Chapter 456 No one like this

“You, you are King Qin?” Li Kai’s breathing was short. Although there was a big living person standing in front of him, he seemed to have seen a ghost. He didn’t want to believe that King Qin Yingzheng had no reason to appear in Huoyu Villa.

The facts do not allow him to believe that, such a young innate realm, who among the Seven Kingdoms can reach? Naturally, it is the King of Qin who wins the government.

Liu Yi stared in panic. He roared, “Impossible! It is impossible to win the government, he is fake.” He dare not admit it or admit it. The words he just said to the government are enough to make him. Died tens of thousands of times.

Both legs of Liu Yi who fell on the ground were broken, so he had to slowly crawl away with his hands. He wanted to escape. The farther away from winning the government, the better. The cruelty of this man is everyone’s fear. He planted himself in his hands and had to be tortured to death.

Li Kai looked at Liu Yi’s appearance, only retribution was made in the reincarnation of the heavens, and when he fell to this point, no one could save it. Li Kai asked respectfully: “I would like to ask King Qin for forgiveness for the offense just now. I don’t know if the young man who is in the limelight in Chu State mentioned earlier is King Qin?” A meaningless confirmation, Li Kai has already confirmed it, since Yingzheng himself is here,

It’s no surprise that such a big noise can be made.

Yingzheng said lightly: “It’s the king.”

Liu Yi, who was struggling to climb into the distance, stopped and leaned down on the ground in despair. It’s useless, the world is so big, it’s useless for him to crawl anywhere. As long as he wins the government and wants to kill, he can take his life at any time.

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren covered their mouths in surprise when they heard Ying Zheng say this. As expected of the two sisters, their actions are exactly the same. The expressions in their eyes when they looked at Yingzheng have also changed. Who would have thought that a person who has always been a god, thought that his life would be impossible to achieve, but appeared by his side inadvertently. Accused of marriage. The most important thing is to win politics and merge

They didn’t show the meaning of rejection. They were both worried and full of expectation, and they didn’t know what to do.

Huo Yugong was sluggish for a long time before reacting. He was too confident in his ability to see people. These eyes have seen countless people, their character, what they are thinking, Huo Yu knows everything well. It’s a pity that he misread the most important person, the son-in-law he insisted on recruiting, turned out to be the king of Qin who won the government.

He hurriedly urged his daughters: “Hurry up and see King Qin, 々.” Although it was too late now.

Only then did Madam Hu and Hu Meiren react and hurriedly gave salutes. They are all educated women raised in a boudoir, and the gesture of saluting is full of salute, which is like tender and boneless, which is pleasing to the eye.

Winning politics let them waive the courtesy and settle Liu Yi’s matter first.

Knowing that Liu Yi could not escape his death today, Li Kaichang sighed and retired. What happened today was Liu Yixian’s lively activity of His Majesty King Qin, and it was the sin he deserved. What’s more, Li Kai didn’t dare to provoke victory, so he could hide as far as he could.

Li Kai stepped aside and stopped. Yingzheng walked forward step by step and slowly approached Liu Yi.

Both of Liu Yi’s legs were broken, and he could only struggle with his upper body. He reluctantly stood up and said, “I was wrong, King Qin is forgiving. I shouldn’t be so rude to King Qin and want to miss King Qin’s woman. Please Qin King forgive me. Live it.”

His words cannot be his capital for begging for mercy at all. “It seems that you really know where you are wrong. Then you should use your life as the price.” The winning voice was cold, and he did not let him go. the meaning of.

Although both Madam Hu and Hu Meiren are soft-hearted female generations, they still hope that winning politics can kill Liu Yi. Such a person will only be a scourge to stay in the world. It will keep his life, and it is impossible to guarantee that he will not come back in the future. Revenge on Huoyu Villa.

Fei Yan had long seen Liu Yi’s upset. She only found it interesting when she looked at Liu Yi’s appearance: “Didn’t you just remind you? What happened to the last lustful person like you? You can refer to King Chu Kaorie’s. Son, the man named Xiong Han, does not know that he is reluctant to chop it off?

This Xiong Han really deserves it. “Now I’m given you two choices. Either kill with a single blow or die with a single stroke. You choose.”

Knowing that Hengjian was dead, Liu Yi was terrified: “I beg Qin Wangnian to see the relationship between Han and Qin, for the face of Princess Honglian, please spare me a little life.” Liu Yi hoarse. He cried, and he no longer dared to say that Qin was married to rely on Han, and that Princess Honglian, who had never met before, could only rely on her to save himself.

Yingzheng didn’t even kill the soldiers of Han country, so he must still worry about Han country’s side. Liu Yi feels that he has found hope of life, as long as he can firmly grasp the life-saving straw of Han country, he can survive.

Prior to this, Yingzheng had considered the relationship between Han and Qin. He knew that as long as one side of the two countries had a different mind, the relationship established by marriage would collapse in an instant. The first person to bear the brunt is Honglian. Yingzheng feels very sorry for the innocent and innocent woman, and doesn’t want her to be hurt by the political turmoil, and Yingzheng wants to protect her forever.

Under his wings, I could not see the flames of war outside, nor could I hear the sound of killing.

Just have a dream that never ends.

Liu Xingyi hesitated to win the government, and quickly climbed to the feet of the win: “”Xie Qin Wang’s grace not to kill. “He thought he had escaped.

But it’s unbelievable that the next moment, Ying Zheng swings his sword and seals his throat with a sword.

Liu Yi didn’t know what made Yingzheng kill him so firmly. It is true that the country of asylum is not false, and it is not false to not want this relationship to be broken, but no one can offend Da Qin, nor can he offend King Qin. Offenders can only apologize with death. It is also a curse for people like Liu Yi (Li’s good) to harm the country of Han. Yingzheng is now helping him out, and Wangan Han has to thank Qinguo.

Duan Mulong has seen the way when winning the government’s anti-virus and anti-virus, knowing that the methods used to win the government are harsh. If you say why Liu Yi died, it might be because he didn’t know enough about winning the government. That’s what a king should be like.

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren were taken aback by the splash of blood, and conditioned them to drill into Ying Zheng’s arms, shaking their eyes. They had never seen such a scene before, and their fear of death had made them forget to win. The identity of King Zheng Qin only knows that this person is very reliable, and he can only be protected by staying with him.

Naturally, Huo Yugong did not panic like them, and coughed dryly twice, reminding his daughters to know etiquette and pay attention to manners.

After Madam Hu and Hu Meiren reacted, they got a little embarrassed and moved away from the separate sides, standing with lowered eyebrows and hands.

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