Chapter 194 The six kingdoms of the dog and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty! [First update, please customize]

The inheritance of the Great Zhou has been inherited for more than 800 years. Legend has it that when the King Zhou went to Weishui to ask Jiang Ziya to go out of the mountain, he personally pulled a cart for him and walked up to 800 steps, so there was an 800-year history of the Great Zhou.

These eight hundred steps are divided into three hundred on the west and five hundred on the east. Therefore, there are a hundred years for the West Wednesday and a hundred years for the East Friday.

The king of Zhou Ping moved to Luoyi east, the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period before, and the Warring States Period later.

By the Warring States Period, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was already extremely weak, the princes proclaimed kings one after another, abandoned their respect for the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Zhou Dynasty survived in name only.

In addition to the external princes and ministers, the power struggle within the Eastern Zhou Dynasty never stopped, and continued to split the Western Zhou Principality and the Eastern Zhou Principality, both of which are the blood of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the late period of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, the king of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty collapsed; the Principality of the Western Zhou Dynasty fell to the Qin Dynasty.

In the orthodox Great Zhou Dynasty, only one Eastern Zhou Dynasty was left.

The Huiwen “Three Four Zeros” of the Principality of Eastern Zhou Dynasty, took the place of the emperor, and made the ancestral hall endless.

Through various channels, the Six Nations learned about the content of Qin’s dynasty discussions and learned of Qin’s strategy of continuing to emigrate, which was both angry and helpless.

The current six countries are already dead!

The total loss of nearly four million people is simply disintegrating.

Zhao Kingdom is the worst, half of the four million people are from Zhao Kingdom.

The territory is large, the population is large, and there are many places bordering Qin!

The soldiers and the people rushed to Qin together, who can stop it?

The courts of the entire Zhao Kingdom exhausted their efforts for this. Various control sources did not dare to let the news that Qin State recruited disaster victims spread, otherwise, even more people would be lost!

The other five countries also have a population loss of hundreds of thousands, and there is nothing to think about except to control the spread of news.

And now, Yingzheng is still continuing to implement the immigration policy, and the eyes of the six countries are really anxious!

Except for the Six Kingdoms, who also have red eyes, there is also the Eastern Zhou Huiwenjun.

The city and population of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were already very small, and to catch up with the famine, it was tantamount to a thunderbolt on the head of Huiwenjun Jijie.

It is already helpless to deal with the disaster, but it has caught up with Qin’s immigration policy!

If the loss of a million people in the country of Zhao is a pain, then if this number is placed in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the population of the country will not reach one million!

“My prince is so angry! How come this damn State of Qin is endless? It has already recruited millions of victims, and I still don’t stop now!”

When Ji Jie received the news from Qin State, he was angry and frightened, furious, and scared the little eunuch who was waiting beside him did not dare to raise his head.

No wonder Ji Jie is so.

Almost all the people of the Eastern Zhou Kingdom are in a state of starving to death!

As soon as the news of Qin’s recruitment of disaster victims spread, all those who could catch their breath ran towards Qin. People from Eastern Zhou Dynasty, ten to fifty or six.

The remaining four or five, except for a small number of powerful and military pawns, almost all of them are almost too hungry to walk~

“Damn it! Damn it is extremely! Isn’t the ancestor of Qin State a groom in our family? The current behavior is simply too deceitful!” Ji Jie cursed.

Turning his head, he angered the little eunuch indiscriminately:

“You come to tell me why Qin is so wealthy? Why is it that other countries have suffered disasters, but Qin can have so much food? Can it be dug out from the ground!”

The little eunuch shivered, did not dare to answer at all, and he did not know the answer at all.

“Trash! It’s all trash! Why can’t I have a talent like Bai Qi under this monarch? If Bai Qi belongs to me in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, it will be possible to restore the prosperous age of our ancestors!”

While talking, Ji Jie’s heart only felt more miserable.

Even he himself did not dare to claim the king casually, and he still maintained the title of the former monarch. Even if the orthodox royal family of Da Zhou was cut off, he could only act as the emperor.

“Hurry up and help me find a way!” Hui Wenjun’s mood changed from anger to calm, or at a loss, and even began to question the little eunuch.

“Qin’s immigration policy, this monarch cannot interfere, and even if Qin stopped the immigration policy, my people in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty still have no food to eat. It will be sooner or later to starve to death! If this continues, I am afraid I will The dynasty will completely become the history of the Xia and Shang dynasties.”

These words of Hui Wenjun were spoken in front of the little eunuch, and the little eunuch felt even more apprehensive.

In panic, the little eunuch thought of Six Nations.

In fact, it is the Seven Kingdoms, and the Qin Kingdom is also included.

The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty has become so weak that the kings of the Seven Kingdoms are a little unwilling to look at them.After all, the princes are all originated from the Ji family.

For example, the ancestors of the Qin Kingdom were the grooms who raised horses for King Zhou Xiao.

Therefore, the Seven Kingdoms will worship the royal family of Da Zhou according to some ritual systems.

It is naturally impossible for the specifications to have shrunk countlessly like they once worshipped the emperor.

In fact, it is to help!

But the orthodox King Zhou Yu of the Great Zhou royal family has collapsed. Although the current Eastern Zhou Principality still continues the bloodline of the Great Zhou royal family, Qin State does not recognize it.

King Zhaoxiang and Qi were once known as the two emperors of the East and the West, how could they still care about a small Eastern Zhou Dynasty?

Without sending troops to attack, it is already benevolence and righteousness!

“Can you ask for help from the Six Nations?” The little eunuch frightened and put forward his own thoughts.

“Seek help from the Six Kingdoms? Please ass! The Six Kingdoms are already hard to protect themselves. How can there be spare energy to save me in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty?” Hui Wenjun cursed in a low voice.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind!

Six Nations?

It is the Six Nations!

Since everyone is already at the end of their lives, why not come together to attack Qin again as before?

Instead of waiting for your own people to be hollowed out by the State of Qin, waiting for your own people to be starved to death, why not lose a fight?

The State of Qin dared to receive an unlimited amount of victims, so in other words, the State of Qin had a huge amount of food!

If one organizes a coalition to force the State of Qin, 1.3 this momentum of death, even if it does not enter the Hangu Pass, will at least make the State of Qin spit out a large amount of grain to compromise.

With these grains in hand, it will be possible to stabilize the people’s hearts.

The hungry victims are terrible!

Over time, the entire Eastern Zhou Dynasty will collapse.

Thinking of this, Hui Wenjun showed a firm look in his eyes and commanded:

“Quick! Go and call for someone! This lord wants to contact the Six Nations and organize a reunion!

Taking advantage of the critical juncture of the current situation, Dong Zhou can once again come to the Lord under the banner of the emperor!

Not only can the food problem be solved, the prestige of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty can also be greatly improved!

After the crisis this time, what will happen in the future, the big week in the future, or there may be a turning point is still unknown.


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