Chapter 600 Second Daughter Palace Fight]

Ying Zheng knew that Yan Ling Ji was going to monitor the actions of the queen, so he nodded, “Go ahead.”

The two went out of the palace gate of the palace and walked back. The road was not far away, and neither the king nor Yan Lingji were riding in the chariot.

“Sister, do you let Tian Feng serve the king with ulterior motives?” Wang Ben said that the city of Wei is not the capital city, but Anyi, another prosperous city of Wei.

Anyi used to be the first capital of the Wei state, and later the king of Wei Hui moved from Anyi to Daliang.

“My lord, we can rush into the stars and night and take Anyi within one day.” After Wang Wangzhi stayed in the post house, he would go to the palace to accompany him to win the government for several hours every day.

This made Yan Lingji a little unhappy. She thought that she would win the relationship between the two people when she won the government to Qi Guo, but she didn’t expect that after meeting the emperor, she would be disrupted by Wang Li.

Yan Lingji could only stay wronged in the 08 palace and become a humble girl who serves to win politics.

“My lord, the rebellion in the Wei state has been pacified by the prince of Wei.” Wang Zhi said bluntly.

“General Wang, is this news coming or going?” “Winning Zheng said in a hurry.

Wang Ben handed a handful of bamboo slips to the winning government.

“This is the battle report just sent from the border. Our Qin army had a small-scale war with Wei’s army.

Yingzheng read the bamboo slips again and slowly put them down, “General Wang, what are the losses for our Qin army in this small-scale war?”

Wang Zhi quickly knelt down: “Great King, the Qin army lost thousands of troops, but we also advanced the border fifty miles to the Wei State. It is only one day away from the city of Wei State.

All your brains are war.

“No, Wei Wangjia has just quelled Wei’s rebellion. It is at a time when we are in awe. We, Qin, cannot act rashly.”

The guards shouted, and the queen stepped into the palace.

Wang Li hurriedly left, Yan Lingji’s eyes flashed a kind of hatred and stared at the queen.

After Yingzheng listened to the king, he let himself stay in the palace and not attend the funeral of King Qi Rang, and shook his head a few times.

“Queen, I came to Qi to win politics to participate in the funeral of King Qi Rang. If I don’t go to the cemetery and don’t let the citizens of Qi make jokes, how can I win politics?”

“My lord, you are the supreme dragon body, and you shouldn’t bother the lord to go to the cemetery.

This time, Yan Lingji was on the side of the queen. “King Qin, I think what the queen said is very reasonable. The king is the supreme dragon body and should not be dispatched at will.”

Yan Lingji didn’t want to have more time to contact with the queen in winning politics.

Winning the government waved his hand, “Queen, you don’t have to say more, this king must attend the funeral of King Qi Rang after three days. Qi, Qin, acquaintances in hand, I will not be ridiculed by future generations.”

The queen can only bow down and say a cry.

Just about to leave the palace, Ying Zheng said: “Queen, Tian Feng wants to see you.”

The Queen gave a slight pause. Since she sent Tian Feng to Ying Zheng, she has not seen Tian Feng for a few days.

Although there are concerns in my heart, I dare not show it.

It’s rare to say that win politics.

The queen said: “The concubine will visit Tian Feng.”

Yan Lingji bowed and said, “Queen, let my sister go with you?”

Yan Ling Ji is a jealous woman, on the dragon bed, outsiders are not allowed to cling to.

The king’s queen policeman glanced at the court lady who was not far behind, “Sister, what do you say? How dare I ask too much for the maid of the king.”

Yan Lingji sneered and said, “You and I are smart people, why let my sister say too clearly.

The queen felt cold behind her back, and she felt cold all over.

In her opinion, Yan Ling Ji is like a beautiful snake waiting for her prey.

“Sister, I’m surprised at this, don’t I know your plan?”

The queen did not deny her own thoughts, but used defense as an offense, and uttered these words gently.

Yan Lingji didn’t expect that the Queen would treat herself like this. How can she say that Yan Lingji is now the celebrity beside Yingzheng.

The queen did not see the face of Yan Ling Ji Tieqing, she just said to herself: “If I break your mind in front of the king, then what will King Qin do to you Yan Ling Ji, you should know it in your heart?”

Flame Ling Ji must not admire the ingenuity of the queen.

“It seems that this woman will be her own strong opponent in the future.” Yan Lingji secretly said in her heart.

The queen looked a little calm and calm, “Sister, I just want to live a life of ease, without fighting or fighting, and hope that the Taishi family is safe.”

Yan Lingji said bitterly, “This is not what the queen really said? Does the queen really want to be favored by King Qin?”

The queen suddenly became a little sober: “Sister, I am a sinner of the Qi country. I do not ask for the love of the King of Qin, but after the country is subjugated, there will be a place in the Taishi family, and you can live alone.” After saying this, there were clear tears in her eyes. .

Yan Lingji heard from this sentence that the queen did not intend to be an enemy of herself, and she did not intend to win favor in the face of political victory, which made her feel relieved.

“Since my sister has this idea, she should make it clear to the king.”

“Sister, King Qin treats me as grace, I don’t ask for too much, but I just ask for a place to stay.”

“Queen, King Qin has you in his heart.” Yan Ling Ji Qing said. .

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