Chapter 535 Slipped away]

As long as he has this idea, everything is easy to say. Otherwise, Han Fei would have to spend a lot of time to talk to him about the pros and cons of this war. Qin’s advantage has gone. He said that he could not finish the last three days and three nights. He did not believe that Zhao Mu would not be said to be crazy. .

“Therefore, King Qin specially wants to give you a chance to be rich and honorable.” Han Fei said lightly. The name of winning politics is overwhelming. He can’t decide Zhao Mu’s wealth, but he can. It is a matter of winning politics to let whoever is rich and destitute.

Zhao Mu was silent and stopped speaking. His thoughts are very complicated, and he has been cautiously guarding Han Fei, whether there is a trap waiting for him. He didn’t have much effect in this war. The general was Li Mu but not him. Even if he turned to the Qin country, it would not have any effect.

“Don’t think too much, what to do is very simple. It’s just a matter of effort.” Han Fei knows that Zhao Mu has been shaken. At this time, just tell him what to do 08, and he will definitely consider it.

“What does King Qin want me to do?” He wanted to know what medicine would be sold in the gourd that won the government. He weighed the pros and cons before making plans. “It’s impossible for King Zhao to change Li Mu’s. The King has bet all his treasures on Li Mu. He has been doing very well without any mistakes. Before the battle, he will not easily change the main general. If King Qin wants me To replace Li Mu’s position

Don’t think about it if you are directly surrendered to the State of Qin. ‘

“Of course King Qin will not let you do such a troublesome thing. Didn’t you say it? It is very simple. As long as you tell King Zhao to leave Handan, your task will be completed. It’s very simple.” Han Fei said with a smile. Once a person starts to regress, he will inevitably keep regressing. From the moment Zhao Mu asked a question, there was no room to look back.

Zhao Mu can’t figure out why he wants King Zhao to leave Handan. If Qin comes in, wouldn’t it just be able to catch King Zhao alive, will it be easier for him to escape if he gets him far? “Where do you want King Zhao to go?” Zhao Mu thought to himself. : Don’t tell me to let him go to Qin. If you don’t say anything, he won’t go even if you put a knife around your neck.

“It depends on where Zhao Wang himself wants to go. There are so many good places in the hinterland of Zhao State. You can set the capital where Zhao Wang likes. King Qin gave a lot of room to choose.” Han Fei said casually. , It’s just a capital city, and occasionally I can change the place and change my mood. It’s too late for King Zhao Miaoxiang to be happy.

“What do you mean? You asked the country of Zhao to move the capital?” “Zhao Mu hesitated, this matter is really not difficult. It may not be a good thing to move the capital now.

Han Fei nodded. This is what he meant: “This is the most appropriate thing for you to do, but King Zhao will be obedient. It will be up to you then, and King Qin will not forget this credit.

Zhao Mu had agreed to Han Fei without knowing it, and that was the end of the story, either he killed Han Fei directly, or Han Fei killed him. Otherwise, both of them can threaten each other with this matter.

If Yingzheng is worried that Zhao Mu will not agree to their plan after knowing it, he will definitely be eliminated soon. And Zhao Mu also worried that other people knew that Han Fei came to him to instigate rebellion, threatening his life.

Some things can quickly link the interests of several people together, and once someone threatens the interests of other people, they will soon become dead under the sword.

Zhao Mu still doesn’t want to die, let alone this is really a very simple thing for him.

Early the next morning, Zhao Mu stood up in the court and proposed this to King Zhao Miaoxiang. He didn’t need to talk to King Zhao Miaoxiang separately. Even if you are deceived by King Zhao Miaoxiang, you have no real power. The most important thing is. We still have to move the civil and military officials in the court.

“Moving the capital?” King Zhao Mouxiang was a little surprised. Recently, without exception, the affairs of the court are related to the war of the Qin State. There are very few major events such as moving the capital.

“Yes, move the capital! My country Zhao needs a new capital. Handan is already very dangerous. If the king and the civil and military officials stay here, the country of Zhao might be in danger of destroying the country.” Zhao Mu said very well. Serious, the consequences are as big as you can say.

The Manchu dynasty’s civil and military people talked a lot. They all stayed in Handan without any regrets and regrets. They wanted to be with Zhao Guo. When the State of Qin came in, he would rather die in the hands of Qin Jun than live.

“If the State of Qin enters, he can still abandon Handan and retreat. But if he puts the king in a dangerous place, it is not a city that is thrown away, but the entire State of Zhao.” Zhao Mu continued to exaggerate, but he It also makes sense.

The ministers thought so too, their life and death didn’t matter, but King Zhao Miaoxiang couldn’t die. If it falls into the hands of Yingzheng, it will definitely end up with a very late execution. The death of the previous King Zhao Xiaocheng, they now think of it as terrible.

“Yes, I should leave Handan as soon as possible while I can still leave Handan. If the State of Qin encircles Handan, I can’t escape even if I want to run.” Some courtiers began to agree. Among the hundreds of civil and military officials, many people have been scared. Afraid, they just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as early as 550. It happened that Zhao Mu brought it up, and of course they were anxious to agree.

“Don’t watch the post, the king, maybe it would be better if Zhao Guo changed the capital. It’s just a small capital. There are so many good places in Zhao country. The king can give Zhao a new start.” Zhao Mu proposed. Moving the capital can also leave behind those incompetent and non-obedience officials, and let them stay in the old capital, leaving only those whom King Zhao Miaoxiang wants to take away.

In this way, King Zhao Miaoxiang was also moved. He always wanted to take the power in his own hands, and relocation was the simplest and most direct method.

This matter is good for most people, and soon there will be many courtiers, and they will go along. For whatever reason, the general trend of moving the capital is set. Zhao Mu quietly smiled triumphantly. Although I don’t know what King Qin is doing, this matter is indeed very simple for him, and it can also let him gain glory and wealth while saving his life, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Just as King Zhao Mouxiang was preparing to make a final decision, a person stood up: “The minister disagrees with the move of the capital!” Everyone has already begun to plan where to move the capital, and this voice is obviously out of date.

Someone sang the opposite, and King Zhao Mouxiang’s face collapsed all at once. .

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