Chapter 615 Yan Guo Hu Ren

“General, King Zhao is dead.

Xin Sheng opened Zhao Jia’s dragon robe with a big knife, “It’s a pity, it’s a pity that I can’t claim credit in front of King Qin.

As soon as Zhao’s remaining animals were destroyed, Xin Sheng immediately sent a police report to King Qin Yingzheng.

Yingzheng was overjoyed when he heard that Zhao’s remaining animal had been wiped out by Xin Sheng in the military account.

“General Wang, do you think Xin Sheng will continue to the country of Yan?”

Wang Jianli: “Majesty, the battle of Zhao Guo will soon get news. I think it is still useless to use five thousand cavalry. It is better to let Xin Sheng return to Hexi camp.,

Winning politics also has this idea, this kind of long-distance battle can only be regarded as a surprising victory, once it is seen through by the opponent, there is no advantage.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian and then at Wang Zhi, “The two generals, how should we fight the Yan State?”

Wang Ben stood up and said, “My lord, I would like to lead a wave of troops to destroy King Yan.

The victory stopped for a while, “The king of the 610 army, Yan Guoyu Yu Hu was huddled in Liaodong, where it bordered the Hu people, and Yan Wangxi made friends with the Hu people. Once the general attacks Liaodong, I am afraid that the Hu people will also help King Yan.”

Wang Ben said: “My lord, please rest assured, the rest of the country of Yan is not anxious, and the Hu people are good at fighting, but the number is not large and will not pose a threat to Daqin.”

Winning the government has been thinking for a long time, “General Wang, this king wants to take advantage of the extermination of Yan Guo’s surplus animals to subdue the Hu people.

Wang Li didn’t expect Yingzheng to have such an idea.

Hu people have been operating in Liaodong for a long time, and with the assistance of King Yan, it is not easy to destroy them.

Although Wang Zhi just said that the Hu people are not worrying, it is because the surviving animals that wiped out the country of Yan have nothing to do with the interests of the Hu people, but according to King Qin’s idea of ​​winning the government, if you want to subdue the Hu people, you must be careful. consider.

Hu people refer to the nomadic tribe north of the Great Wall. They are different from the Xiongnu, and they are called Donghu by the Central Plains people.

The name (aibd) comes from the Hu people living east of the Huns. The Hu people later evolved into the Xianbei, Turkic, and Mongolian tribes.

Winning politics does not want the Hu people to cause chaos in Liaodong. The remaining animals of the Yan Kingdom rely on the Hu people to lay a foundation in Liaodong. .

“My lord, since the lord deliberately wants to wipe out the surplus animals and Hu people of the country of Yan, Wang Ben will do his best not to disappoint King Qin.”

Yingzheng said: “General Wang, I am concerned about the weather in Liaodong. Seeing that autumn is about to pass and winter is coming, Liaodong must be a cold day. Sergeants will feel a little uncomfortable here.

Wang Ben said: “Majesty, Liaodong is always cold at any time, and it is good for our army to fight. In winter operations, there is no need to worry about rain accompanied by water, let alone being caught in a swamp.

Winning the government is still not determined. King Yan is different from King Zhao. His Crown Prince Dan is proficient in the art of war and pays more attention to attacking and killing. Winning the government does not want the king to return without success.

Wang Li also knew King Qin’s worries, but now that the bow is out of the sheath, he has no choice but to proceed.

“Great King, King Yan will soon know that King Zhao, who Daqin has already wiped out, once they are ready, we are thinking about eliminating King Yan and it will take some twists and turns.”

Ying Zheng heard what Wang Ben said and made up his mind. The early extermination of Yanzhao Yuhu played a big role in conquering Wei Guo. Moreover, Wei Wang has sent people to Yan Wang, and Yan Wang will be moved after he is moved. Send troops to harass Qin State.

Thinking of winning politics here, you will never stop doing two things. “General Wang, you lead 20,000 sergeants to Liaodong to destroy the country of Yan and take the opportunity to subdue the Huren.

Wang Ben hurriedly stepped in to give salutes, “Great King, the last commander.”

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian, “Old General, what advice do you have for General Wang’s trip to Liaodong?’

Wang Jian looked at his son with a sense of pride in his heart.

“Majesty, Liaodong is steep, with many mountains and ridges. Soldiers must prevent frostbite and fall injuries in combat. Also, Prince Dan is willing to make dangerous moves. We must be more careful.”

“Baby took it down.” Wang Ben’s stomach and Wang Jianshen saluted. Wang Zhi knew that his father would not worry about leading the troops to Liaodong alone.

“Father, don’t worry about the child. Now King Yan has no more soldiers to fight with our Daqin.”

Liaodong belongs to a foreign nationality, and its population is not very prosperous. In addition, some wars have occurred every year in the past few years. Therefore, the number of soldiers in Yan Kingdom has not increased but has decreased a lot.

“General Wang, you must have enough food and medicine when you go to Liaodong.”

Wang Li agreed one by one. “My lord, stay in Hexi for the time being to listen to my good news.”

Ying Zhenghu stood up, “General Wang, I am waiting for your good news in Xianyang.”

“My lord, do you want to return to Xianyang?” “I am here. Wei Wang’s vigilance has always been maintained, which will have some impact on our offensive strategy of Da Qin.”

In the past few days, Yingzheng has seen reports about Wei’s frequent mobilization of the army.

He knew that Wang Wei did this because he stayed in Hexi all the time. Since Zhao Guo’s remaining animals have not been wiped out by Xin Sheng, it is equivalent to cutting off one of Wei Wang’s arms.

Therefore, the decision to win the government is to return to Xianyang, which can alleviate the worries of the king of Wei and make him mistakenly believe that Da Qin will not wage war against Wei.

Ying Zheng started to drive back to Xianyang, the news was passed to the Wei Kingdom, Wei Wang Longyan Dayue.

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