Chapter 400 The death of King Qin Zhuangxiang]

When Cheng Jiao saw this bottle of poison, he wanted to reach out for it. When he was about to touch him, Du Qianchi put his hand back: “This is the King Qin you are going to recommend? I think it’s just a hairy boy. My name is Call Du Qianchi, and I have been with poison all the year round, so I dare to stretch out my hand. . I don’t even know that I was almost poisoned to death.” After that, Mi Rong put an inch of time on the table.

Cheng Jiao didn’t even dare to take it now. This bottle was touched by Poison Qianchi. If there is poison on it, wouldn’t it be dead in front of Ying Zichu?

Hua Rong snorted coldly, and it was useless. After saying that, he picked up the bottle on the table: “With this kind of poison, the plan this time has a chance to win.”

The poison has already arrived, and if you leave the poison thousand chi for a long time, I am afraid that there will be future troubles. The poison thousand chi knows himself and left by himself. Mi Rong looked at the poison in his hand: “Win Zichu, win Zichu, you are finally going to die.” After that, he took an inch of time.

Cheng Jiao stared at Mi Rong’s hand blankly, thinking in his heart: “It’s really terrifying that just such a small bottle can kill King Qin.”

This poison was quickly mixed into Ying Zichu’s food by Mi Rong’s people, and then it was brought to Ying Zichu’s front. Winning Zichu just treated it as a daily diet, unsuspectingly picked up a chopstick and sent it to the mouth. He didn’t even taste the taste of the dishes. Winning Zichu felt that his eyes were black and fell down.

The people who were waiting on the side were also very scared. No one thought that the king suddenly fainted. Everyone was panicked. They also placed King Qin, invited the royal doctor, and notified the Sixth Palace. When Zhao Ji heard the news, she thought it was Ying Zichu who had a sudden illness. When she rushed over in a hurry, she saw that Ying Zichu was already lying on the bed.

Ying Zichu’s face was gray and lifeless.

When the imperial doctor rushed over, they were also very frightened. They sniffled with their hands and were dead. They did not dare to speak, but bowed their heads and knelt to the side, not daring to speak. Seeing them like this, Zhao Ji cried out in tears: “What are you doing in the 08th, hurry up and take the pulse for the king!”

The imperial doctors are still not moving. There is a kind of person in this world who doesn’t need to know the pulse, that is, the dead. Looking at them like this, Zhao Ji cried with her face closed: “What is the use of you, save the king quickly.” She already knew that Ying Zi Chu was dead, but it was difficult to accept it for a while. Others couldn’t bear to close their eyes, Zhao Ji couldn’t stand the stimulus, her eyes were dark and her body straightened

Fell down and fainted. When she fell down, she was still reading: “Zheng’er, Zheng’er.

After winning Zi Chu’s death, Zhao Ji’s only reliance was Ying Zheng.

At this time, it was Cheng Jiao who was guarding outside the Xianyang Palace. He was overjoyed when he thought that the aloof King Qin was about to die in his own hands. Seeing the people in the Xianyang Palace coming in and out, and then there was a lot of movement, Cheng Jiao knew that the matter was done, and that Ying Zichu was dead. He rushed in and knelt beside Ying Zichu’s body: “Father, father

What’s wrong with you? Why did you suddenly get sick? What can you do without your child?” He was playing the role of a filial son, and he cried loudly on purpose, but didn’t see any tears.

The news of King Qin’s death soon reached the ears of the courtiers. After they hurried to the court, they shed tears. The sky outside was originally clear, but there was a sudden violent wind and a sudden heavy rain. It seems that God is mourning for Da Qin.According to the plan, Mi Rong stepped in slowly: “People have blessings, life and death. The king will die, and the whole country will be embarrassed, but the country cannot be ruled for a day. Please read the edict of King Zhuang Xiang.”

When Cheng Jiao heard that Mi Rong was so direct, he couldn’t help showing a happy expression on his face. His name is written.

Lu Buwei arrived at this time. As soon as he came in, he heard Mi Rong say that he was going to read the will, and he vaguely felt that there must be fraud. This edict is undoubtedly passed to the winning government. Mi Rong and Cheng Jiao are incompatible with the winning government, and it is impossible for them to be anxious to let the winning government succeed. This will not do them any good.

“The king has just passed away, so he should be buried first, and the will be read out tomorrow.” Lu Buwei didn’t know what Fei Rong and Cheng Jiao were doing, but these two people rarely appeared in Xianyang Palace on weekdays. They appeared as soon as the king had an accident today, even faster than the imperial doctor came. There is definitely something strange. The most urgent task now is to hold back the edict

It’s the right thing to find an opportunity to inform the winning government.

When Cheng Jiao heard that Lu Buwei was going to postpone the reading of the will, he immediately became anxious, and jumped up from the ground and shouted loudly: “No! Absolutely not! I absolutely disagree! Read the will immediately.”

The courtiers found it strange that the edict, the national funeral, the succession to the throne and then the enthronement. These things, one by one, supposedly didn’t have anything to do with Cheng Jiao, so what did he do with such excitement. Seeing Cheng Jiao’s reaction, Lu Buwei’s eyes instantly cooled. There must be something weird in this. Even the death of Ying Zichu might have something to do with these two people.

Seeing that something was going wrong, Cheng Jiao cast a cry for help at Fei Rong. Mi Rong ignored his signal and said calmly: “Since Xiangguo said so, let’s read the will again tomorrow.

Zhao Ji has fainted. The only royal family present are Cheng Jiao and Mi Rong, so they can only preside over the overall situation. Mi Rong looked at Ying Zichu’s body when no one noticed, his expression was very hideous. Mi Rong’s hatred for Ying Zichu deep into his bones was finally reported today.

Lu Buwei took advantage of the chaos and left, went straight to the Prince’s House, and told Yingzheng the news of the death of his winning son Chu Xie.

In the prince’s mansion, Ying Zheng was originally accompanied by Feiyan and had a very happy conversation. He expected that Cheng Jiao would fight against the affairs of the Central Inspection Team, but he didn’t expect it to be such a major event as the killing of the king. Fei Yan was shocked and looked towards the victory. That flawless face always revealed the domineering face of the emperor. It collapsed for a moment, and it seemed to reveal many complicated feelings. Not yet

By the time the smoky smoke looked real, it had already converged back.

Lu Buwei was extremely anxious: “His Royal Highness, hurry to the Xianyang Palace, where is it necessary for you to control the situation.”

“No, this palace cannot appear at this time. Mi Rong and Cheng Jiao are so anxious to read the will, then it means that there must be a lot of articles on the will.” Ying Zheng’s tone was calm and did not show a trace of sorrow. On the contrary, he was very calm. People suspect that he may never have feelings. “If this palace appears now, they will definitely say that everyone is present, and they will announce today

Read the will. ”

Lu Buwei asked curiously: “His Royal Highness, this can’t hide from the fifteenth day of the first day, and you won’t be able to escape tomorrow.”

Ying Zheng said coldly: “This palace is not to escape, but to make some necessary preparations.”

[Chapter 396, Sounds of the rivers and seas, boundless mountains and rivers]

After Zhao Ji fainted, she was sent to the bedroom. The roar of thunder outside made her open her eyes. At that moment, she only felt that the sky had fallen. Yingzheng walked over quickly and sat beside Zhao Ji’s bed: “Mother Queen.”

Seeing the arrival of Yingzheng, Zhao Ji struggled to do it: “Zheng’er, your father, did he really leave us like this?” Her face was pale and her voice was hoarse. She was originally an unparalleled beauty. His face was haggard.

“It is a fact that the father and king Xie passed away. Da Qin has internal and external troubles. The mother and the queen must not be devastated. The child still needs a certain number of life.” Ying Zheng wiped the tears from Zhao Ji’s face and stared at her lifeless eyes. “Fei Cheng and Cheng Jiao colluded to kill his father and seek to usurp the throne. The child is going to stop them.”

Zhao Ji’s eyes widened: “Zheng’er, what are you talking about? Mi Rong and Cheng Jiao, they killed your father? Usurp the throne? How do they usurp the throne, no one knows that your father will pass the throne to you. “These things came too suddenly, and she couldn’t react at all.

“Mother, the child knows that these things are difficult for you to accept at the moment. But now you have to face it, and it is urgent.” Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Ji with firm eyes.

This is what he looks like when he is serious. As a mother, Zhao Ji certainly understands his children. She had to force herself to come out of her grief: “Zheng’er just tell her what she needs her mother to do.”

“As a queen, we urgently call a group of ministers to guard the spirit of the father and king.” Yingzheng took out a list. Except for the scholar-officials and the Chu people, everyone with high authority was listed on it.

Zhao Ji felt the seriousness of the matter and nodded heavily. As Ying Zheng said, at dawn, it is the time to determine the fate of Da Qin. In the next 100 years, who will control the ups and downs?

The morning light broke through the clouds, and on a new day, the Xianyang Palace was not as calm as it was yesterday.

Above the court, the ministers were standing on the side, Cheng Jiao was also standing in front. He had never loved the court like he is today. Winning Zi Chu is no longer on the throne. Lu Buwei and Zhao Ji stood on both sides of the throne. One of them was a court official and the other was regarded as a queen. Both of them would read the king’s will, and everything was done according to the process. The edict is placed in an airtight

In the gorgeous box, the eunuch took it out from behind the plaque of Xianyang Palace in full view, and handed it to Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei came to read out the contents of the will. After Lu Buwei opened the will, he went to see whose name was Cheng Jiao at first sight! His Royal Highness’s guess was correct. The will is indeed weird.

Seeing that Lu Buwei hadn’t read it for so long, Cheng Jiao became anxious: “Master Xiangguo is unable to read words. What is written on the edict, he hurriedly read it. What is he doing?

Lu Buwei showed a look of embarrassment and looked at Zhao Ji who was aside.

Zhao Ji was still immersed in great sadness. She really looked a little sluggish and did not respond to Lu Buwei’s eyes.

Cheng Jiao couldn’t wait any longer, and went straight up to grab the will from Lu Buwei’s hand: “Since Master Xiangguo is illiterate, I will do it for you.” He read out the contents of the edict: “Inheritance and Cheng Jiao.”Before the words came to an end, the Manchu dynasty civil and military were all surprised. The king really passed the throne to Cheng Jiao? Some low-ranking officials are already like grass on the wall, and they knelt down immediately after hearing the will read: “Chen, pay homage to the king.

Seeing these people so acquainted, Cheng Jiao showed a satisfied look on his face. When the people of Chu and the scholar-officials heard that Cheng Jiao succeeded to the throne, although they felt weird, they were ecstatic in their hearts. Originally, the day they succeeded to the throne was when their death date was approaching. Now replaced by Jiao, not only will they not die, they will also regain their power. They are very

Satisfied, he knelt down and shouted that Cheng Jiao was king.

Lu Buwei’s heart was burning with fire and moxibustion, hoping that the victory would appear as soon as possible. Now only a small number of people have not knelt down and acknowledged Cheng Jiao’s identity. If you don’t come again, I’m afraid it will be too late.

At 470, there was a bitter wind and rain outside the hall. Someone appeared holding an umbrella. The air of the emperor exuding from his body was not to be ignored. Everyone in the hall looked at that figure in unison. It’s not someone else, it’s just winning politics. He walked into the court without hesitation, his eyes swept over everyone, some standing, some kneeling, with different expressions.

Cheng Jiao was shocked by the emperor’s aura in Ying Zheng, forced himself to stand firm, raised his head proudly, and ordered Ying Zheng: “Kneel down to the widow.

Ying Zheng looked at Cheng Jiao coldly: “Why?”

“Oh, forgot that you didn’t know when you just came.” Cheng Jiao’s tone was very exaggerated. Are you still unconvinced when you kneel down?”

Yingzheng sneered and looked at Cheng Jiao’s ridiculous face: “I can’t see it clearly, please bring it closer.”

“Hahaha, what happened today, our Xiangguo is illiterate, and the prince is blind. You are really interesting, interesting.” Cheng Jiao smiled and joined together, showing his ugliness. Compared with him, winning the government is like the emperor, but more like the King of Qin. No, Taiben should have been King Qin. Cheng Jiao proudly threw the edict to Yingzheng.

Without raising his eyes, Yingzheng shot directly smashed the flying edict.

The edict turned into fragments and scattered on the ground, and the original appearance is no longer visible. Cheng Jiao was stunned by this scene. Before he could even close his laughing mouth, he froze in a very funny way: “Win the government, what are you doing!”

Yingzheng did not answer him, but just stepped forward step by step. Cheng Jiao was trembling by the pressure of the emperor on him, and stepped back step by step:” “The widow is the King of Qin. If you dare to be disrespectful to the widow, the widow will kill you thousands of times. “Ying Zheng did not stop because of his words, and continued to move forward, standing in front of the throne. Zhao Ji called out with concern: “Zheng’er

After winning the government on deaf ears, he turned sharply, spleen at the court officials, and shouted: “Who has been appointed as King Qin on the edict?”

Although this sentence is doubtful, it is beyond doubt. Who is King Qin, who can be King Qin, in the world, there is no one who wins the government!

All the officials bowed their heads: “There is no one else, it is His Royal Highness the Prince. I implore His Royal Highness to take the throne today.” For a time, the hall was full of boundless mountains and rivers, and life was boundless.

Yingzheng’s face full of frost showed a trace of relief. The road to the king has always been forged by blood. Ordinary people, generals, soldiers, civil and military officials, and even fathers and sons, and even fathers and sons. The victory of the government is standing here on this road. He looks back at the throne. In the future, no prince will win Politics.

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