that should have been densely lined up were still in a panic.

There seemed to be something broken in his heart. He knew that failure was not far away.

“Kill! Kill! Kill, 々!” Wang Yao on the war horse actually only saw the Yan army in front of him. He didn’t even notice that the Yan army himself was in chaos. He roared, “Kill-defeat the Yan army.”

After the cavalry speeded up, they charged with awe-inspiring momentum. Facing the dense crowd, Wang Jian’s long knife was leaning in front of the horse’s head, and the tip of the knife rushed forward.

“If you don’t defeat the Yan Jun, you will not accept your troops.

The cavalry fights on speed. Once they lose their speed, are they still called cavalry? Wang Jian shouted at the Qin State cavalry behind him, then picked up the horn on his waist and blew “Woo-ming-“. sound.

After all, this group of cavalry had been drilled, and they quickly broke into parts and divided into three based on the enemy’s situation in front of them.

The cavalry of the Qin Army slowly divided into three groups as they galloped.

Two cavalry, each with about 500 men, moved to the left and right, while Wang Jian led a thousand men to break through the center.

“Not good?” Yan Kui heard the horns of the Daqin army’s offensive, and his mind regained a bit of reason.

He realized that the cavalry of the Qin Army was going to roundabout to the left and right, and then divided the army that surrounded him. Seeing this, Yan Kui yanked down his warhorse fiercely.

A war horse that no one rides across is naturally faster than a manned war horse.

The warhorse’s butt was hot from the pain of being beaten by the owner just now, and instinctively drove the four legs to “boom boom” forward with the horse’s hoof.

Yan Kui had only one purpose, to let himself lead the cavalry of the Yan army to rush forward.

Can’t let Wang Jian’s cavalry move forward easily.

Yan Kui was still a step slower, and those cavalrymen of Qin State divided the Yan army in an instant.

“Okay, sound the roundabout bugle!” Wang Jian saw the brigade behind him approaching.

When Wang Zhi led the army to defend, the battle with the Yan army led by Yankui was fierce. Nearly 100,000 people on both sides fought in the county town of five or six square kilometers, which was more destructive.

And in battle, things that ignite buildings everywhere are no exception this time.

Except for some thick adobe buildings, thatched cottages were either torn down or burned to ruins.

However, in general, Jincheng didn’t suffer much damage, and everything in the eyes of the damage was roaring on the top of Jincheng.

Wang Li still let Sima Lie attack. He won’t let Yankui go.

The Yan army, who was already in a panic, was hit by Da Qin’s cavalry one after another.

The Yan Jun who was unavoidable in the front was knocked out by the war horse in despair.

Most of them were trampled on by huge horseshoes after falling.

(Wang?) The soldiers in the rear collapsed as they heard the sound of horses and people screaming and crying continuously.

Their eyes looked around. Then he yelled words that even they could not understand, and one person left the line and wanted to escape, then the second and the third

*”Hey! The effect is good!” Wang Jian laughed in his heart. He fully believes that Wang Ben’s defensive pressure must be reduced a lot.

The 1,000 cavalry led by Wang Jian in the center did not slow down. He wants to end the battle in the shortest time.

The two cavalrymen, each with 500 cavalrymen rounding the two wings, had to slow down because of the turn. The distance between the three cavalrymen and those Yan Kui led by Yan Kui was not consistent. .

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