Chapter 376 Sell ​​strongly, make money back! [third update, please customize]

More than two months have passed, and the progress of the construction of the Xianyang Palace is still in steady progress. Outside the Xianyang Palace, there are lots of vehicles, all of which are vehicles for transporting materials. The scholar-bureaucrats are already anxious. They haven’t spent the money to win politics in two months. This is too exaggerated.

More than two months, and another month later, when the construction of the Xianyang Palace was nearing completion, these scholar-officials sat on the ground: “It’s over, it’s over, this time is really over, how can he be so rich in winning the government? !’

It’s so rich and capricious. The three-month period has come, and the construction of the new Xianyang Palace has been successful. Among them, the most striking thing is the bedroom, which is three hundred meters higher than the original. Three miles away, there are three-story houses built in the style of small buildings. These small buildings are attached to the outside of Xianyang Palace. In addition to the format is more pleasing to the eye, it also adds a lingering sense of majesty. Xianyang Palace

Decorated with glass, looking from a distance, it is brilliant and majestic.

Other places including Yushufang, Yuhuayuan, etc. have also been repaired. Many places have been directly torn down and rebuilt. All of them have been constructed according to the envisioned before the victory, and the entire palace has been completely renewed.

Ying Zheng bought all the surrounding land for expansion. The current palace is a circle larger than before.

Once the Xianyang Palace was completed, Ying Zichu waited for three months and couldn’t wait to lead the civil and military officials to visit it together.

The officials of the cultural relics have witnessed the good buildings of the palace being torn down in the past three months, and the beautiful buildings have been built like a ruin. All this happened within three months? The speed is amazing.

These civil and military officials are naturally a group of literati and officials, and no one has forgotten their betting agreement with the Prince. Now when they walked on the new ground of the palace, they felt pain on their toes. They still couldn’t imagine that Yingzheng really rebuilt the Xianyang Palace. This is not a dream.

They now cherish every step they take, because soon they will be in close contact with the ground.

Unlike their pain, Ying Zichu looked at everything around him, shining brightly. Such a palace, standing on a high place and looking around, can give people a kind of pride and pride.

“Good, good, 々!” Ying Zi Chu uttered three good words in succession. The hundreds of officials around were shocked to see all this. Many of them had seen the other six palaces, and there was absolutely no half of them in front of them. gorgeous.

They have forgotten how they opposed the reconstruction of the Xianyang Palace in the courtroom before, and now they feel that everything in the palace is rare. Yingzheng has made a very reasonable design of the entire palace. They have demolished all the idle houses and changed some. The location of the place allows the important place to occupy a large area and the less useful place to be merged into the attic.

The entire palace pays great attention to decoration, and the things on the facade are very well done, as if showing off Daqin’s wealth.

Seeing the Baiguans looking at everything new in the palace like novel children, Ying Zheng smiled slightly: “You guys still love this new Xianyang Palace?”

The civil and military officials praised again and again, for a while they praised the exquisite structure here, and for a while the scenery was unique, and they were full of praise for the new palace. They were convinced this time, and had to admit that they won the government very well.

Ying Zheng heard their praise of the new palace and laughed more satisfied: “If the palace remembered correctly, there was a gambling agreement with the palace when discussing the reconstruction of Xianyang Palace.

When the scholar-bureaucrats heard this, they felt a squeak in their hearts. When it was over, the stone they moved and hit their feet. Winning the government is here to let them practice their bets. Some of the scholar-bureaucrats squeezed out a smiling face: “His Royal Highness, the minister was talking and laughing that day, so please don’t take it to heart.

“Yes, yeah, holy prince, this is unreasonable.

The literati forces have never been so united before. They are prepared to shirk like this first. If winning the government is true, the shitting is a bet by others, and it has nothing to do with them. Is it possible that winning the government can still make all the literati on the ground learn how to bark. ?Impossible, it is impossible to kill them!

Yingzheng smiled and said: “I would like to lose the gambling. But everyone said that it is difficult to chase after a word. It’s just that.” Yingzheng paused deliberately. Looking forward to winning the government, I look forward to his next sentence. “It’s just that, not today. We have agreed on the day when the Xianyang Palace is built.

Please fulfill your promises. ”

The scholar-bureaucrats did not understand the meaning of winning the government: “Please also ask His Royal Highness the Prince to make it clear.”

“Do you remember that when rebuilding houses for the people of Xianyang City, this palace built your houses around Xianyang Palace.”

The courtiers nodded one after another. At that time, the Saint Prince changed the pattern of the entire Xianyang city. For them, it is a good thing to have a new three-story small attic and closer to Xianyang Palace, and there is no objection. I just don’t know what Yingzheng is talking about now.

Ying Zheng showed a smile: “The Xianyang Palace that you are seeing now has not yet been fully completed, and the surrounding area needs to be expanded further. The adults’ houses are blocked, and Qing can only be demolished. ”

When the courtier heard it, it was pretty good! Their house was going to be demolished, where would they live? The Xianyang Palace is already big enough, and it has expanded outwards, and it is too insufficient to win the government.

Everyone was embarrassed, and Ying Zheng continued to say: “Could you be reluctant to bear it? It’s okay, this palace will leave you, and you will live in it.”

The courtiers all knew that this was absolutely impossible. Since ancient times, wherever ministers have placed their homes in the palace, isn’t that just like trying to usurp the throne? The important minister Liangjiang knows that this is absolutely insurmountable, and naturally it is not. Dare to live. Those scholar-bureaucrats and Chang (? Li Zhao) Ping Jun and Chang Guo are even more afraid to see the emperor and his like. Living in the palace is like winning the government.

Next, they can’t be killed by winning politics, and they don’t dare to stay.

“Take it down, you can dismantle it at will.” Even if they say it can’t be dismantled, it will definitely be dismantled by the swift and vigorous means of the holy prince.

“Dare to ask the prince, where shall I wait to live after this is demolished.” In the last city planning of Xianyang, their original mansion had been demolished, and a three-story pavilion had been built for civilians in that area. They really don’t know where to go after dismantling.

“You can rest assured that this palace will rebuild a three-story small attic for you as a gift to you from this palace.

The ministers wiped the sweat from their foreheads, glad they still had a place to go. Yingzheng continued to say: “One thousand taels on the first floor, and three thousand taels on the third floor. I hope you will deliver them as soon as possible, otherwise it would be really pitiful if there is nowhere to go.”

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