Chapter 137 Three Thousand Tigers vs. 300,000 Allied Forces? Frontal anus! [Second update, please customize

When Yingzheng arrived at Hangu Pass, there was a gloom in the pass, and there was no smile on everyone’s face.

Police Meng fell ill!

The only person who can contend against Lianpo by force has fallen ill!

Innate masters are also humans, and they will also be injured and die; Innate true qi is only the cultivation base of internal strength, which can neither be used as a meal, nor can it strengthen the body.

The cultivation base of King Zhaoxiang’s ninth-rank congenital is also unable to fight against birth, old age, sickness and death, so how can Meng Yu be an exception?

Among the generals of the Qin State, the one who has the deepest feelings for King Zhaoxiang is Meng Yu.

Thinking that Meng Yu was depressed in Qi country back then, it was King Zhaoxiang who took a fancy to his talents and abilities, entrusted him with important tasks, and would often personally guide Meng Yu’s cultivation.

Except for the relationship between monarchs and ministers, King Zhaoxiang was also a teacher and friend to Meng Yu, better than Bole and Maxima.

With this kind of sentiment, the death of King Zhaoxiang, Meng Shi was naturally very sad, unable to eat, sleep and sleep, and he was not young, and it was normal for him to be sick.

Under this situation, the Three Jin coalition forces came and Chu State was also eager to try. He could only rush to the front line with illness, and at the same time sent Wang Jian to guard the border between Qin and Chu.

Unexpectedly, after rushing all the way, the condition has become more serious, and now he can only lie on the couch and dominate the situation.

After understanding this situation, Yingzheng came to visit the old general for the first time.

Although Meng Yu’s condition is serious, he is very clear-headed. When he saw the arrival of the 270 political victory, it was obvious that his eyes brightened!

“Ding Tianjun? Arrived so soon?” Meng Yu struggled to sit up.

Yingzheng walked over quickly, calmed down the weak Mengzheng, and said sincerely:

“The general has a good rest, and he doesn’t have to get up.

“Oh! People are getting old, it’s useless! It’s not sick early or late, but it’s just this time!” Meng Yu laughed at himself.

King Qin sent Dingtianjun to help Hanguguan news, and Mengyu had just received it, because after Yingzheng left Xianyang, he came non-stop, and the messengers in the army were also front and back.

Although Meng Yu didn’t know the reason for winning the pillar to send the winning government to the front line, but he himself maintained a welcoming attitude towards the coming of the winning government.

A good man should fight on the battlefield and serve the country!

If Ding Tianjun gave up the training on the battlefield because of his talents, then it is very likely that he will eventually raise a soft egg with no strength!

The maintenance of the officials in the DPRK is good intentions; Meng Yu’s so-called “training” is also good intentions!

However, there is a fundamental difference between the views of Meng Yu and the officials in the DPRK!

He has never regarded winning politics as a child, and now he treats winning politics even more as a figure of the same level as him.

Forces and military strategies are all viewed in this way.

Therefore, as soon as Yingzheng arrived at Hangu Pass, Meng Yu completely handed over the power of the army to him!

The generals in the pass, apart from Meng Yu who is in overall planning, that is Meng Wu and Wang Yi. Wang Yi’s seniority is a bit larger and belongs to the second coach in Hangu Pass.

Now, he won the government and became the coach.

Wang Yi is a real old Qin man. He himself is extremely optimistic about winning politics, and he has great respect in his heart.

When the Tiger Howl Army entered Hangu Pass, it was greeted by Wang Yi himself. When he saw three thousand tiger-wolf cavalry soldiers, he was even more shocked.

Facing the invisible tiger wolf evil spirit, even his experienced battlefield veteran had bursts of chill in his heart, and his own appreciation and respect for winning the government deepened.

Therefore, when General Mengyu handed over the power to Yingzheng, Wang Fu did not produce a trace of resistance.

“Ding Tianjun, you just came to the front line, let me tell you about the current situation first!” Wang Yi fixedly looked at the victory.

“Well, old general, please speak!” Ying Zheng nodded.

Wang Gan told the situation about the situation.

“The Sanjin Allied Forces are coming in menacingly, and they are all higher than ours in terms of number, momentum, and weapons and equipment. In addition to the serious illness of General Mongolia, we have voluntarily withdrawn from most areas, and the army has shrunk inside the pass.

“According to the general’s analysis, the three advances here are definitely (aibd) trying to break through Hangu Pass, holding on to the city pass and waiting for work. This is the best strategy.”

“In a protracted battle, we Daqin can afford it, but Sanjin absolutely can’t afford it! And if we stick to the city gate, the loss will be reduced a lot, but the Sanjin will lose a lot of combat power.

“In the end, either Sanjin took the initiative to retreat, or we were defeated and retreated after heavy losses.

“Those lost ground outside the pass will definitely be lost and regained!”

“The only thing to worry about, it is said that Sanjin invited some elite masters in the arena, and it is very likely that they will launch a raid into the city along with Lian Po! Dealing with the Seven Innate Ranks is very costly!”

“This is the situation and strategy! Lord Dingtian, how do we fight this battle?” Wang Yi’s expression was very solemn.

The strategy of Meng Yu and Wang Yi has no problems and can be said to be the best solution.

All plans are formulated in accordance with the situation of the enemy and ours. They are fairly well-established and have no flaws. Lian Po’s personal strength and military attainments have all been taken into consideration.

But after the victory came, the situation between ourselves and the enemy has changed!

Therefore, in response to Wang Yi’s inquiry, Ying Zheng said calmly:

“Fight directly! Positive anus!

Hearing this answer, Wang Yi’s mind was a little confused

Suddenly he didn’t react!

He is a rough man, but he has trained a good military ability through years of war, and he has become more cautious and meticulous in character, but his nature has not changed, and he is still a bit big~

“This frontal anus can’t be beaten, what should I do?” Wang Yi had some doubts.

Win Zheng smiled faintly:

“The Three Jin Allied Forces, the native chickens and dogs! The old general will stick to Hangu Pass, watch the enemy’s formation, and move on standby! Tomorrow, this lord will personally lead the three thousand tigers to fight!”

Wang Yu is even more confused~

In the early morning of the next day, Shengzheng really did what he said, and personally led three thousand Tigers into the battle, but the lineup was more than three thousand people, a few more!

Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yu, and Wang Jian’s son Wang Ben, these three sturdy little guys were assigned to the Tigers by the winning government, and he himself brought Feiyan and Tian Yan as support.

When it comes to military attainments, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, and Wang Zhi, these three people are definitely far more than the three of the three.

With the absolute strength of the Tigers, coupled with capable command, it will inevitably increase the efficiency of killing the enemy!

After these three generals, it was also a new-born bull who was not afraid of tigers, and didn’t care about how many enemies there were on the opposite side. The bravery of the young men was also in line with the characteristics of the Tigers.

The first battle of the Tiger Howl Army is about to begin!,

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