Chapter 416 Fan Wang’s orders, Da Qin dare not obey]

Even if King Wei Anli made up his mind, what could it be? When Yingzheng wants to make money for them, there are endless ways to earn it, and occasionally when they don’t want to make money, they can’t send it in if they want it.

Various government offices in Daqin have posted notices. The news this time may not be good for them: “The food ban? What is the food ban? Don’t let us eat food? Then we must not starve people to death. “This is the first reaction of the people when they heard the food ban.

“It’s not that you don’t eat food, it’s that the sale of food is prohibited.” The officers and soldiers explained patiently.

“Who gave this shameful order? Isn’t it the same as not letting people buy food? Some people have quick eyes and hands have prepared the food, but our family has not prepared it, how can we still let our family I’m starving to death.” Some rough guys were so short-tempered that they had an attack on the spot.

“Where did the Diao people utter wild words? This is an order from the king himself. If you dare to speak such words to slander the king, be careful that we catch you!” The officers and soldiers yelled, and the rough man was frightened and shivered. He didn’t dare to speak any more, and the people around him stared at him. Now Da Qin, if someone slanders King Qin, he will definitely be attacked by a group.

The officers and soldiers were relieved to see that this person stopped talking, and said: “The king’s ban on food does not prevent you from buying, look at it clearly. No one in Daqin is allowed to sell food to anyone in the six countries in any form. That is to say. Say, the food business in Daqin is OK. Are you still afraid of not having enough food?”

Hearing this, the rough man suddenly showed a silly smile: “Oh, it turned out to be like this. But why do you do this? Yesterday I heard that the price of food has increased more than ten times. It was sold to a merchant in the Wei country, so it was just said that we have no food at home.”

“Yes, yes, we still want to take this opportunity to make a lot of money. As you know, you know, our businessmen must make money the most important thing. It’s not good to cut people and money, right, 々.” Said the fat businessman.

“Are you a businessman from Daqin?” the officers and soldiers asked directly.

“Naturally.” The businessman was very proud when he spoke. As a Daqin businessman, he has always been able to get a lot of preferential treatment because of this status, get more sources of goods, and make a lot of profits. In front of the other six countries, Qin’s The merchants basically walked sideways. The money in the pockets of the merchants of the six countries is not theirs.

Merchants make all the money.

“It’s not that we cut off your wealth. This is the king’s order. Who dares not follow Daqin’s orders? What’s more, as a businessman in Daqin, don’t you know whose money you make depends on whom? The king’s business can’t make Daqin’s merchants profitable, so why don’t you give up a grain business?” The officers and soldiers were full of anger and spoke to the merchant.

You’re welcome.

There was another businessman standing beside him, he didn’t dare to say much now, because he was just a spy of Wei State disguised as a businessman. Standing in front of the notice, watching every move of the people of Da Qin. If they show doubts or resistance to the food ban, then they still have a chance. As long as there is a spot, they can take the opportunity to instigate and let the food ban exist in name only.

“We are all great laymen and we don’t know anything about the important affairs of the country. Since the king has given orders, we have to obey them. Without prohibiting the circulation of grain in Daqin, we will not be hungry.”

“That’s right, I am the first to agree. During the food ban, our hot pot restaurant has a discount for the people of Daqin, and we will never leave you hungry.” The young people who were taken care of, now have gradually matured, knowing to take the opportunity to do business and make money. This time not only can help the king soothe the hearts of the common people, but also

Take the opportunity to make the hot pot restaurant more popular, why not do it?

“Since it is the king’s order, then I have nothing to say. Although I am a businessman, I have not seen profit and righteousness. I have waited for my wealth to be granted by the king. This food prohibition order says Prohibit or ban, we will never sell a grain of rice to six countries.” The chubby businessman echoed.

The officers and soldiers nodded in satisfaction. When posting the notice this time, they saw this “bad news” and they were worried that the people would be unacceptable and cause trouble. Unexpectedly, the people’s admiration for the king had reached such a point, and the king would listen to what he said, and some people’s doubts were quickly suppressed. They have heard from others how Daqin is so strong,

I don’t feel deeply in it.

It is only until today that they have personally felt how the people of Daqin are united.

They are satisfied. The spies from the Wei state are not satisfied anymore. Now this situation is really unfavorable to them. We must find a way to get 10% back: “You people from the Qin state want to eat, and we also want to eat. Satiate, you can’t just ignore others when you are full. We in Wei are not humans. You really bear the heart to watch them live.

Starved to death? Although I am a businessman, I am now willing to buy food at a high price, just to find a way out for the common people of Wei State. ”

What he said is impassioned, and people who don’t know think he is really a businessman who considers the people.

The kind-hearted people were a little bit sad by what he said: “If there are really hungry people who can’t eat, my family still has some surplus food that can be given to you. This food prohibition says that it is not allowed to buy or sell, and it says that it can’t be given. There is not much food (for money), it can only save a living.”

The agent of Wei State saw that there was a door, and continued to add fuel and vinegar: “No, Wei is already weak. I don’t know how many hungry people have been starved to death. I came to Qin this time for nothing else, just to buy food and go back to rescue them. , I don’t make any money at all. Why did I just run into the food ban?

The officers and soldiers frowned upon hearing this: “No, no donation is allowed under the food ban. It is not allowed to give food to the people of the Six Nations in any form, so don’t you ask the defiant king!”

The people stopped talking, and they firmly believed that the king must have his reason for doing this.

“This man demon’s words to confuse the people must be unruly. Grab him and take him and let the king send him off.” The officers and soldiers gave an order, and the spy of Wei State didn’t even dare to struggle, so he was arrested. The spies Wei Guo hurriedly left after seeing it. ,

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