Chapter 1229 People with great powers]

“Do you know? We’d better think about it now, why are there so many changes in the court? Is it really because the Queen Mother is controlling everything behind this?”

There were some doubts about winning politics, but he didn’t say anything at all, because he knew everything would go smoothly.

“Don’t say so many bad things, you don’t know.”

If it was once a war broke out, then some of the Xiongnu people must now be regarded as a brutal talent.

“Don’t think about anything else. We are now casting our weapons well. After we go back, we must train strong soldiers and horses. This is the most important thing.”

General Meng Tian and Yang Duan had always believed this in their hearts.

“Have you not heard this prince say such things in this place? We don’t need to worry about these things at all now, we only need to control these things in front of us now.”

“It’s not that you don’t know. We are here. If we say that the time is too long, it is actually not a good thing. They have already been eyeing us now.

If we quietly put this right into their hands, in the end, they might be greedy immediately, and we can now have a reason to behead them.

“The idea of ​​winning politics is actually the idea of ​​our news. Now we only need one nostril to vent our breath.”

When Yang Duanhe said something like this, Ying Zheng smiled, because he knew that this person was not very good at talking, but he was telling the truth.

“Do you think if we really let go of such a right, then now we will feel a sense of fear? You simply look down on them.”

Ying Zheng has been thinking about these things all the time, and he feels that he has to take his time now.

“Do you know? We have to talk honestly with this Huns now, otherwise they won’t even talk to us peacefully.”

Ying Zheng has some considerations in his heart, and he doesn’t want to worry about this matter now.

“Have you noticed that many people are observing us in this place? We absolutely cannot allow them to have such an opportunity now. We must take power now.

“If we drink and eat tea in this place, then these ordinary people on the street may be used by other people who are interested. We’d better disperse them directly, and this Lantern Festival will end.”

Yingzheng came up with an opinion because he felt that if he let them continue in this place, then these ordinary people would definitely be trampled on.

“I think so in my heart, the people in the world are the same, so there is no high or low, and there is no distinction between countries and countries.”

It turns out that the prince of the Huns is also a kind-hearted person. Yingzheng feels that if this is the case, it will be very difficult.

“We have to let the prince of the Huns stay in this place for a while now, otherwise this matter will be complicated.”

“I know what you mean, but I still think that we still have to stay here as long as possible.”

0……Look for flowers…

“Don’t say so much, we must hold this right tightly in our hands now, don’t let go, especially don’t let my father know that I am here.”

The prince Hun became very nervous when he heard a person say something.

“Are you sure? If this is the case, then I will definitely not appear in this place in the future.”

Yingzheng wants to take a step forward. He thinks this thing is really good.

“Have you considered that we are actually very calm people now. We only need to discuss this place for a while to know what the final result of this matter is. This matter is still quite good.”

“Your father, are you coming over to catch you? If this is the case, we’d better stay away from him.

The prince of the Huns in front of him was a person who left a very good impression. Ying Zheng looked at him, and he felt that he was a person with good intentions and always caring for the people.

“Needless to say anything else, I think we just need to talk to them in this place now, and they will know what our minds are.”

“This is indeed the truth. To be honest, I think we should ask them now what kind of insights they would have on such a thing.”

“A lot of people have had some misunderstandings about us. In this case, we should let them refresh their misunderstandings about us now.”

Ying Zheng raised the wine glass in his hand. He felt that he could indeed be a brother to the Xiongnu prince in front of him. factory,

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