Chapter 344 Woolen thread processing factory! [Second more, please customize]

Winter comes very quickly, and before the first snow arrives, the first batch of dyed woolen sweaters from Daqin Garment Factory has already flowed to the market by merchants.

Last year’s grand occasion has not diminished, and people’s enthusiasm for dyeing woolen clothes remains the same. After they saw so many more styles, they didn’t like the one at home for an instant. Many styles made their eyes blind. I just want to buy one and change it.

Nowadays, Qin’s senior officials are already competing for the number of dyed woolen sweaters. The more they have, the richer they are.

After their comparison, the Yiqu people were happy to bloom. The county magistrate of Yiqu has been paying close attention to the wool business to let the people of Yiqu soften their profits. What I took out was a sweater, but what I got back was real money. They all shouted the talents of the new county magistrate, only he knew that this was just following the will of the prince’s “four thirty seven”.

It has nothing to do with himself. A few days later, the new county magistrate saw His Royal Highness the Prince Sheng again. This time, instead of dreaming in bed, he was sitting in the county office duty-bound, looking at the wool business accounts, and carefully checking. Make plans for people’s livelihood issues.

Yingzheng was also very pleased to see that he had lost his way and knew how to return: “Your performance is good. Yiqu County has supplied a large amount of wool, so that the wool business sells well, and you have contributed a lot to it.

“Don’t dare to be a minister. This is the duty of a minister. It is the third life of the minister to share the worries for the prince.”

“Now I am going to build a woolen thread processing factory here in Yiqu to directly produce woolen threads and send them to Baoyang County. In this way, not only can the pressure of Daqin Garment Factory be broken down, but Yiqu County can also get more benefits from it. .” Yingzheng announced its decision.

The new county magistrate thanked him again and again. The factory was still built by the Prince’s money. He didn’t have to worry about waiting for a factory. It was as simple as falling from the sky.

When the time comes to send some people to work in the woolen thread processing factory, there will be a lot of idle people, and use this business to pay them wages, so that they can also solve the problem of food and clothing.

Moreover, the remaining money can also be used for other construction in Yiqu County, and you can get more without a single stroke. The new county magistrate is happy in his heart, but now he can’t lose his temper in front of the Prince Sheng, so it feels a little uncomfortable.

Within a few days, the new county magistrate ushered in the construction team of the giant Sanmo. People in Yiqu County have only heard of the name of the giant Sanmo, but they have never seen them, let alone what it is that they came to Yiqu County. . They all watched curiously as they were busy in the open space around Yiqu County.

A factory was built shortly afterwards. At this time, the county magistrate of Yiqu told the people that it was specially used to process wool and would turn wool into woolen threads. The selling price will also be higher.

The people in Yiqu didn’t know what wool yarn was or how to process it, but they were excited when they heard that they could sell it at a higher price.

The county magistrate came up with a list of people who are relatively poor in the county. They all have young and strong laborers. If they want, they can enter the factory to work. As a result, the people of Yiqu became more interested.

They were all ready to kneel down and thank the county magistrate. Since he came, the life of the people in the county is getting better and better.

The county magistrate did not take credit, and made things clear: “I don’t deserve your thanks, because these things I did were ordered by His Royal Highness, I just did it. If you are grateful, thank His Royal Highness. .”

At this time, the people of Yiqu suddenly realized. The road outside was built by the Prince. The white painting of vegetables was instructed by the Prince. The new county magistrate was sent by the Prince. The cattle and sheep business was built by the Prince. Now the factory is also built by the Prince. The people of Yiqu had to admit that the Prince was their reborn parents.

The dyed woolen clothes are sold like fire like tea, and even those scarves and gloves are also sold very well. Finally, after more people know the benefits of this thing, they actually sell better than woolen clothes. Daqin Garment Factory has no way to change it. The rule of using only scraps to make.

Some of the finest wool is also used to make scarves and gloves, but Xiaoying doesn’t feel tired when she is busy and outside. She gives other female workers the gloves and other things to do, and she makes scarves wholeheartedly.

Every time she made a scarf, she would show a smile that was not easily noticeable by others. She was looking forward to making the best one and giving it to His Royal Highness Prince Prince. Only the best can match that person. Exchange the plain white scraps back.

Bai Huagan once again came to report: “His Royal Highness Prince, the dyed woolen sweaters are now selling very well, and there is already a good mass base in Daqin. There is no shortage of raw materials. Many merchants have begun to circulate in the six countries and need No need to manage them?”

He understands the meaning of winning politics very well. It is nothing more than calling him to collect taxes. Although the money flows to Daqin honestly in the end, collecting taxes can reduce the loss in the middle. Come together better.

Ying Zheng chuckled, “It’s okay. Anyway, this year’s dyed woolen sweaters are only sold to merchants in Daqin. The more they buy, the more taxes I will collect.”

Bai Huagan wanted to say something, and Ying Zheng interrupted him directly: “Now the circulation of Qin Chao is also accelerating, and many merchants from the Six Nations have recognized the status of Qin Chao. The transaction between the Six Kingdoms and Da Qin is very important. convenient.”

This is undoubtedly true. Bai Huagan also nodded his approval: “Now the Bai family’s glass greenhouse business is also doing very well, and the goods sold by Yiqu Country have also been idled by the other party.

“Then you must have more taxes.” Yingzheng made fun of deliberately, but he did not forget that Bai Huagan is now the person with the highest tax rate here, and 60% of the money he earns is because he won the government.

Bai Huagan smiled a little bitterly. He was able to tease him so easily and happily, but he just didn’t mention the tax reduction for him. It looked like a good friend, but it was actually so bad. The winner is a businessman. It must be a big deal. Profiteer!

The two chatted for a while, and then Bai Huagan left. Now he is very busy and has no spare time to chat. I need to keep a close eye on my own business.

Yingzheng walked to the window and saw a piece of snow suddenly fell from the sky and the earth, and then one after another, the first snow in Xianyang city came. Yingzheng is looking forward to a beautiful snow scene. At that time, he can have fun with the people of Xianyang City and appreciate Ruixue together.

At this time, among the Six Nations, the dyed woolen clothes were thrown into a spring thunder, which attracted the attention of all the people of the Six Nations. They can’t care about whether it snows or not. Dyeing woolen clothes is what they care about most. .

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