Chapter 621 Battle of Jincheng]

Xu Fu hastened to thank you. Having this gold medal is like blessing himself with an amulet, Xu Fu was extremely excited.

Xu Fu was sent away, and Yingzheng returned to Xianyang Palace, “Majesty, Wang Li has a secret report.”

Yan Shun presented a few bamboo slips to the dragon case.

Ying Zheng glanced at it. This was a secret report sent by Wang Li when he set out. There was nothing else on it, only one thing had changed.

It was Wang Ben who took 30,000 soldiers with him just to be on the safe side.

Just as Yingzheng was about to review the bamboo slips, Lu Buwei came to the hall in a curious manner, “Majesty, Wei also sent troops to reinforce the surplus animals in Yan.”

Ying Zheng secretly said: “Fortunately, Wang Ben has a foresight, and he has to wait ten thousand more pawns.”

Lu Buwei saw that Yingzheng did not speak, and said, “Great King, do we also want to increase troops for General Wang Li?”

Ying Zheng shook his head, “General Wang Ben is free to plan, and Zhongfu will inform him of the enemy’s situation.”

Wang Li’s original intention was to bring 20,000 soldiers on the expedition, but Wang Jian was still worried about the changes in the battle of the Yan Kingdom, and for the sake of safety, he also let Wang Ben send 10,000 more soldiers.

In order to be able to reach Liaodong before the arrival of winter, Wang Ben spent the night on Xiaoxing all the way and tried his best to let the soldiers hurry up.

Yi Jing arrived at Jincheng that day, and Prince Dan’s army was in front of him.

Wang Zhi told the soldiers to camp, and he and a few lieutenants stood outside Jincheng to observe the enemy’s situation.

Jincheng belonged to a big town in eastern Liaoning, and Prince Dan obeyed the orders of King Yan to station troops here.

The food and grass in the city are ready, and the battle is open to fight Qin Bing to the death.

Wang Zhi encircled the four corners of Jincheng, “Dear generals, Jincheng country is inexhaustible, and we Daqin soldiers have no way of starting. 々.”

“General, although Jincheng is strong, it is only an ancient city. We Daqin soldiers besieged the city for a few days, and the soldiers of the State of Yan will definitely run out of food and water.”

Wang Li shook his head, “It’s winter now, and our Aqin soldiers have no experience in fighting against the cold enemy. Moreover, even if the city is besieged, our food and grass may not last for many days.”

“General, we can use the method of attacking the State of Zhao and let the soldiers enter the city and wait for an opportunity to set fire.”

Wang Zhi shook his head even more. Jincheng’s gate is now closed. How could our soldiers enter. “Wang Li quickly denied this method.

There was no more voice in the military account. Wang Zhi couldn’t think of a good strategy for a while, but he could only let the generals return to the camp and think about good strategies.

The cold wind was piercing, and Wang Zhi stood outside the army commander, watching the soldiers hiding on the side of the fire. The weather slowly became cold. If there is no quick battle, I am afraid that this time the battle of the Yan Kingdom will end in the defeat of Daqin.

A cold wind blew by and the bonfire made a crackling sound.

After the flame rolled in the air, it slowly fell.

There was a burst of light in Wang Ben’s eyes. The winter is cold and dry, and all kinds of vegetation are easily ignited. If spontaneous combustion can occur in Jincheng, it will be a great thing.

“General, do you have a good plan?”

Sima Lie, who was standing behind Wang Li, quickly asked when he saw some changes on Wang Li’s face.

“General Sima, is there a way to make these fires fall from the sky and into the city of Jincheng?”

Sima Lie shook his head, “I really can’t think of the end, is there any way to send these fires to the sky above Jincheng.”

Wang Benyou frowned, and a soldier standing by the fire said boldly: “General, I have a way to send these fires to the sky above Jincheng.”

“Quickly speak and listen.” Seeing Wang Li greet him, the soldier hurriedly walked over and knelt down.

“The general’s method is very simple. Use paper kites to send the fire to the sky over Jincheng.”

After Wang Zhi yelled out, this method was very good, but Sima Lie said: “General, the paper kite is easy to catch fire. Before the city of Jincheng, the fire will burn the paper kite.”

Wang Ben thinks about what Sima Lie said is reasonable, the paper kite is easy to ignite the fire in the east air, once it catches fire, the paper kite will not be lost to the ground.

The soldier looked at Wang Ben and said: “General, we can put the nitrowood in the barrel, and put the fire underneath. When the paper kite is placed above the Jincheng, the fire will ignite the nitrowood, so that it can be drawn in the city of Jincheng. Burn a big fire. ”

Wang Li nodded, “This method is feasible, but it is necessary to calculate the time. When the paper kite flies over the Jincheng, make sure that the wood in the barrel is ignited, so that it can fall into the city with the paper kite.”

“General, leave it to me to handle it, and I will take the time.

Sima Lie thought it over again and turned his head after speaking in a hurry.

He is looking for a few soldiers who can pierce paper kites. (Wang Dehao) Then let the soldiers make nitrowood.

Wang Gui divided the 30,000 soldiers into three sides to encircle Jincheng. The side that was left was the mountains. Even if Prince Dan could pull out the encirclement of Daqin, he would be frozen and starved even in the mountains.

To besiege and not attack, Wang Li must first give Prince Dan a shock from his aura.

“General, there are food and grass escorted from the country of Yan for dozens of miles away from our camp.” On this day, Wang Li was studying the terrain around Jincheng in the big tent, and he reported on Malay.

Wang Li laughed. “It is just time to come. It seems that Prince Dan’s plan to consume us is about to be shattered.

“General, you are going to intercept these grains and grasses from Yan Kingdom” Sima Lie saw Wang Li’s thoughts. .

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