Chapter 298 I saw the newcomer laughing]

Although Lu Buwei didn’t know why Yingzheng mentioned this incident suddenly, he still answered honestly: “It’s almost done, only the final touches are left.”

Ying Zheng is very concerned about this book. The value of Lu Shi Chun Qiu is even higher than Qin Xue. Qin Xue is just about winning together some superficial things, from the three aspects of politics, economy and people’s livelihood. To improve the state of Qin, let the people not be too dull, have a group of open-minded people, and promote the development of Qin.

But how long can Qin learning be applied? Yingzheng has been thinking about this problem all the time. The essence of things from the times is the real culture. Yingzheng told Lu Buwei: “After the book is completed, it will be shown to the widows.

Lu Buwei leaned over and took his orders. It is his honor to win politics so much for this book. After several members of the cabinet discussed how to deal with Zhao’s affairs, they separated and they should continue to be busy. Winning the government can steal his life for a long time. Once the attack on Zhao Guo is over, he can finally breathe a little relieved.

In this Xianyang Palace, the mood of winning the government is relaxed, but it does not mean that everyone is so relaxed. There is a elder sister in the harem who is nervous.

Mrs. Mingzhu led Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng to take a bath and put on Qin’s palace costumes. What has faded is not the dress of Princess Zhao, but their identities. From then on, they have been the female-people of the harem of Qin.

Zhao Feiyan’s body is extremely slender and weak, and Mrs. Pearl said she was surprised when she saw it: “It is said that women are too fat to be too much and too thin to be too thin. It is not good to be too fat or too thin. But you are strange, such a thin body. It’s the same as the jade carving.” Mrs. Mingzhu helped Zhao Feiyan take off her dress and kept looking at her body.

As the princess of the Zhao country, Zhao Feiyan was treated like this before, and she blushed immediately. She saw that Mrs. Mingzhu dared to be so presumptuous in front of the victory. It’s better not to cause trouble when you get it done. Both Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng dared not provoke Mrs. Pearl.

But Mrs. Mingzhu’s boldness is as usual. She stretched out her hand and gently pressed a few times on Zhao Feiyan’s body: “The figure is good, but what King Qin wants you to do is to learn to dance. Your bones are too hard and you want to dance a moving dance. Come, I’m afraid I will have to suffer a lot.

Zhao Feifeng held her breath on the sidelines. She felt that Madame Pearl’s boldness was also part of her charm.

Noting Zhao Feifeng’s scorching gaze, Mrs. Mingzhu asked with interest: “You seem to be very interested in me.” It’s just that when she looked at winning politics, her eyes were even more scorching. Mrs. Mingzhu could see that compared with the sisters, Zhao Feifeng was far more interested in winning politics than Zhao Feiyan, and even regarded her sister as a thorn in the eye.

Daqin’s harem doesn’t need these women to intimidate me, and Mrs. Pearl doesn’t need it. She leaned close to Zhao Feifeng: “Your bones are interesting, I wonder if you have no bones.” Zhao Feifeng was shy, so he entered the bath early and leaned on the edge.

Mrs. Pearl didn’t mind, she half-faded her outer shirt and jumped into the pool. The warm water in the bath was hot, dispelling the chill and tiredness. Mrs. Mingzhu gently drew the water, and stretched out her hand to Zhao Feifeng: “We are all women, what is so shy about my sister. If we run away like this now, won’t we have to sink in when King Qin arrives? Go to the bottom of the pool?”

“King Qin?” Zhao Feifeng was attracted by this word. After she left the hall, she had been thinking about when to see Yingzheng again. When she was in the hall, she just hurriedly, Zhao Feifeng hadn’t been able to take a closer look.

Mrs. Mingzhu watched Zhao Feifeng fluttered by the water in the bath, her joints were reddish, and there were dots of water on her eyelashes, and Zhao Feifeng just leaned on the side, smiling against the spring breeze and didn’t know it, you Not charming, self-contained. These two sisters are indeed interesting, and they will surely bring infinite surprises to the harem of Qin in the future.

Mrs. Mingzhu had long guessed that the winning government will come. A pair of peerless ladies is here. Anyone will eagerly take a look. Mrs. Mingzhu did this deliberately. Originally, Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng sent them to the dragon couch after bathing, but Mrs. Mingzhu was on a whim and thought this place seemed good.

Said it is a bathing place, but it is extremely luxurious. Spending money to build a huge bath, don’t say that Mrs. Zhu and Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng are three people. Even if you come to ten more, you can put it down. It was originally enjoyed by Yingzheng alone, but it was caused many times by the clingy little princess in the harem.

The winning government had to give an order to open this place to the harem.

0……for flowers…

Because of this, a circle of lotus ornamentation has been added to the edge of the bath, which is enough to see the eccentricity of winning the government. With the frequent entry and exit of the harem concubine, many of the functions of the design here have changed. For example, the night pearl on the top was originally inlaid for lighting, but now it reflects the beauty of the jade bone and ice muscle, which is white and tender.

Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng also marveled at the luxury of the Qin King’s Palace. When they were in the Kingdom of Zhao, the bath was just a wooden barrel. Wherever they have seen this battle, Qin’s wealth and strength can be seen.

While talking, the person that Mrs. Mingzhu had been waiting for appeared. After Yingzheng and the cabinet had discussed major national affairs, they had not seen Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng and others, and he knew that Mrs. Mingzhu had another trick. As soon as I walked in, Ying Zheng keenly felt a strange fragrance, and the fragrance in the bath was really lighted. It should be from Mrs. Pearl’s handwriting.

Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng walked in without expecting to win the government. They shyly shrank in the pool and did not dare to move. They hugged themselves tightly with their hands, and stared at the place where the clothes were placed: “Why is King Qin Qin here?”

Mrs. Mingzhu smiled and said, “What are you talking about? This is the palace of the Qin Kingdom. There are places that belong to the King of Qin everywhere. Naturally, you can go wherever you think.”

The sisters simply thought that the hotness they felt was due to the temperature of the pool water. They saw the charm of Mrs. Pearl but did not know the level of Mrs. Pearl’s fragrance. In fact, there are many things they don’t know. In Qin’s harem, every woman is not simple.

The sisters Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng were best dealt with. Mrs. Mingzhu just attached them to their ears and asked: “Do you want King Zhao to enjoy his old age?” The meaning of the words is very simple, and both sisters can understand. They can only think about the rest.

What else is there to think about? There is only the only choice. Water drops gather on the skin, then slowly slide down, and fall to the ground. The scenery is beautiful when the beauty goes out in the bath. factory.

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