Chapter 1232 Strong obstruction]

“I don’t believe they will do such a thing.

Some of the Huns are very stubborn. Will they leave this place for a while now, but Ying Zheng also knows that they now regard Jingchun as a safe place.

“When you just listened to them, General Meng Tian, ​​you already knew what was going on in your heart, right? The prince of the Huns had some disputes with his father.”

If it were not for their differences, he would not have come to this capital now. In his eyes, it should be such an idea. The most dangerous place is the safest.

“Don’t tell me, if he says he is in this place, even if the Hun king digs up all the soil in the world, he will definitely not be able to find his rebellious son.”

Yingzheng laughed loudly. He felt that he must now join hands with the prince of the Huns, so that conditions for peace could be formed.

“I think we have to let them know now that the two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi are sitting in this place, then no one can approach our capital.”

It’s actually not a good thing to stay in this place for too long.

“Did you know? Such a powerful obstruction may really make them dejected in the end. I think we must encourage them a little bit now.”

“This doesn’t matter. Looking at our entire Daqin, no one can stop us at all. Even their words are the same, 々.”

“Don’t say these useless words, I have already told you several times.

Ying Zheng smiled, thinking that he should let them rest assured in this place now.

“Don’t worry, you don’t know whether they will leave this place for a while, he is being chased and killed by his own father.”

Yang Duanhe came up with a suggestion. He felt that now he should meet the prince of the Huns frankly, tell their true identities, and then discuss together what should be done next.

“No, it’s too risky to say so, they certainly don’t fully believe us now, even if we have reached such an agreement.”

You should do less of things like taking risks, or else it will make other people feel worried in their hearts.

“I know what you mean, but if we don’t dare to tell them our true identity now, they might doubt it sooner or later. Once there is any double mind, they will definitely make some dangers. Incident.”

If there is too much consideration on this matter, it really makes people feel there are some worries.

“Don’t think too much, I have already told you that the prince of the Huns is actually a very smart man. He will never stay in this place for too long now.”

In the end, he will definitely return to their homeland, otherwise he would never be able to start a family in this place.

“It is actually possible to let him surrender to us, but instead of making him our slave, we will give him a reward directly and make him one of our princes.”

As long as he becomes a prince of Daqin, he can now stay in this place safe and sound. Basically, his personal participation and soldiers can’t help him.

“Now you are going to find out what the two of them are doing. If it is really completely broken, it will be just what we want.”

“I know what will happen next in this matter. To be honest, the prince of the Huns is really bad for us. I really don’t want to say more.”

“”As for the other things, if the prince of the Huns actually stayed in this place, it would be considered a hostage to us, and we can now use it as a threat. ”

However, if such a thing happens, it is very dangerous. Winning politics now doesn’t want to make this matter directly stalemate. He feels that he should give him some leeway now.

“The King of the Huns and their training in this place is threatening us to a large extent. We only need to throw this hostage away and release the news to their place, and they will immediately stop. NS.”

Yingzheng smiled (Nonuo is good) smiled. What he didn’t expect was that at such a critical moment, such an opportunistic method would actually be needed.

“How can it be done? We must use our strength to conquer him now, so that he will never be violated next time.”

If there is such an opportunistic method, when the prince of the Huns returns, they will lose the threat, and then they will aggressively attack.

“This person is an uncertainty. We can’t take it as our support now. We have to think of our own way now.

Yingzheng told them not to think too much in this place, and they are still in the backyard of Renjia Inn.

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