Chapter 517 Only the Four Kingdoms are left and they are in harmony?]

Guren was just sad about Han Wangan’s indifference. After being coaxed by the winning government for a long time, he finally obeyed.

Xue Nu was finally stayed by Ying Zheng. When she heard that she could stay with Ying Zheng, she couldn’t help herself with excitement. This magnificent Xianyang Palace will be her shelter from now on? As if dreaming, her dream came true in just a few days. Xue Nu has also longed for winning politics, but she knows that she is just a dancing girl, who is swaying with the wind and rain in the troubled world.

A leaf of duckweed is nothing but a leaf, and it will never be the person next to Yingzheng.

She categorized all this as a dream that could never be realized, and gradually hid it in her heart, turned it into a dance, and implicitly expressed it to those spectators. When this dream really came true, she still didn’t see it really.

As a condition, Ying Zheng agreed to the surrender of King Chu Kaorie and ordered Wang Jian to withdraw his troops. From then on, the Chu country will be the same as the Han country. The military power is controlled by the Yingzheng. The people all recognize the Yingzheng as the king, and all the nobles are demoted to common people. Who is in charge of what place, what responsibilities, what kind of things should be done, life or death, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace are all in the hands of the winner.

There was another king Chukaorie who didn’t deal with it. Yingzheng pondered for a moment and looked at 540 Honglian in his arms: “Let him come to Qin to apologize.” Surrendering spared his life, and apologizing can completely quell his murder of King Qin.

After Xuenu stayed in Xianyang Palace, she was arranged in a palace. Yingzheng did not expose her identity as a fake princess. Everyone in Xianyang Palace treated her respectfully. The people in the palace knew at first sight that she would be in the future. Become a woman who wins politics.

For a long time, Ying Zheng was by Honglian’s side, and Xue Nu was put aside like this. She was not arrogant or arrogant, and quietly waited for the day when Ying Zheng came to her.

A few days later, Wang Jian’s class returned to the court. The battle against Chu was completely closed, and the news of Chu’s surrender and return to Qin quickly spread to the other four countries.

In the past, there were still six nations, and later became five nations, and then before people reacted, it became four nations. The hand that wins politics can really overturn the clouds and control the destiny of all living beings.

The Four Kingdoms were terrified. After hearing the news, King Wei Anli lost his soul, as if an old man knew that his deadline was approaching. He muttered all day: “The winning politician is here, and the state of Wei is going to disappear.” Winning the government was wiped out without any effort, and Wei’s national power was even worse. Wouldn’t it be like beating a son when winning the government was wiped out.

King Zhao Miaoxiang no longer dared to lose his temper in the court, for fear that these courtiers would put him aside again. In the whole country of Zhao, he is the same as him. They are all the meat on the anvil to win the government. They did not dare to provoke victory, fearing that they would end up like King Chukollie. The last time King Zhao Xiaocheng provoked the winning government, the kingdom of Zhao changed a generation of kings. Fortunately, this king Zhao Miaoxiang

Aspirations are empty, but nothing can be done. I couldn’t find a chance to provoke victory in politics, but it added trouble to Zhao Guoshao. They were even more afraid of a whim on the day they won the government, and wanted to attack Zhao Guo for fun, and then Zhao Guo would be destroyed.

This is an absolute possibility, not a joke. All of them have lived day and night worrying about their lives, and the misery all day long, under the intimidation of Qin State, they have all reduced a lot. People who didn’t know thought that Zhao Guo was in a famine.

It’s not just that Wei Guo and Zhao Guo are so tense, but the four countries are like this. They are all worried that they can live a day or a day.

Yan Wang Xiduan sat on the throne and listened to the court officials reporting the incident. On the surface, he was calm, but his hands were uncontrollably rubbed, and his body trembled uncontrollably. But in front of the officials, he still had to pretend to be calm, and continued to say hardly: “Qin Wang Yingzheng does this, and sooner or later he will be retributed.”

Retribution? Who can retribute him. The courtiers in the court of the Yan Kingdom had already noticed Yan Wangxi’s fear. In fact, they were the same. Their fear (aibd) was straightforward, but they did not dare to show it in the court.

Yan Dan stood up at this time: “My father is right, but his report is too late to wait for the heavens to come. I am afraid that the whole world will win the government by one person. Taken away.” Yan Dan clearly saw that all the people in the court, including King Yan Wang Xidu, were shaken, as if they had received a huge shock. If Yan Kingdom is destroyed,

It was too alarmist, and no one in Yan Guo wanted to hear it now.

“What should the prince say?” Yan Wang Xiqiang supported his body and couldn’t show ugliness in the court. After all, it is necessary to show something to deal with winning politics.

Yan Dan didn’t know that this was just what Yan Wangxi was doing. He had repeatedly proposed various plans to win the government to Yan Wangxi, but all of them were rejected. At that time, King Yan was happy because the country of Yan was very far away from the country of Qin, and there was no time for the victory to attack.

No matter how far away, the people of Yan State still went to Qin State without hesitation. Yan Wangxi was no longer able to stay out of the matter. He had to admit that he ignored the winning government, but he did not ignore the Yan country.

“The power of Qin State to annex Korea and Chu is unprecedentedly strong. To deal with Qin State, the only policy today is that only the remaining four countries can reinvigorate to contend with it.” Yan Dan has long realized that the six countries last time. Togetherness is the only unique opportunity that can make Qin feel critical and outwitness the division. If it is really successful, there may not be Qin now.

The country exists.

Someone in the court protested: “The six kingdoms may not be able to destroy the State of Qin, let alone the current situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak.”

“That’s right, if King Qin repeats his tricks and splits Hezong, Chu’s prince will also know.

Yan Wangxi looked sad. They were right. Now if you want to fight against Qin, you have to take risks. If you win, it is easy to say, but if you lose, you just hit the gun. “What’s more, I, Yan Guo, is still at odds with Zhao Guo. If we really want to get together, Zhao Guo might not agree.”

“Father, if you don’t fight to the death, you will be destroyed by Qin sooner or later. Yan can no longer fight with Zhao. The four countries should unite and fight against Qin together.” Yan Dan said that the other four countries were impassioned and effective. What’s the use of fighting for life or death? It’s not about weakening each other’s national power, and finally letting Qin State sit back and enjoy the benefits of fishermen.

Yan Wangxi hesitated for a long time, and kept silent, neither agreeing nor denying it, and had to admit that he was a little moved by Yan Dan.

“Father! My son is willing to go and persuade other countries to participate in the unity, and follow the example of Mr. Su Qin back then, just to pacify the countries and punish the Qin!” Prince Dan fell to his knees with a thump, speaking of lofty ambitions. If it is full, the sun and the moon can be learned from the heart. .

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