Chapter 643 Jincheng Defense]

Watching the chaos on the wall of Jincheng, Wang Zhi was secretly happy.

“Lord Lieutenant, start firing those strong crossbows too, right?”

Wei Liao adjusted the three-shot crossbow behind him, and then ordered the sword and shield car to advance to the distance of three hundred and fifty steps from Jincheng to join the sequence of clearing the strong crossbow on the wall of the Yan army.

Because of the head-covered attack by those stones, the Yanjun soldiers on the front of the city were a little confused. Every soldier in the Yan Kingdom is eager to avoid.

The number of crossbow arrows shot from above has been reduced a lot.

“General, we can rush up.

Wang Li stopped this thought. Don’t look at Jincheng’s Yan army in a panic, but once they attacked the city, they would resist desperately.

It is dark now, and it is not very advantageous to the attacking party of the Qin Army.

Wang Li still has to wait for the southeast wind to rise 08.

Prince Dan yelled at his hand, “Hurry up and fix those strong crossbows, shoot all the crossbow arrows, and prevent the Qin army from approaching the wall of Jincheng.”

The booming voice concealed Prince Dan’s roar.

Wei Liao commanded the special ballista to continue launching the huge stone above the head of Jincheng.

The firing frequency of twenty ballistas is a volley of stone eggs every fifty breaths.

Every time it can bring chaos to the Yan army above Jincheng City.

Wei Liao watched more torches light up on the top of Jincheng’s city, and knew that it was Yan Jun’s rush to repair the damaged crossbow.

Wei Liao made a continuous firing gesture at the strong crossbow behind him.

Although it was not always possible to concentrate, but the Yan army’s strong crossbow had been suppressed so that he did not dare to shoot again.

Moreover, the Yan Jun above the wall did not dare to reveal his position anymore.

How could Wang Li give up this good opportunity? He directed Qin Bing to gradually move closer to the wall of Jincheng.

Prince Dan screamed wildly. What he saw was that the three-shot crossbow of the Qin Army outside the city of Jincheng had reached the position of two hundred paces away from Jincheng.

Some sword-and-shield vehicles also cover the soldiers to go up and make necessary precautions.

Now on the battlefield, not only are there thick crossbow arrows and round stones flying in the sky, but after a distance of two hundred paces, the crossbow arrows on both sides are also shot at each other. The situation on the entire battlefield has become a bit fierce.

Although the guard of Jincheng is condescending to have a certain advantage, the crossbow arrows in the Qin Army have a longer range than the Yan Army. In this way, the two sides are basically a tie.

What annoyed Prince Dan was the twenty special ballistas of Qin Jun.

“General, our damaged ballista has been repaired.”

The soldiers of the Yan army ran up to Prince Dan.

Prince Dan has also been operating in Jincheng for a long time, and some vulnerable parts of weapons are well prepared.

After such a crossbow battle, although it was damaged, the Yan army was able to repair it in a very short time.

Prince Dan roared: “Continue to shoot crossbow arrows.”

The strong crossbows of the two sides fired each other, and with the addition of the ballista, Wei Liao remembered that there were already thirty-two strong crossbows that destroyed the Yan army.

He didn’t know how many strong crossbows the Yan army had on Jincheng. However, it has been a long time since the top of the city has no thick crossbow arrows. His first suppressive measures can be regarded as fruitful.

It’s a pity that this kind of thought didn’t take long in my mind, and crossbow arrows began to fire again on the top of Jincheng’s fortress.

And the density of this launch is exactly the same as when the war just started.

This surprised Wei Liao. He knew that it was Yan Jun who had repaired those strong crossbows that had been hit.

Wang Zhi looked back at Wei Liao, “Lord Guowei, I think we should stop firing crossbow arrows first?”

Wei Liao was a little puzzled, “General Wang, this is the best time to suppress Yan’s army. If their strong crossbows cannot be fired, our soldiers will not be injured.”

Wang Li said: “Our crossbow arrows are still not abundant. If this continues, our crossbow carts and strong crossbows will become waste.

Only then did Wei Liao remember to ask the soldiers under him. After asking, he knew that there were not many crossbow arrows left.

“General Wang, are we going back?”

Wang Ben shook his head. He looked at the stars in the night sky. It was about to midnight. This kind of golden opportunity would not be missed by Wang Li.

“Lord Lieutenant, we are going to let Soldier 623 approach Jincheng in the dark.”

Wang Zhi said that when he waved his hand down, the Qin Army’s crossbow and ballista stopped firing.

Sima Lie found that the crossbow was no longer firing, he naturally knew that Wang Li’s sword-shield cart and horizontal hook cart began to slowly advance in the dark.

Two types of equipment, one main defense, can cover the soldiers and deploy them under the threat of Yanjun’s arrow array.

However, the horizontal hook car can push out the planks that have been prepared in the car and cross the moat of Jincheng, so that the soldiers can step on their feet when attacking.

Sima Lie came to Wang Ben’s side again: “General, when will our paper kite fly?”

Wang Zhi looked at Wei Liao, “General Sima, why worry, it’s not yet the time.”

Wei Lian said in a hurry.

Sima Lie shook the armor on his body, “General, we are just below the wall of Jincheng. It’s really impossible. Let’s attack the city first.”

Wang Zhi looked through the light of the fire, and the Qin Army’s troops pressed in two hundred steps from the root of the wall of Jincheng. .

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