Chapter 1226 The villain’s grudges]

Retaliation is affirmative, and the others are actually nothing at all.

The prince of the Huns must have a certain sense of mind. Even if he is conspired by some other people now, he will definitely have his own plan in this place.

“Winning government has always been thinking about this matter, and now he wants to break such a cold situation.”

“Let’s sit down at the Eight Immortals table in this backyard. Let’s talk carefully about this place. I want to talk about you, a young king.

Yingzheng was stunned for a moment. Yingzheng never thought that he was a young king in the eyes of other young people.

“I heard that this person is also a real legend. Come here now. Let’s talk carefully now. After all, you are from the Qin country.

Yingzheng smiled and felt that he didn’t need to conceal himself now. The status of Qin Guoren is already very good. Next, he will see what kind of tricks they will have.

“Don’t joke in this place.

Yingzheng teased them and told them not to think too much.

“Aren’t these people’s tempers as violent as in the legend? I heard that the people of Qin were yelling people. I didn’t have a good impression of them before to be honest.”

The prince of the Huns didn’t mean anything to talk about.

“What do you mean? Your words that degrade us overtly and secretly may really get the upper body in trouble in the end.”

As long as you stay in this place, everything will go smoothly.

“Have you ever thought that if the people of Qin State really look like what you imagined, you won’t be able to stay in this place at all, it’s not what you imagined at all.”

Ying Zheng smiled and spoke softly when talking to Prince Hun, because he knew he had to reverse the impression of Qin people in his eyes.

“In fact, I have always had a good impression of the people of Qin in my heart, because I always feel that they are vigorous and resolute when doing things, because they have a very wise monarch.”

Ying Zheng felt very surprised. He had no idea that he could hear a different version of himself in the mouth of the Xiongnu prince in front of him.

“Do you think our King of Qin is very wise and intelligent?”

Ying Zheng asked with a puzzled look. What he didn’t expect was that the person’s eyes seemed to be very sincere.

“Yeah, I thought so before, and I think we have to talk to them about this now.”

Yingzheng now wants this prince of the Huns to have a good impression of him, but what he didn’t expect is that he doesn’t have a bad impression.

“I really underestimated them before, but I think we should be polite to them now, because they don’t know our identity now, and maybe they will have a sense of dependence on us.”

Zhao Gao is actually a very discerning person. No matter what he does now, he will be biased towards his own interests.

“Do you know? If we gain their trust now, then this matter will become easier and easier to handle. We only need to deal with the following matters now.”

Ying Zheng has been thinking about these things carefully, and he felt that now the image of Qin must stand up.

“If you want to stay in this place, then I think you can go to this palace to contact those people now.”

“Are you talking about Lu Buwei?”

When Prince Hun turned his head and looked at Yingzheng’s eyes, he seemed to have a trace of doubt. He now seemed to know that the status of Yingzheng was very noble.

“Before, I had some relations with those people in the palace. The people of Qin people have always been so disciplined and very strict, and if we want to have relations with Lu Buwei and Zhao Gao, it is actually not. simple.”

“Lv Buwei, 990, we have to take a long-term view, or else we can’t figure this out at all.

“Toxin melting seems to be a good choice too. To be honest, I think we can rationalize this relationship now, and then see how we can let them show this relationship.”

Yingzheng has been carefully examining these situations, and he feels that he shouldn’t think about it for too long now.

“If you are going to attack directly now, I am afraid it is inappropriate. If you say that once you see King Qin, you might be beheaded immediately now.”

Yingzheng now pretends to be the confidant of Prince Hun, because he feels that his relationship with him has eased a lot.

“Although I am from Qin and you are from the Huns, we don’t have to hide in this place now. We can be more honest now.”

The prince Hun looked up and down to win politics and made sure that he had no other malicious intentions at all, and then felt that he must have a good chat with him now. .

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