Chapter 1235 An effective method]

Although this trick is more cruel, Ying Zheng also knows that this thing is effective and will definitely make the prince hate his father.

“Some of the Huns are not worthy of being pitiful with us at all. We only need to use them a little bit, then this thing will go smoother and smoother. Don’t worry, you can just relax with the things that are entrusted to me. .

Kill the other relatives of this prince of the Huns, then these next things will go smoothly.

“Unexpectedly, we would actually use such a method, but this is the most effective method. What you said is really correct “Ninety Seven”.”

“Does this still need to be said? We just need to stay in this place for a while now, and everything else is not important.

Yingzheng now wants to ask those around them if there are any other novels. If they have anything else they want to say now, just let them know.

“We have to put ourselves in fire and water now, so that we can think of some unique methods.”

Winning is very happy. He feels that he must do this thing well now and let them know what his reason for doing this is.

“We have to lower our expectations and continue to improve this matter. In the end, there must be a solution to the problem. Don’t worry.”

“I know what you mean, let’s take it slow now, and we must stay steadfast in this place now.”

“I understand what you mean, don’t worry, we need to let them know what our attitude is now.

“Only by letting them understand what we mean can we handle this matter very wonderfully. I know you have been staring at me since the beginning.”

“We must hold him steady now, so that he must never think about his previous things, and then send a team of elites to forcibly kill some of his people.

The strategy of Yang Duanhe just now is very good, and now it must be carried out accurately and accurately in accordance with this matter.

“Let them pass quickly, this matter is extremely important.

If we continue like this, then this matter is probably not simple, and they must be made aware of this fact.

“Have you noticed that they seem to have some controversy over this matter?

Yingzheng had already discovered this fact a long time ago, and he felt that he should now continue to push their matter forward.

“Don’t say these useless now, I have already told you, we must now try our best to fight forward, this matter is particularly important.”

If this matter is not handled properly, some other people simply don’t know what will happen next.

“Let’s take it slowly now as soon as possible, and don’t make this one problem big, because everything else is in this place, you really watch us.”

“Don’t worry, I know what you mean, we can still use these slaves now.”

“Although these slaves in front of us sound like very obedient people on the surface, they actually have their own ambitions. They might want to take advantage of their current position and their Huns. Wang Announced

“Don’t talk about these useless things, wait until we really handle this matter well.

Yingzheng feels that it is not the time to enjoy life at all, and now he must accomplish this important thing in front of him before he can do anything else.

“You know, before I really achieve my real goal, I don’t have any thoughts to do other things. Let’s not do anything else now. Some things in the palace, we will throw them to Shang Yang and Prime Minister Li Si for the time being. Just deal with it.

The Queen Mother also has some rights of his own, but Yingzheng has quietly deprived him of it.

“What if some of their people give us a painful blow behind this? I am more afraid of this matter.”

As long as they can be prepared in this place, then there is no need to worry about the following things at all.

“Don’t worry about this now. I have already told you about this. Many people have already given us a chance.”

Such an opportunity is very important to 1.3, and they should not worry about it.

“Do you know? When these people have been staring at us, I even feel their envy for us, because they haven’t seen people living and working in peace and contentment for a long time.”

Some of the Huns are just ordinary people. They are only given different names because they are in different places.

“Don’t say these useless words, why do you always sigh in this place? What do you need to fight for if you have useful words?”,

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