Chapter 159 Papermaking Encyclopedia! Arrogant Tianhu!

There are always two tasks hanging on Yingzheng, one main line and one branch line.

The side mission is to subdue Little Smoke Girl~

However, Yingzheng is a little uncertain whether this task belongs to the restricted level. I asked the system, but the system didn’t explain it. I don’t know what went wrong~

Is it necessary to break some kind of barrier to complete the task?

He can only look forward to it, and now he has more than enough energy.

The main task is to become the prince of Qin.

After the sacrificial ancestral hall was over, Yingzheng received a system prompt, the task has been completed, and a prize draw of any level was awarded, and the next main task was opened at the same time:

Successor to King Qin!

For winning politics, this is a matter of course, as long as you rest assured to wait.

I can’t kill my father directly, right? Anyway, Qin Zhuangxiang’s “Three Zero Seven” King has only three years of life.

After returning from the ancestral hall of the Qin royal family, Ying Zheng couldn’t wait to open the lottery.

It must be a lucky draw for a heavenly level!

It’s scary to think about it~

In anticipation of great expectations, Yingzheng gave instructions to the system to draw a lottery.

A series of unbelievable scenes of bells and whistles, sound and light, appeared on the lottery roulette, and finally, the system issued a reminder:

“Dip! Congratulations to the host! The current skill level, all upgrade one level!!”

“The current level of exercises, all upgrade one level? What does this mean?!” Ying Zheng couldn’t help but a little curiosity emerged in his heart.

“The increase in the level of the skill can completely enhance the host’s current strength! Please experience the host for details!” The system’s voice is simple and direct.

Increase the level of exercises, use it!

As he spoke, Ying Zheng only felt his whole body shake. In an instant, he felt the sea-like energy rushing into his body, and he felt that he became stronger in an instant.

Innate Nine Layers, Liquid True Qi!

Ying Zheng felt that his own strength had been further improved, and more than that, the emperor’s Conferred God Art realm was raised to a realm, reaching the third level of Sun Moon Tonghui. In addition, there was also the emperor’s sword technique.

Although I didn’t really experience it, I also felt that I could sever steel and shatter mountains and rocks with a single sword.

Becoming stronger, I feel, it’s really not bad. Subconsciously squeezed his fist, Ying Zheng showed a faint smile on his face.

What he cultivated was originally the Heaven-level Cultivation Method, all of which were upgraded to one level. Although he did not get a new Cultivation Method, for himself, the benefits he obtained were extremely huge.

After leaving the ancestral hall of the ancestral temple of the State of Qin, Ying Zheng understands that now he is the real prince of the State of Qin, and no one can shake his status anymore.

In the next period of time, the winning government exchanged papermaking and potato cultivation. The Qin government temporarily transferred to the king of Qin Zhuangxiang, but now, the winning government is somewhat free.

Tian Yan is naturally by Yingzheng’s side~

On this day, Yingzheng was still thinking about papermaking. Tian Yan came back from the outside and walked to Yingzheng.

“The son, the farmer is here, they want sweet potato seeds and cultivation techniques.” Tian Yan still habitually called the son, and did not change it to “His Royal Highness.”

Yingzheng didn’t correct it. The son really sounded closer than His Highness, and Feiyan kept screaming like that.

“E? ​​Farmers are here? Okay, I see!” Ying Zheng looked down at the color of the pulp, and at the same time stretched out his hand to feel the temperature.

He was not surprised that the people from the farm came back sooner or later.

Sweet potatoes are undoubtedly fatal to farmers!

When time was short, the servants outside the mansion came to report:

“The master of the farmhouse Chi Youtang, Tian Hu, please see His Royal Highness!”

“Let them in!” Ying Zheng said casually.

When Tian Hu took a dozen farm masters into the mansion, Ying Zheng had already left the “Paper Making Lab” and returned to the guest room.

“Farmer Tianhu, I have seen His Royal Highness!” Tian Hu tilted his head, clasped his fists in his hands, and didn’t even bend his waist. Even after the salute was over, his tone was even more respectful.

Yingzheng recognized him at a glance!

Like Qin Shimingyue’s appearance, he is proud and does not put outsiders in his eyes at all.

Since Tian Hu is such a virtue, winning politics is too lazy to be polite.

In his capacity, if it weren’t for a new mission to conquer the peasants, how could he meet people like Tian Hu?

“If you have something to say, this prince has no time to talk nonsense with you!” Ying Zheng said lightly.

Tian Hu was also not angry.

He has come into contact with many so-called “children of nobles”, and there are not a few high officials, and most of them are superb.

“Haha! Good! The prince Daqin is really extraordinary and refreshing!” Tian Hu looked boldly and laughed a few times.

Ying Zheng was observing him through Taiyi Zhanxingshu, and he whispered an idiot in his heart.

Tian Hu put on a pretentious look, and then said:

“His Royal Highness has obtained sweet potato seeds, and it can be regarded as a very good chance! Tian Hu came here to get sweet potato seeds and cultivation methods from His Royal Highness.”

“E? ​​It’s a chance? Hehe, do you want sweet potato seeds?” Yingzheng snorted in disdain, “Humph!”

With such a voice, Tian Hu was immediately angry!

His hot temper, Zhang’s domineering character, is notoriously stinky throughout the farmhouse, and even the Chi Youtang disciples under his own can hardly bear it.

People in the other sessions saw Tian Hu, and they stayed away even more.

“His Royal Highness, are my words ridiculous?” Tian Hu’s voice sank. “My farm disciples have always been intensively studying farming. It is normal to get sweet potato seeds!,

“Furthermore, sweet potatoes have endless benefits for the people of the Li people in the world! It should be vigorously promoted, and it can’t just be planted in Qin at 1.3!”

“Your Royal Highness, do you want to keep the sweet potato as your own?,

“Shu Tianhu said frankly, with the virtues of His Royal Highness, I am afraid that you still have no virtue!”

Ying Zheng’s eyes were full of playfulness. He looked at Tian Hu like a fool and couldn’t help being amused by him.

Have you come up with a moral problem? Selfless possession?

As the person who promoted sweet potatoes to China, when it comes to your mouth, what do you say about selfless possession?

The founders do not possess this virtue, who has it? Whose virtue is sufficient?

Could it be that your farmhouse can occupy it privately?

Naturally, it is impossible for Tian Hu to know these thoughts.

Putting on airs in front of Prince Qin is really creative!

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