Chapter 140 Jian Zhan Lianpo! The terrified Pingyuan Lord! [First update, please customize]

Qin Jun’s high-pitched voice was like a rainbow, and he could hear clearly within ten miles.

The Mongolian police in Hangu Pass forcibly got up from the soft bed. The shouts of the soldiers contained an inspiring power, and even his condition seemed to be getting better.

With Meng Yu’s insistence, the guards carefully supported him, and managed to reach the high wall of Hangu Pass. When he saw the situation on the battlefield clearly, his wrinkled old face was full of shock and excitement!

Three thousand cavalry, constantly cutting through the enemy formation of 300,000 troops, unstoppable!

Is this really the man he secretly assigned to Ding Tian Kanjun?

How could it be so strong!

Wang Yi saw Meng Yu dragging the sick body to watch the battlefield situation in person, and ran over quickly, reproaching him:

“General, come out to join in the fun if you become so ill!”

The age difference between them is not too much, and they have worked together for many years, so they are not so polite.

“Haha, brother! Ding Tianjun is so mighty and broke the Three Jin coalition forces, why didn’t you notify me of 08? You have to let me come by myself?” Meng Yu was extremely excited and couldn’t help but joke.

“Didn’t I have time to inform yet?” Wang Futan said helplessly.

“My brother, thank you very much!” Meng Yu said solemnly.

Wang Yu grinned, grinned boldly, and did not answer.

The Mongolian police also know the plan to win the government and the military deployment.

Isn’t the guy who rushed unscrupulously outside the pass is Mengwu?

After the three thousand cavalry soldiers really opened the scene, the Qin army who came out of the city behind was like going to raid, pure broken pieces were taking credit!

The allied forces of the Three Jins were completely crushed, unable to withstand the tight formation of the Qin army.

Under this situation, the generals leading the expedition will inevitably gain great military exploits!

But Wang Yu gave this opportunity to Meng Wu.

The Battle of Handan was Wang Yi’s biggest failure in his military career. He even dreamed of wanting to win a round, and now is a good opportunity!

As a result, because of the current situation of the Meng family, Wang Yi voluntarily gave up.

The Meng family is an outsider, and has never participated in any power struggle, and single-mindedly assisted King Zhaoxiang, and therefore offended many powers.

Anguojun, Chu family, etc., basically no one waited to see the Meng family, only the old brothers in the army have been unswervingly supporting the Meng family.

This military exploit was given by Wang Yi to Meng Wu to stabilize his position!

Of course, everything started because of winning politics.

Without winning the government and leading the Tigers to help, let alone the credit, take the initiative to give up a large area of ​​territory and retreat to Hangu Pass. I don’t know what punishment will be met!

The Sanjin coalition continued to be defeated, and the winning government was still chasing Lianpo reluctantly.

The fire dragon didn’t dissipate after being blocked, it just lags behind for a while, and then continues to attack Lian Po who fell from the horse.

Lian Po was not injured. The reason for the fall was that the shock wave was too strong, and the horse under him could not bear it, so he fell Lian Po down.

With a roar, Lian Po quickly got up, and kept pointing the spear in his hand. Thousands of Qi blades were born out of thin air, and they attacked in the direction of winning the government.

The fantasy version of the rainstorm pear flower gun!

Ying Zheng quickly recalled the fire dragon, and the huge dragon body blocked him tightly.

After the dragon head was attacked, he paused slightly, then let out a roar, and rushed in the direction of Lian Po regardless.

A cold light flashed in Lian Po’s eyes, and an extremely terrifying blue infuriating spirit condensed on the tip of the gun, as if it was about to explode at any time, ready to blow the dragon to pieces.

Ah la!

After cutting three swords in a row, the three Zhao Guo cavalry who sneaked from behind attacked the winning government, and the people and horses were cut into twelve by the winning government!

Immediately, the blood-stained Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword seemed to feel that it had been humiliated.

Seeing Lian Po, he must enlarge his moves, and win the government without showing weakness. The second style of the emperor’s sword is quietly brewing in the body of the fire dragon:

Shenlong spit out pearls and dazzled the common people!

At the same time, Lian Po’s spear tip was also on the dragon’s head!

Yingzheng had prepared well in advance, closed his eyes for the first time, and sensed the opponent’s situation by relying solely on his spiritual knowledge.

I saw an extremely dazzling light group burst out of the fire dragon’s mouth, instantly disappearing Lian Po’s offensive invisible, the huge vitality fluctuations directly lifted Lian Po away, and the body protection qi on his body also completely disappeared.

good chance!

In the distance, Ying Zheng slashed directly at Lian Po with a speed that could not cover his ears!

At this time, Lian Po could not see anything in his eyes. The Shenlong spitting beads was not only powerful, but the dazzling light had a miraculous effect in the confrontation.

However, the experienced Lao Lianpo didn’t panic because of the sudden situation, and the moment his eyes were stinged, he fully sensed the movement around him.

The moment the Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword was cut down, he calmly lifted the spear, filled with all the innate true energy, and suddenly greeted the Divine Sword.

He must go all out, that sword is really weird!

As long as he could avoid confronting the sword head-on, Lian Po would definitely avoid it, but because of the violent explosion just now, his figure had not been completely controlled, and the victory had already arrived in front of him.


The tip of the spear was accurately pointed on the blade of the divine sword!

The veteran generals of the 7th grade innate are indeed exquisite, and they can still achieve this level even without eyesight, which is admirable.

But he still underestimated the Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword.

The sword of the emperor requires understanding, talent, and time to practice, so Yingzheng 273 can’t exert a layer of power until now, but the emperor’s sword is a finished product, a complete state weapon!

After a short sound of gold and iron, the Divine Sword of the Emperor of Heaven followed the tip of the spear and slid straight across the barrel of the spear, splitting the spear into two halves, like splitting the material~

“not good!

Lao Lianpo just yelled, and the divine sword had already slashed into his body along his arm.


The 7th-rank congenital master was chopped in half by the Heavenly Emperor’s Divine Sword!

“Ah!” Lian Po screamed miserably.


Winning politics didn’t let him continue the pain, and directly chopped off Lian Po’s head.

“Lian Po is dead, you don’t surrender quickly!” Ying Zheng picked up the spear that had been split in half, and plunged it on Lian Po’s head and raised it high.

The seriously injured Pingyuan Lord Zhao Sheng is still trying his best to resist Soul Xi Longyou. I was so scared in an instant!

Shock, fear, to the extreme.

Even Lian Po can’t stop winning the government, so he’s a fart?

Seeing that ordinary soldiers were constantly being killed, and the strongest combat force and the commander-in-chief of the war here was also beheaded, Zhao Sheng shouted in fright and anger:

“Retreat! The whole army retreats!”.

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