Chapter 437 Fortunately, Red Lotus]

In the end, the anger of King Chukollie could only be transferred to Baiyue. He wanted to do this a long time ago. It’s always okay to beat Baiyue and defeat the government.

It was blocked by smallpox last time, as today the flower has passed. Finally, they can be ready to attack Baiyue again. Even if the number of people in the Chu Kingdom dropped sharply, King Chu Kaolie would have to let out such a bad breath. In his eyes, Xiao Xiao Baiyue was not afraid of him, even if there were few people, he could beat him.

On the second day when King Chukaorie again ordered the reorganization of the army, another soldier came to report: “Someone has been infected with smallpox in the army. I don’t know what the king will do?”

What else can I do? Continue to sigh outside. When King Chukaolie heard the news, his chest was sweet, and he actually vomited a mouthful of old blood. The blood flowed down the corner of his mouth and around his neck. It looked a little scary. He looked up to the sky and screamed: “Why does God only help win politics and not help widows? Winning politics can go smoothly, and widows just want to send troops to bully one.

Under Baiyue, smallpox will be used to punish Chu State. God is too unfair!” After saying that, the eyes went dark and fainted.

For Qin, everyone believes that smallpox has been perfectly solved. Now everyone in Da490qin has been vaccinated with cowpox, and those who have smallpox are already cured. Everyone is full of energy to welcome a new life after the catastrophe.

Soon a piece of news spread to every corner of Daqin like a thunderstorm: Han Wangan soon asked Princess Honglian to officially marry Daqin. This was originally decided earlier, because the smallpox broke out for so long. Daqin has completely defeated the smallpox, so naturally it can’t be dragged on any longer.

Da Qin cheered up and down. When Da Qin was renewed with a new life, it happened that their king married the bride. Everything came by coincidence.

Of course, only the people of Qin State were pleased with this news. When the monarchs of the other five countries heard the news, they all looked at each other coldly. Speaking of this, I was also ridiculing Han Wangan, saying that he was selling his daughter and accompany Han Guo as a dowry for nothing.

Han Wangan didn’t take it seriously, and publicized the matter of Princess Honglian’s marriage to Daqin. He wanted to let everyone know: “The country of Han and Daqin are tied together. From now on, Han Wangan is the father-in-law who won the government. If he is disrespectful to the country of Han. , Is tantamount to disrespect to Qin. The consequences are self-evident.”

Regarding this relationship, Han Wang An is proud, and it is true that it is better to have a son than to adopt a daughter. If you can’t win the government, you can still rely on the relationship with your daughter to climb on the top of the government. It is really cost-effective.

At the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, Han Fei sneezed inexplicably. He rubbed the tip of his nose with his index finger and muttered to himself: “I just felt like someone was scolding me?”

Is Brother Han too excited to hear that his sister is coming? It’s not a good thing to lose courtesy in the hall. Li Si joked on the side.

“The king, please forgive me, but the minister hasn’t seen my sister for a long time, so I missed it a little.” Han Fei’s answer was very calm.

Li Si also said: “When Da Qin officially marries Princess Honglian, Brother Han is the elder brother of King Qin.” This relationship is correct.

Everyone hurriedly went to see the look of winning the government. They had been officials for many years, and they still knew the basics of observing words and colors. Yingzheng did not show irritation, nor reprimanded Li Si, and seemed to be very helpful to this “brother”.

The courtiers all respectfully congratulate Han Fei. Princess Honglian married into Daqin, and the biggest influence on the court is Han Fei’s status. If this Princess Honglian can win the favor of King Qin, then Han Fei will have an unlimited future in the future. They all envied that Han Fei had such a sister. If this situation were placed on them, they would not be able to lift their heads into the sky in the court.

Han Fei shook his head and said, “Emperor, monarch, minister, father, father and son, Han Fei is a courtier of Qin, so he will never commit crimes for life.”

These words were righteous, and even the winning government nodded in satisfaction. Being able to understand the difference in identity, knowing (aibd) how to deal with oneself, not humble or overbearing, is a plastic talent.

For this great event, Daqin’s officials successively presented gifts, nothing more than valuable small objects, to win the government’s order, Zhao Gao, and collect them. If Princess Honglian is interested in something, just take it away.

A few days later, Daqin’s guard of honor returned to Daqin with the most beautiful princess of Han country. Honglian changed her bright red clothes on purpose. When he jumped out of the car, Ying Zheng saw the bright red color and said to Honglian: “It is indeed Honglian Princess, who has amazing people.”

Before Guren could see the victory, she was ashamed by this sentence. Father Wang praised her for being considerate, Brother Wang praised her for being smart, the maids praised her for being cute, and others also said that she was well-behaved and innocent. No one has ever said to use the word stunning to describe her.

What is an amazing woman like? In Honglian’s perception, it is a graceful figure with a rich makeup on her face, which is full of teasing and can make men unable to look away. Woman. Young Guren can only understand this way. She believes in her heart that Yingzheng likes this kind of woman, and hopes to become that kind of woman.

She rubbed her skirt tightly with some nervousness. It was a red gauze, a color very suitable for the “stunning” woman.

Zhao Ji and Xia Ji looked very happy. Pulling the red lotus to the cold and asking warmth: “The journey is far away, are you affected?”

Guren went to another country for the first time, a little flustered. She still forced herself to calm down and showed her manners as the princess of Han country. She already felt that her fiance was a very dignified person. If she behaved like a child, it would make people feel that she was not worthy of winning politics.

Han Fei watched his sister behave so freely, and was full of emotion: “Hey, when did this naughty little princess also grow up? Time is so fast.

Li Si laughed on the side: “Why does this feeling make people think that Brother Han has entered his twilight years. Today is the day of Princess Honglian’s wedding. The elder brother is like a father, and Brother Han should not be as indifferent as his sister.”

Talking to Zhao Ji and Xia Ji, Hong Lian couldn’t control her gaze a little, and unconsciously peeked at winning politics. He knew that this man was his fiancé, a man who wanted to borrow her old life. She looked more handsome and mighty than her deep dreams in her boudoir.

Like her, Yingzheng changed into a red dress, minus a bit of aggressive domineering, and added a touch of gentleness like a spring breeze. I don’t know if the color of the clothes is too bright, or the weather in Daqin is too hot, Honglian’s face is flushed, and she has to bury her head to avoid being spotted.

Zhao Ji and Xia Ji naturally understand the thoughts of their daughter’s family best. It was probably the same when they got married back then. .

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