Chapter 451 Fire Rain Agate]

Huo Yugong asked embarrassingly: “Looking at the young master as a talent, I don’t know who the last name is, and where does it come from?”

Without waiting for Ying Zheng to speak, Duan Mu Rong took the lead: “My son’s surname is winning, and the others will not be able to tell Huo Yu.” Concealing the identity for Ying Zheng is also the responsibility of being a “maid”. Just a surname, even if it can be associated No one dared to be sure until King Qin won the government.

Huoyu was so fair, his first reaction was King Qin’s victory. Seeing that the boy in front of him did indeed have a kingly demeanor, but King Qin must have lived high in Xianyang City, and it would never be possible to come to him at Huoyu Mountain Villa. Huo Yu quickly dispelled the suspicion in his heart, but he bowed his hands and said, “Master Win.”

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren on the side were simple-minded and not as thoughtful as Huo Yugong. As soon as they heard the surname wins, they immediately asked: “Could it be King Qin who wins politics?”

As soon as the words were spoken, Fei Yan gave a cold stare. She was originally hostile to Madam Hu and Hu Meiren. In order to hide her identity this time when she went out, she even changed the clothes she used to wear at the Yin Yang house and changed to ordinary clothes. All the accessories on her body are removed except for the pair of earrings. She is the girl who likes gorgeous colors the most, because she wears too much

Simple but not used to it.

When I saw the little doctor girl who was plain white, I felt a little balanced in my heart. Now I meet Madam Hu and Hu Meiren, they are worthy of Huo Yu Gong’s palm jewels, they are very exquisitely dressed, especially the light veil between Hu Meiren’s hips and arms, always falling down like nothing. In the eyes of Feiyan, they just guessed the identity of the winning government and did so deliberately.

Fei Yan practiced Yin Yang technique, he could kill people invisibly with a pair of water-cut autumn pupils. Although he didn’t use Yin Yang technique in his eyes, it made Madam Hu and Hu Meiren feel cool behind them.

When the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Ying Zheng said lightly: “Naturally not, 々.”

Huoyu Gong was sleek, and said at a discount: “The little girl has been raised in Huoyu Mountain Villa since she was a child, and the gate will not go out. The surname of the world wins only knows King Qin, and I hope my son will forgive me.”

Yingzheng nodded slightly. Duan Mulong regretted it secretly in her heart. King Qin’s surname, anyone who dares to abuse it, Huo Yu must have regarded winning politics as a nobleman of the Qin State.

Hu Meiren said with a little bit of beauty: “It was not what my father told our sisters. We have heard about the deeds of that man. Especially his deeds of treating smallpox patients in the Six Kingdoms. My father has often talked about it recently. On the side. It’s no surprise that our sisters don’t know.”

Huo Yugong looked at his daughter embarrassingly, how could he even shake out these things. This Young Master Ying might have something to do with King Qin. If his two daughters said anything bad about King Qin for a while, then the entire Huoyu Villa might not be able to eat.

Madam Hu is much more calm and introverted than Hu Meiren, knowing that these words should not be spoken to the guests, and stretched out her hand to stop Hu Meiren from talking nonsense.

As long as Hu Meiren mentioned King Qin’s victory in politics, she would always talk endlessly, as if she had endless words. On weekdays, the two sisters just talk to each other. The situation today is really inconvenient.

Fei Yan thought things were interesting, and saw that as soon as Hu Meiren opened her words, she couldn’t stop at all. She deliberately provoked: “I don’t know how fire and rain would tell you about King Qin in fair days?” Fei Yan got up at the Yin and Yang parents, her appearance was gentle and dignified, but she had many unknown thoughts in her heart. She did this deliberately

Hu Meiren talked about him in front of Yingzheng.

Since ancient times, all kings have done meritorious service, but it is unanimous that all kings only like to listen to others sing their merits. If someone makes irresponsible remarks in person, then his life is not guaranteed.

Hu Meiren heard Feiyan mention King Qin, and some of them lowered their heads and whispered: “King Qin is aloft, there is a mountain girl like me that can make reckless comments, but she learned some of King Qin’s deeds from her father. That’s it. My father said that King Qin alone can lead his troops to defeat the Huns, and even turn the general state of Zhao into scorched earth. Every war is an attack.

Invincible, invincible. An existence like a god of war.

When Huo Yugong heard his daughter say this, he was absolutely sure that King Qin, who was far away in the sky, had become his daughter’s favorite.

Mrs. Hu continued to add: “Father also said that King Qin treats smallpox for the people of the six countries. Only people with the world can do this. He takes the happiness of the people of the world as his own, which shows how broad-minded is.” Hu Meiren listened. After arriving, she held Madam Hu’s hand tightly. Their sisters were born together, and it is not surprising that they liked the same person.

Besides, the women in the world, except for the young daughter of the half-aged monk, who is in the infant, who does not admire King Qin?

After hearing what they said, Feiyan felt a little disappointed. It turns out that in the eyes of all women, winning politics is perfect, and I am afraid it is the same for that little doctor girl. Fei Yan couldn’t help but glance at Duanmu Rong. She asked Madam Hu and Meiren Hu: “You have heard that Huo Yugong has said so much about King Qin, don’t you know that he has recently accepted a king?

Concubine, that is the jewel in the palm of King Han, Princess Hongren. ”

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren frowned and stopped talking. How could they not know that at first it was just their father who talked about King Qin’s deeds from time to time, and later it turned out that the two of them chased after their father and asked about King Qin news. On the day when they heard that Qin State had acquired Princess Qin, the two of them were heartbroken, and in the end they could only persuade themselves, maybe it was only Qin State and Han State.

In the political marriage, King Qin might not like the princess of Han (Li’s).

They hold the last hope, even if they both know well, to them, King Qin is simply the top of the mountain, the star of the sky. Everything is their wishful wish.

Fei Yan was very satisfied with their expressions. Feiyan has always been with the winning government, and he has been by his side since he was the prince. Although a clear water appeared later, she didn’t care. Because she could see that Yingzheng didn’t mean anything to the girl. Until Honglian came to Qin country, she hurriedly went to confirm,

Yingzheng looked at Guren’s gaze.

It was something hotter than fire, and Fei Yan realized in despair that the woman who occupied the position of Princess Qin also occupied the heart of King Qin. There are only so many places for a heart. In any case, no one can share it anymore. .

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