Chapter 454 Are you serious?]

Liu Yi was very dissatisfied with Li Kai’s statement: “What is King Qin? It’s not that he cooperated with Han country obediently.

What he said is indeed true, and everyone knows the marriage of Qin and Han. However, knowing and saying it is different after all. Madam Hu and Meiren Hu are already in love with the King of Qin, but Liu Yi expresses sarcasm everywhere in his words, which makes them very dissatisfied.

They knew that they had already “married to someone else”, and it was no longer appropriate to say more about King Qin, and they could only hold back their hatred of Liu Yi.

Li Kai was very dissatisfied when he heard Liu Yi’s words, but he couldn’t stop him and could only remain silent. Why the Han country wants to marry the Qin country, they, as the left and right Sima of the Han country, of course understand the reason. Liu Yi kept saying that Qin wanted to depend on Han, and he was really overwhelmed.

Winning the government showed that the “Five Zero Three” was calm and calm and did not argue with Liu Yi. If he really thinks so, then it is good to think so. The blind and arrogant people will eventually perish themselves. Hu Meiren was uncomfortable by Liu Yi’s disgusting eyes, and she kept leaning against the winning government, wishing to hide herself in the shadow of the winning government.

Liu Yi saw that the beauty was so ignorant of good and evil. Can he dignified Zuo Sima not be able to compare to an ordinary rich man? The more Liu Yi watched the winning government, the more obstructive he became. “You, get out of Huoyu Villa.”

Huo Yugong just got up to apologize to Liu Yi: “Sir Zuo Sima, the little girl is not sensible, so I hope my lord Haihan.”

“I’m letting this kid roll.” Liu Yi lifted his chin and looked at Winning with contempt.

Huo Yugong couldn’t figure it out, how could this provoke him. This Young Master Ying did not say anything very well. Is it because Liu Yi is ashamed of himself, or because Young Master Ying married his own daughter with a grudge, or that some people can be jealous by sitting there? Said: “This son will be the old man’s son-in-law from now on.

Suitable. ”

Liu Yi sneered: “It turned out to be a soft meal.”

These words ignited Feiyan’s anger. She was already angry, and Liu Yi shouted that she would dare to speak rudely. Since she is looking for death, she can only grant him one death. She stood up and faced Liu Yi: “If you dare to say one more thing, I will collect the body for you.”,

Liu Yi only noticed the two women sitting in the distance. Before, he only cared about Madam Hu and Meiren Hu. He didn’t even notice these two stunning beauties. He squinted and said, “There are also two great beauties here. Well, Lord Huo Yu, is this your daughter too?’

Duke Huo Yu quickly waved his hand and said no: “It’s just this young man’s maid.”

“What? It’s just a maid!” Liu Yi was shocked, and then looked back at the person in front of him, thinking that he is really a blessing. With such a beautiful maid, he has the two daughters of Huo Yu Gong. How can he sit? Have so many beauties? But in other words, if he is gone or is dead and disappeared, these beauties are not the flowers of no masters. Liu Yi revealed

A sinister smile, these beauties, he accepted.

Huo Yu Gong was scared into a cold sweat when he saw Liu Yi’s expression. This greedy appearance was exactly the same as those who coveted Huoyu Agate. Huo Yugong knows that greed is a sharp knife, which can either stab others or hurt oneself. Liu Yi now clearly wants to use this sharp knife to stab Master Ying.

“Come here, this is the Baiyue rebels, arrest him!” Liu Yi suddenly ordered.

As soon as the words fell, dozens of soldiers from the Han country broke in outside the door, and they were about to rush up with their weapons facing the victory.

Li Kai saw that the situation was not good, and was about to stand up to stop Liu Yi. But the opponent stared back: “Could it be that you are going to disobey the will of King Han.” After moving out the name of King Han, Li Kai could only sit down unwillingly. Li Kai knows that Liu Yi is the biggest here. No one dares to disobey what he said, and he has no ability to stop him.

Both Mrs. Hu and Meiren Hu were frightened and stupefied. What Baiyue insurgents was basically Liu Yi’s excuse for murder. The two of them had never seen such a battle before, holding the arms of the winning government on the left and the right, and didn’t want to let the winning government leave.

Yingzheng was held by Madam Hu and Meiren Hu, and couldn’t even stand up for a while. Seeing that they closed their eyes and wrinkled, and leaned their heads on themselves, Ying Zheng could only sigh softly: “Let go.”

How could it be possible to let go, Madam Hu and Hu Meiren hugged tighter: “No, if you let go, you will never be able to catch it anymore in this life and this life. Is it possible that our sisters are going to be widows so soon?”

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren looked reluctant, and even the soldiers of the Han country were reluctant to look at them. Liu Yi was even more fascinated by the appearance of these two beauties, and shouted at the soldiers of the Han country: “What are you doing in a daze, capture this Baiyue rebel!”

Yingzheng could only whisper helplessly in their ears: “Don’t worry, you won’t leave.

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren raised their heads with suspicion, and stared at the winning government closely, for fear that the winning government would just leave. Huoyu Villa is inherently difficult to protect itself, and there are no strong guards in the village, and there are only two “maidens” in the house. Madam Hu and Hu Meiren really couldn’t think of any way to deal with the current situation.

Fei Yan noticed the eyes of Madam Hu and Meiren Hu for help, snorted and ignored them. It is definitely impossible to save them, and it is even more impossible to save the government. Now that it is time to tear the face, winning the government no longer needs to be bound by hands and feet, Fei Yan knows: These people are dead!

Winning doesn’t know how many siege he has gone through. No matter how many people come from the other side and how tight the formation is, he will not be able to touch him at all. Now I was hugged by two women and didn’t let go, because I didn’t know how to break free in them. When they finally let go, they gave the winning government a feeling of 1.3 that they had been in the cage for a long time.

He adjusted his clothes and stood up, scanned the surrounding soldiers of Han country, and finally looked at Liu Yi: “Are you serious?”

Hearing this question, Liu Yi laughed: “Why, you are so scared? Now if you kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, I might still give you a good time.” Liu Yi wanted to kill his assassin and dare to snatch his woman. Can’t live anymore.

Huo Yugong hurriedly asked for help and left, but Li Kai just sighed and said nothing. With Liu Yi’s side for so long, he has seen such things a lot, this person will die, just like those who fought with Liu Yi for women before.

Rao is a sleek person like Huo Yugong who doesn’t know how to deal with this scene. He can only be anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

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