Chapter 259 The name of the two farms and Mexico is left in history! Opportunity to rise! [First update, please customize]

I have to say that Shen Lang’s level of flattering during this period of time has been greatly improved.

Under Shen Lang’s emotions, Tian Xiangzi finally stopped crying, and turned to congratulate Shen Lang with each other. The scene returned to joy and was no longer so sensational.

The Zhu family also feels the same. Unknowingly, he has led the farmer to Qin for more than one year or two years, and his understanding of winning politics has become more and more profound.

Gratitude and gratitude, this kind of thing has been expressed countless times, and now there is no need to join in the fun at this time, and as the farmer’s chivalrous man, he also has a very simple truth.

“His Royal Highness, it is still too early to say success! After all, although the seeds have sprouted, whether they can blossom and bear fruit, and whether they can finally survive the test of the cold winter, this is still unknown!” The Zhu family poured a pot of cold water.

“Three Eight Three”

Winning politics has a bottom in mind, and the experience of later generations has long been demonstrated countless times.

“The conditions for the growth of crops are already in place, and there is no shortage of various technical supports! The ultimate success depends on your farmer. This is why the prince keeps you here.”

Upon hearing this, Zhu’s facial makeup was replaced with a dejected bitter face.

Great responsibility!

“Hehe, the cultivation of all kinds of crops is exactly what your farmer needs to consider! As a farmer, you are duty-bound!

“In addition, the “Agricultural Code” is not static! The planting experience in the glass greenhouse and various precautions need to be recorded and written into the agricultural code for easy promotion in the future! Useful things are summarized, and the book is published. , Give it to the prince!”

The Zhu family’s spirit came immediately!

The planting experience must be more and more perfect, and various innovations and techniques must continue to emerge. His Royal Highness’s words are undoubtedly a promise to continue to help farmers’ knowledge to promote and spread.

As a farmer, the Zhu family is naturally extremely happy.

Ying Zheng turned to Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi again, and said:

“The same is true for you! Production, manufacturing, and various research, all aspects of things need to be recorded! These things will be compiled into books in the future, which can not only let the knowledge pass on, but also make you famous for the Mo School.”

The knowledge of the Mohist school involves many key technical cores, and it is impossible to spread it out immediately, but in the future, once the Qin State rules the world, it doesn’t matter.

Glass will enter the homes of ordinary people and be made into various exquisite doors and windows. It will not be limited to the construction of greenhouses. The steelmaking method is not only used in the Daqin steelmaking plant. It can be built nearby where there are mineral resources.

Baoyang Shi Knives may evolve into tools that benefit the people, such as kitchen knives, paper knives, and so on.

Although it is still a little far away from these things, the knowledge of recording can now be carried out.

Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi also became excited immediately, overjoyed.

Because of the hundreds of thousands of copies of the Agricultural Code, the farmer has now become the top of the 100 in the true sense, and no one can surpass it!

If the Mohists also publish books in large quantities,

Their knowledge is not inferior to that of the peasant family at all!

Zhu Family, Shen Lang, Tian Xiangzi, the three of them were immersed in joy, but they still did not finish their words about winning the government:

“In addition to the book, this prince has another plan! The knowledge of the two farms and the Mexican family will be included in the imperial examinations to simplify talents! Your knowledge will be promoted within the territory of Daqin Some specialized talents will be cultivated when they are young.”

“At that time, hehe, you are still in the history!” Yingzheng joked.

At this moment, everyone was excited!

People who are learning can care less about interests, but they must care about reputation!

If there is opportunity and ability, who doesn’t want to stay in history?

Who doesn’t want to be eulogized by later generations like Confucius, Mencius, and Mozi?

Chasing profit, difficult!

It’s harder to leave a name!

Zhu, Shen, and Tian have fallen into the illusion of staying in the past, longing for that kind of beauty.

Only Zheng Guo was a bit disappointed, he was very happy on the surface, but his smile was very bitter.

The Mo family had a very good relationship with the peasant family, and the personal relationship between Zheng Guo and Zhu family was also very good. The status of the Zhu family in the peasant family was very awkward, and Zheng Guo knew it very well.

Now it is not the case. The Zhu family has become a Xia Kui and has been reused by His Royal Highness. Zheng Guo is very happy for his old friend.

The same is true for Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi. They were both difficult brothers and sisters who were at the bottom of the Mo family before. Now they both have unlimited prospects and are bravely climbing the peaks in their respective fields.

All this, while Zheng Guo was happy for them, he was inexplicably sad.

The old guys who were once down and down, now all have risen, only he himself still can’t achieve anything!

Since I came to the command of His Royal Highness, I have improved the straight plow. It is only an improvement. It is nothing more than saving some effort. It is not original.

Wei Mo and Shenlang’s steelmaking method has become popular now and has been widely used in Daqin Steelmaking Plant. Especially Baoyang Shidao, it can even increase Da Qin’s military strength several times and dozens of times!

Chu Mo Tian Xiangzi’s glass can not be called the Jedi counterattack too much. As soon as the glass greenhouse came out, it was inevitable to be famous all over the world, and no one would look down upon Tian Xiangzi, who developed glass.

As for actual benefits

Do you want to eat fresh vegetables in winter? If you want, go to the glass factory to buy glass!

The prospects are great, and it must be a lot of money!

On the other hand, his original waterwheel created by Zheng Guo has been affirmed by His Royal Highness, but it has not been actually put into use, and it is even more out of the question to promote it.

Zheng Guo didn’t know that the Daqin Steelmaking Plant actually used the “Steelmaking Guide” from Yingzheng, nor did he know that the glass factory directed the production of “Glass Processing and Application.”

That’s okay!

In any case, the people of the world finally agree that 1.3 is still Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi!

Thinking of this, Zheng Guo felt lost.

At this time, Ying Zheng clearly felt the change in Zheng Guo’s mentality.With a warm smile on his face, he looked at Zheng Guo:

“Giant Han Mo, do you think there is a chance to rise? Your institutional skills shouldn’t be buried!”

Opportunity to rise!

Did His Royal Highness finally think of me? Zheng Guo immediately became excited, and his heart was ecstatic!

He believes that he is absolutely not under Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi in the study of the attainments of mechanism skills and the study of Mohism, the only thing that is lacking is opportunity!

At this moment, His Royal Highness is going to give me this opportunity!

With a “plop”, Zheng Guo fell to his knees, knocked his head, and said excitedly:

“Hang on for the teachings of His Royal Highness! Zheng Guo, listen carefully!”.

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