Chapter 648 Yankui’s plan]

Yan Kui watched the flag of Da Qin fluttering on the head of Jincheng, and his murderous spirit surged again.

Jincheng is the most important defense for King Yan, and Prince Dan has stayed here since the fall of Yan Kingdom.

Yan Kui also stayed in Jincheng for a period of time, and he still had some impressions of the fortifications in Yi Jincheng.

Yan Kui quickly found some confused memories in his mind. With these memories, Yan Kui decided to launch an attack from the East Gate.

Just as he was about to order an attack, the lieutenant next to him said, “General, stop the attack for now, do you think we are injured in front of the city gate?”

Wang Li still adopted the method of not killing Yan Guo.

Now that the army of Yan State came, he sent the wounded soldiers of Yan State to the outside of the moat of Jincheng.

Yan Kui’s singing of these wounded soldiers from the Yan State also had a headache.

There is no other way but to have hundreds of 08 soldiers pull these injuries back into the barracks.

Yan Kui brought a large number of troops. He didn’t care about encircling Jincheng completely, and he completely besieged the scarred town of Jincheng from four directions.

Facing the outside of Jincheng where the trenches were dug and the obstacles were full of obstacles, Yankui decided to send 10,000 people to test.

These obstacles outside Jincheng were made by the soldiers of Qin State by Wang Li.

In order to gain some time for defense, Wang Zhi deliberately filled the river water in the moat with some nails.

This effectively controls those enemies who want to cross the river.

The 10,000 Yan army brought from Ancheng came to the outside of Jincheng.

The soldiers who had been struggling with a horse were actually in a state of fatigue.

However, since the general had ordered the siege, these Yan army launched a siege battle with strong spirits.

Even if it is exhausted, the offensive is naturally not so fierce.

Wang Zhi was just above the tower of Jincheng. He did not release Sima Lie out of the city.

The long knife in Sima Lie’s hand rubbed against the saddle a few times.

“General, you will let the general go out of the city to defeat the Yan army.”

Wang Ben shook his head. “General Sima, we are waiting in the city for the Yan army’s attack. Now we don’t worry about food or weapons. Let the Yan army tremble in the cold wind.”

“General, what should I do if these Yan troops attack the city?” a lieutenant asked.

“Are our Daqin soldiers just a display? Besides, haven’t all the weapons that we captured Prince Dan have been refurbished?”

“General, I will go to the city wall to watch the enemy’s formation.” “Sima Lie shakes his shirt.

Wang Ben knew that Sima Lie’s character was the kind of person who couldn’t kill the enemy without blinking, and couldn’t use his brain in case of trouble.

“General Sima, you are not allowed to go out of the city to fight, whoever disobeys the military orders.”

Sima Lie replied to the commander’s mansion.

When the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Yan Army entered the range of the strong crossbows of the defenders of the Qin Army, Sima Lie issued an order to shoot arrows.

The densely fired arrows fell into the attacking Yan army, and the four consecutive archery shots of the two thousand crossbowmen caused the Yan army to fall at least two thousand people. Yan Kui quickly adjusted his offensive strategy.

Yan Kui was forced to retreat by the arrow before he even fought for the first time.

Yan Kui saw that Dongmen encountered strong resistance, so the remaining thousands of people stopped attacking again.

At this moment, the sound of killing and cutting was also heard from the other three directions of Jincheng.

That was Yan Kui ordered the Yan army in the other three directions to start attacking the city. This was Yan Kui’s strategy to test the defense of the entire Jincheng with this accompanying attack.

Achieve a clear understanding of Qin Jun’s defense in Jincheng.

Fortunately, decide the position of the main attack next.

“There are a considerable number of crossbow troops on the east and south, and the defenses on the west and north are the weakest.”

Yankui’s temptation to pay nearly thousands of casualties is very valuable, at least because he thinks the soldiers did not die in vain.

Yan Kui sat on the map with very detailed markers.

Next, he began to mobilize troops and transferred the more elite soldiers to the weak position of the Danyang garrison.

“Ten thousand people are left, and the rest of the troops are all engaged in the offensive!” Yan Kui turned around and ordered under his hands.

Yan Jun’s troop movement cannot be concealed at all, and Yan Kui does not want to conceal the movement of these troops. He wants to use quantitative superiority to deter the Qin troops in 630 Jincheng.

Wang Li didn’t care about this, even if he knew it, he couldn’t stop Yan Kui’s troops from deploying.

Wang Ben didn’t know which Yan army was more elite, so he could only focus on the direction with more Yan army.

He had fewer troops, and from the Yan army’s mobilization, it seemed that he was going to attack on all sides at the same time. Wang Ben had already begun to make preparations for street fighting in those streets and alleys where he deployed to retreat to the city.

In all directions, the Yan army has soldiers preparing for the offensive. From the four directions of the Yan army, it is difficult to judge which side of the main attack will be. Therefore, Wang Zhi can only conservatively distribute the troops equally, and then leave the necessary reserve team. .

Wang Li also knew that there were basically no surprises in the city’s offensive and defensive battles.

Both the enemy and the enemy are in the position where they can, and what they can do is to flexibly use the forces in their hands for reasonable deployment.

After the war begins, see who can put in the needed forces at the most suitable time.

Therefore, Wang Li decided to use the soldiers of Sima Lie’s battalion as a reserve team. .

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