Chapter 459 Shadows

Both Madam Hu and Hu Meiren accepted Duanmurong’s pharmacy. They unexpectedly discovered that this woman who seemed inaccessible at first glance was actually very kind and enthusiastic. I don’t know if it is the effect of medicine conditioning or because Yingzheng lives in Huoyu Villa. The two of them have recently been radiant and radiant.

Every day, I will dress up and dress up. Today I said that I would accompany Yingzheng to visit Huoyu Mountain Villa. Tomorrow, I would go to visit the mountains and play near the Villa. In short, there are various reasons to go with the government. This is an extremely precious time in their lives. The sisters were reserved for self-defense, but they couldn’t help but want to get close after they met the victory.

Ying Zheng did not reject their careful thoughts. Huoyu Villa is indeed a beautiful place. One side of the water and soil raises the other, and they all say Baiyue is rude and barbaric. It is really rare that Huoyu Villa can raise the gentle and elegant “Five Zero Three” Madam Hu and Hu Meiren. Taking this opportunity, Shengzheng also relaxed a bit, sweeping away the fatigue of running all the way.

Such days lasted for a while. A few days later, at night, three shadows sneaked into Huoyu Villa quietly. Winners and others have finally arrived.

The person who came was the three wolves with broken hair. The three of them hid in the dark night, lowering their voices and talking: “Zuo Sima Liu Yi disappeared for no reason, and Li Kai, as the right Sima, turned a blind eye. Huoyu Villa might Something big happened.”

Another person echoed: “Who knows, Liu Yi is such a frantic person who does things high-profile. How could he disappear suddenly? This is not his style of doing things. He finally appeared in Huoyu Villa. I don’t know what happened. What’s the matter?” They have carefully checked the situation in the villa in the past few days, and only one relative of Huo Yugong took two maids.

For the time being, Liu Yi is not in the villa and does not know when to leave.

Yuan Jiu said, “Regarding what happened to Huoyu Villa, it is the business to take Huoyu Agate. Act as planned!”

Others agreed that Fire Rain Agate was the purpose of their trip. How Liu Yi has nothing to do with them.

The three people’s plan has already been worked out. They acted in the dark night, for fear that others would not know that they were thieves. They poisoned the servants of Huoyu Villa to die one after another. One reason was that the people of Huoyu Villa were panicked. They closed the doors and windows at night and did not dare to go out. The second is to reduce the number of people in Huoyu Villa. Avoid them when they sneak in at night

Was discovered. It would be better if Huoyu Gong was scared to give up Huoyu Villa, and Huoyu Agate could be put into the bag with no effort.

They sneaked into Huo Yu Gong’s room. The most valuable thing is, of course, the safest thing to put on oneself, and it is expected that the same is true of Huo Yu. They didn’t guess wrong, the valuable Huoyu father indeed put the logo map of the location of the Huoyu mine in his room.

It’s just that the three wolves did not expect that they were waiting in the room not only the wealth of Huoyu Villa, but the victory of taking their lives.

As soon as I entered the room, the door behind him was firmly watched. Yingzheng emerged from the darkness. The night is not a place to hide dirt and grime. On the contrary, he can let all the ugly things have nowhere to hide.

This incident made the three wolves panic. After planning for so long, they had already understood everything about the Huoyu Villa thoroughly, and it was foolproof to start today. They stared blankly at winning the government, and they all made a defensive posture. One said: “One person dares to meet the three of us. You are seeking your own death.”

Another person also agreed and said: “A good dog doesn’t stand in the way. If you block people and money, don’t blame us for killing you.”

Yingzheng looked at the two men coldly: “The one who talks a lot will die first.”

Before the two could react, they saw a silver light passing by under the moonlight, shining straight on their necks. The speed of this sword was terrifying, even the speed of the blood spattering seemed to be half a beat slow, and the two of them had died soon.

Yuan Jiu was so stunned by the incident that he didn’t even dare to confirm that the two corpses on the ground were his brothers. He was left with the three wolves with broken hair all at once. It is difficult to look at Ying Zheng, and what catches the eyes of the vulture is a pair of immature faces. The opponent is very young, but has extraordinary force. The sword that I could not even see just now is not a vulgar thing.

Vulture faced winning politics alone, but not losing. He pretended to be calm and asked: “In the past few days, there is a relative of Huoyu who has taken refuge in the smallpox. It must be you.

Ying Zheng said as an answer, his eyes still watching the vulture calmly.

Three wolves with broken hair had been investigated long ago, and Huo Yu Gong did not have such a powerful relative. Vulture and Ying Zheng looked at each other. He felt that Ying Zheng’s eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water. There were turbulent waves hidden under the water. Only a gust of wind could stir up the blood and blood, and the bones were surging up. Such eyes are really terrifying. Vulture is a member of the three wolves with broken hair.

His hands were stained with blood, but he had never looked like a win in politics.

He felt a powerful shock from those eyes, like a pair of heavy hands, pressing his shoulders, causing him to kneel down involuntarily. While resisting this feeling, the vulture asked: “Who are you on earth?”

Yingzheng was too lazy to answer. This person was only left as a livelihood because he had few words. He didn’t have the mind to bother with him.

Yuan Jiu had been observing the action of winning the government, feeling a slight slack in the opponent, and immediately seized the opportunity to escape.

Before he turned around, an innate sword aura struck him in front of him. The vulture was so frightened that he didn’t dare to move, and the marks on the ground were terrifying. If this sword aura hits his neck, he might fly out of his head.

“Please, please forgive me, we are just a group of invulnerable thieves, Kaijian Huoyu Onyx only did this, my two brothers have already died under your hands, please let me go Let’s make a living.” The vulture knelt on the ground in horror, begging for mercy. The thieves often only have two results. They succeed and retreat, but they fail quickly to evacuate. Three wolves with broken hair is definitely not what he said

Not influential thieves, they have been arrogant for hundreds of years, and almost never missed.

Encountering such a situation was unexpected for the vulture, not only missed, but was also killed by two. If Yuanjiu couldn’t go back alive, the three wolves with broken hair would be completely wiped out in Huoyu Villa.

Ying Zheng looked at the vulture who kept begging for mercy, and wondered if he had left the wrong person. This person howled too loudly. “Since you are left, it will naturally not let you die easily.” The only living thing is to use it as a useful chess piece. .

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