Chapter 135 Not like a prince, sin deserves ten thousand deaths! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

The Three Thousand Tiger Howl Army is like a tiger coming out of its cage, surrounded by the horse-drawn carriage in the center of the government, whizzing towards Hangu Pass, rolling up billowing smoke and dust on the northwestern land in early spring.

Xianyang City, the inner hall of the palace.

An Guojun left the court meeting and returned to the dormitory that belonged to King Qin. Mrs. Hua Yang had been waiting there with Cheng Jiao a long time ago.

What happened above the court completely confirmed Mrs. Hua Yang’s words, and there was some worry in the look of An Guojun.

The prestige of Yingzheng is too high!

“Madam, what you said is really true!” An Guojun frowned slightly, “Widow has not succeeded yet, and his reputation has surpassed that of Widow.”

“If this is not the case, why should the concubines make a special trip to Lishan to inform the king?” Mrs. Huayang said along the way, “but this time the Three Jins are coming, this is a good opportunity!”

An Guojun looked at Mrs. Huayang suspiciously, and then remembered the matter about the border of Chu State and Chen Bing.

“What’s going on in Chu State? Don’t say you don’t know, your brother is still in Chu State!” An Guojun was surprised by Chu State’s military action.

08 “Oh! Does the king suspect that his concubines will not succeed? The war between Qin and Chu over the years, where are we women and women who can control? Besides, the younger brother of the concubine will not be reused in Qin, free, go back What’s so strange about Chu State visiting relatives?” Madam Hua Yang explained.

“Well, there will be no war in the border between Qin and Chu for the time being, just like the Battle of Handan, just stand on the wall. Talking about the Three Jins, why does the madam think this is an opportunity?” An Guo Kanjun asked about the Three Jins. Things come.

The authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear. The current An Guojun and Mrs. Huayang are in such a state.

Speaking of An Guojun’s ability, it can’t be regarded as a idiot. At any rate, it is also a court that has been in the court for decades. Haven’t you seen it before? Compared to Mrs. Huayang, the military and political ability is absolutely necessary. Superior.

It’s just that Mrs. Hua Yang sees all this more clearly as a bystander.

Since the beginning of Qin Xiaogong, King Huiwen, King Wu, and King Zhaoxiang have all wanted to encroach on the land of the Central Plains, and every military operation has not been able to bypass that key place:

Hangu Pass!

The land of the letter of love originally belonged to the State of Wei and was won by Qin Xiaogong through the war.

Qin State built the checkpoint here, which is Hangu Pass.

Only one vehicle can pass through the valley road, which is extremely dangerous.

Since the construction of Hangu Pass, this pass has become the biggest barrier for the Qin State in the east. No matter what the fiasco it has suffered, as long as it retreats to Hangu Pass, it is absolutely nothing to worry about.

It is basically an impossible event for the Sanjin coalition to enter the Hangu Pass!

What they wanted to plot was actually the land outside Hangu Pass, which was also the place where Qin’s army steadfastly defended.

The sinisterness of Hangu Pass was enough to make Qin State invincible. Even if it was defeated in the war, it would be a big deal to return to Hangu Pass. The worst result was nothing more than this.

“My lord, you have overlooked the meaning of Hangu Pass!” Madam Huayang reminded.

The meaning of Hangu Pass?

An Guojun frowned and thought for a moment, then stretched out, with a smile on his face:

“The widow also panicked when he heard the figure of 300,000, but it made the lady laugh!”

“Haha~” Madam Huayang chuckled, “Qin State is safe from self-protection. The worst case is to retreat to Hangu Pass! The Sanjin Allied Forces cannot be united for a long time, and their national strength is far inferior to Qin State.

“The soldiers and horses have not moved, the food and grass will go first! How expensive is the military expenditure of the 300,000 army? If there is a day to retreat to Hangu Pass, it will be fine. Just wait until the Sanjin Allied Forces withdraw, and the lost land will be regained sooner or later. !

“Madam, see you!” An Guojun really praised, “but I don’t know the opportunity that Madam said.”

“Winning the government to help Hanguguan is an order of the great king! The final result of the war is nothing more than victory or defeat. The opportunities mentioned by the concubines are also hidden in this victory or defeat!”

“It’s nothing more than victory or defeat!” An Guojun muttered in a low voice, his mind swiftly revolving, and his eyes flashed!

“If you win the government and win, the prestige in the court, the opposition, the army, the government, and the people will rise again. The throne of widows is always not so secure!” An Guojun murmured.

Mrs. Hua Yang heard An Guojun’s self-talk, and took the opportunity to say:

“If it wins the politics and loses, the army can retreat to Hangu Pass and fight again in the future. The land of Kanto can be slowly drawn.”

“It’s just that the great king can take away their military power by winning the government and Meng Yu, Meng Wu, Wang Yu, etc.! The courtiers and confidants who have made friends with the great king in the early years are just going to be pulled up!”

An Guojun nodded frequently and agreed with Mrs. Hua Yang’s analysis. Following this line of thought, he himself also learned:

“In this way, the situation above the court can be reversed immediately! And because of the defeat, the reputation of winning the government will plummet, and the power of the widow will become stable!”

“Big Wang Yingming!” The exquisitely thoughtful Mrs. Hua Yang immediately praised her.

“Haha~ Xiao Huayang, at that time, the widow is still King Qin, and you are still the queen! Even Qin’s ultimate interests will not be affected!” An Guojun’s heart became clear.

“So, it is better to lose in this battle to win politics!” Mrs. Hua Yang smiled and agreed.

Xiao 270 Chengjiao has been by his side all the time, An Guojun and Madam Huayang did not deliberately avoid him. Hearing such heavy news, he was overjoyed and secretly laughed at the stupidity of winning the government.

Just to show the limelight, I rushed to help Hangu Pass, and I didn’t even want my life. Isn’t this stupid?

Thinking about his own identity, he is already tied to the two most distinguished persons in the Qin Kingdom, An Guojun and Mrs. Huayang, why not be excited?

Yingzheng, Meng Yu, Wang Yi, etc., how about these people even if they die on the front lines?

For those who stand on the pinnacle of power, they will still overlook the scenery, but the peaks around their feet have been replaced by small hills.

Immediately, Xiao Cheng Jiao thought of Fei Yan again, thought of Tian Yan he had seen in the farm, and the excitement on his face became stronger.

Since Yingzheng values ​​these two girls so much, he Cheng Jiao doesn’t plan to be polite with his cheap brother! Wait until the day when Yingzheng dies or loses power

Only two women!

Just promise a little benefit and you can play with it in the applause!

When Xiao Chengjiao’s mind was thinking a lot, An Guojun’s voice came again:

“It’s not easy to want to win! Think haha, as long as you do something at the right time, there is no reason to win politics!”.

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