Chapter 485 Scorpion Gate]

Regardless of a corpse on the ground, Ying Zheng and his party left this alley.

After they left, the two people on the roof let out a sigh of relief. What was the battle just now? It was simply a one-sided seckill.

Zi Nu asked: “How is this person’s strength?” She followed Yingzheng to find out what his skills were, but she saw this scene unexpectedly. Standing next to her is Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang frowned: “Only so few people were killed, and only two swords were used. The depth is not visible.

Zi Nu sighed softly: “This country Han is too unstable. Chu country’s army is under pressure, and I don’t know if Han country can survive.

Wei Zhuang jokingly asked, “You seem to care more than Han country. The performance of the dance at Zilanxuan has caused so many people to watch, and it seems that you have a high interest in this person.”

Zi Nu turned her head shyly: “So what?”

On the other side, the master of the poisonous scorpion gate looked at the four big characters on his face, and slapped him angrily: “Useless things, thirty people can’t handle even three people, two of them are women. Baby. What’s the use of raising you guys, get out!”

“The sect master should not provoke this person anymore. His martial arts are unfathomable, and he carries an extremely ferocious snake on his body. Not only are we not his opponents, even scorpions can’t hurt him.”

The master of the poisonous scorpion gate is called the poisonous scorpion, and he uses a special knife that is hardened with poison as a weapon. In the Han country, it can be regarded as a dominance, and its appearance is daunting. I didn’t expect to lose to a young boy.

“Don’t provoke? Hahaha, how could it be possible that this person is ridiculing my poisonous scorpion by doing this. Go and find out where this person has gone, my poisonous scorpion will get revenge!” The poisonous scorpion’s weapon glowed with chills. .

The poisonous scorpion door almost launched a search for the entire door. When they saw the death of the same door, they were all fatal, they knew that the other party was good. The reason for this poisonous scorpion is very simple, for the two women next to that man, I heard that they are the most beautiful women in the world, rare beauty in the world.

Yingzheng, Feiyan, Duanmurong and the others did not deliberately hide their whereabouts. Under the right search of the poisonous scorpion door, the poisonous scorpion found the door.

The poisonous scorpion saw Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong next to Ying Zheng at a glance. When he saw it, he was stunned. He stared at the two men, and his saliva flowed down.

Duan Mulong turned her face away disgustingly, while Feiyan hid behind Yingzheng: “What will the king do? There are strange people who are beautiful, I am the king’s woman, and the king must take good care of it.

Fei Yan’s voice was soft and soft, and the poisonous scorpion heard the sound at the tip of his ears, and his eyes were all attached to Fei Yan’s body. He said eagerly: “Give you a chance to get out and leave these two women to me. All the people in my poisonous scorpion door are outside. If you dare to resist, I immediately unloaded your legs.” The poisonous scorpion looked at Feiyan and Duanmurong, put away just now

Threatening the fierce face when winning politics: “Don’t be afraid of the two beauties. Stay with me and take care of me. I will treat you well and let you drink spicy food every day.

Fei Yan was attached to Ying Zheng’s ear: “Wang, he said he wants me to drink spicy food. What should I do? I was a little moved when he said that, I am leaving the king.” Fei Yan said mischievously.

The poisonous scorpion said excitedly: “Yes, beauty, come to my side, let me hug you.” He believed Feiyan’s words true.

Yingzheng squeezed Feiyan’s face: “You, when did you become so naughty, naughty children will be punished.” His tone was full of spoiling.

Fei Yan lightly hummed and shook off Ying Zheng’s hand, rubbing his cheek, just joking, why squeeze his face.

Yingzheng smiled faintly: “You are still here, there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, hell has no way, you have no way. Come to provoke me, it means you are ready to die.”

The poisonous scorpion sneered: “You still dare to speak madly, but outside the door is all the subordinates of my poisonous scorpion door, you are only one person, why are you against us. If you want me to die, I am afraid that it is you who die.” He clutched his stomach and laughed.

Ying Zheng took out the sword of heaven and earth, and used the same trick to deal with the Hundred Poison King and the Exorcist. The seemingly messy sword qi swayed, steadily avoiding the poisonous scorpion, and went straight to the door. There was a moan suddenly outside the door.

The poisonous scorpion looked at Yingzheng in a panic and then looked outside, yelling badly, and rushed out to take a look.The people of the poisonous scorpion door actually fell down, with dense sword wounds on their bodies, as if they were being injured by a group of people. It’s the same as people hacked to death with a knife.

“The poisonous scorpion door you are proud of is gone, so what should I say now.” Yingzheng said and looked at Feiyan: “It seems that he can’t take you to drink spicy food, or follow obediently. This king.” He was going to pinch Feiyan’s face while talking.

Fei Yan escaped in time: “Wang is really bad, he knew it was a joke, and he was so stingy.”

The two of them were flirting with each other, but the poisonous scorpion was scared to death. He trembled and tried to run 520, but was caught by Ying Zheng: “It is damned to disturb people’s dreams in the middle of the night.”

When the poisonous scorpion saw the victory, he begged for mercy again and again: “Please don’t kill me. I don’t know Taishan. I don’t know how sacred you are. You should not provoke you. I also ask you to raise your hands and let go. Me.”

“Let you go? What’s the reason?

The poisonous scorpion made a consistent statement. He dared to be so arrogant in Han country for a reason: “You can’t kill me, otherwise General Ji Wuye will not let you go.”

Win the government and remain unmoved.

The poisonous scorpion trembled and said, “General Ji Wuye, you are not a member of Han country. You should know that General Ji is a big man who can cover the sky with one hand in Han country. Even in the Seven Kingdoms, he is also a famous big man. You let go. I, I will say a few words in front of General Ji Wuye, the general will give you a reward, and in the future, you can also get a general in the Seven Kingdoms

Asylum. ”

Ying Zheng was amused by the poisonous scorpion: “If your patron is not Ji Wuye, it is really possible to escape today, but it is a pity.” Ying Zheng didn’t finish his words, and he broke the poisonous scorpion’s neck directly.

The poor poisonous scorpion didn’t know what to say in the end to win the government, or why he had to die when Ji Wuye was mentioned. .

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