Chapter 564 A few times the soul dream and the king]

Zhao Feifeng blinked, wondering if her sister is about to start telling stories again?

Zhao Feiyan smiled softly: “Do you think your careful thoughts are hidden well? Didn’t this be discovered by the father?” After that, Zhao Feiyan also glanced at Zhao Miaoxiang. She wanted to make up a story for Zhao Feifeng, one never The story of the ending makes her fall asleep like this and spend the rest of her life in a dream that will never wake up.

King Zhao Miaoxiang didn’t understand Zhao Feiyan’s words. This daughter is delicate and always able to make some surprising actions.

“What? Father knows?” Zhao Feifeng suddenly propped up his body, covering his face with both hands: “I hate it, it must be my sister who told my father, what should I do, I’m so shy.” The face covered by the hands was already ashamed. Flushed.

“What if I told my father, can you still ignore me “five, six or seven”?” Zhao Feiyan pretended to be annoyed, and stretched out his hand to pull Zhao Feifeng: “Don’t be shy, my father knows your little one. Mind, but I am willing to let you meet the person who is thinking about it.”

“See who?” Zhao Feifeng-the son was stunned. She couldn’t believe that this father and king, who had been busy and couldn’t get away, would actually do such a thing for her?

Zhao Feifeng even suspected that the person living in the story was fabricated by her sister. Zhao Feifeng is always dreaming about that person’s goodness endlessly. He is like the person in the dream, as long as he wakes up from the dream, he will disappear. Maybe he really doesn’t exist.

Zhao Feiyan didn’t want to let Zhao Feifeng come into contact with the ugliness of the Zhao country, those intrigues, and power overwhelming. There is no need for Zhao Feifeng to know, including some of the “evil” things that Yingzheng did. The victory in the story has never killed King Zhao Xiaocheng, and has never been detrimental to Zhao Guo. In this way, she weaves beautiful lies and presents everything in the most beautiful way in front of Zhao Feifeng.

Most importantly, Zhao Feifeng believed it.

“My father is so good!” Zhao Feifeng laughed happily, and couldn’t wait to ask, “When can I see him? Is he there?”

Zhao Feiyan smiled and persuaded her not to worry, she would see her soon.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was stunned by the words and deeds of these two daughters. He never knew that Zhao Feiyan would give such a story to General Zhao Feifeng, nor did he know that Zhao Feifeng had always been fond of winning politics. King Zhao Miaoxiang even thought that these two daughters didn’t even know the existence of Yingzheng, and only knew about the Qin State’s attack on Zhao State.

The two countries are enemies, Princess Zhao on one side and King Qin on the other. They should be opposing people. King Zhao Miaoxiang hated winning politics, and he believed that his daughter should also hate winning politics. But what kind of situation is this now, not only I don’t hate it, but I like it very much, and when I hear that I can see it, I can’t wait to see it?

King Zhao Miaoxiang has mixed feelings in his heart. These are his two most cherished daughters. He felt like he had been betrayed. His daughter liked the enemy. If it weren’t for the special situation, King Zhao Miaoxiang would have liked to kill Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng directly. His daughter belongs to him, even if he is dead, it should be his. How can you marry that vile villain Yingzheng?

He hated winning politics and cursed winning politics every day. Even if he heard a little bit of bad news about winning politics, King Zhao Miaoxiang would be ecstatic. Marry Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng to Yingzheng, then he is not enjoying the blessing? All the things that make Yingzheng better will make Zhao Miaoxiang painful.

But the bad thing is that the current situation is different, his own life is gone, and he is still talking about his own daughter. While Wang Zhao Miaoxiang felt betrayed, he felt fortunate to be so. With Zhao Feiyan’s storytelling as a foreshadowing, Zhao Feifeng was not hostile to the winning government from the beginning, so that he would not feel that he was given to the winning government as a gift.

In this never-ending story, he will play a loving father, marrying his daughter to someone she likes. This is the road arranged by Zhao Feiyan for King Zhao Miaoxiang.

King Zhao Miaoxiang felt infinitely sad, and he suddenly asked: “Does Feifeng like King Qin? What do you like him? Tell your father, okay?” He just wanted to know that this person he regarded as a thorn in his eyes. What kind of image does it look like in the eyes of his daughter?

When he heard his father ask about winning the government, Zhao Feifeng suddenly felt as if he was beaten with blood: “Do you want to know? Feifeng quietly told his father”

Zhao Feifeng was attached to King Zhao Mouxiang’s ear, cute and cute. Her voice was very low, as if she was whispering. She did this for a reason. Zhao Feiyan knew that the good things about winning politics in the country of Zhao were heard, but it would be a big trouble if someone with a heart listened to it. Zhao Feifeng was also simple-minded, and it was inevitable not to miss it.

So Zhao Feiyan lied and said, “If Feifeng tells others the story about King Qin, if someone hears it, King Qin will fall into that person’s dream. If King Qin thinks that person is better than Feifeng, he will never return. In Feifeng’s dream.

Zhao Feifeng was terrified by this lie and absurdity, and has been tight-lipped about winning politics. Zhao Feiyan was relieved. She didn’t expect that King Zhao Miaoxiang would take the initiative to ask, it was obviously his father’s mortal enemy.

Now that she can see the victory in politics, Zhao Feifeng doesn’t worry that victory in politics will not come to her dream. Zhao Feifeng had already made up his mind secretly, when she saw that she had won the government, she would hold on to him firmly and never let him go again. People are right in front of you, so you don’t need to care about whether there is him or not in the dream.

Zhao Feiyan didn’t know what the two of them were whispering, she could only see that Zhao Miaoxiang’s face became darker and darker until he couldn’t see his face clearly. Zhao Feiyan is guessing that it must be Zhao Feifeng who is eloquently talking about winning the government. Thinking about it, Zhao Feiyan suddenly remembered one thing. Wang Zhao Miaoxiang, as the defeated officer of the winning government, is often edited by her

Some kings tell the story of Yingzheng and Zhao Guo. Zhao Feifeng is a fool, but Zhao Miaoxiang will not be fooled.

There were only six countries in the reunification, and another one appeared for no reason, and it was made up at the first hearing. And the thing sounds so familiar, King Zhao Miaoxiang guessed right away that he was talking about himself.

And Zhao Feifeng was still talking about life and death, and added a lot of his own opinions, saying that the king was faint and incompetent, completely unaware that King Zhao Muli was already angry about killing.

Zhao Feiyan found that the situation was not good, and immediately pulled Zhao Feifeng away: “Don’t you want to see King Qin? Are you still talking nonsense here, go and dress up, and your sister will go with you.”

Zhao Feifeng frowned when she heard it: “Sister, do you want to go too?” She thought that her father would only arrange her to see Yingzheng alone, but she didn’t expect it to be with her sister. .

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