Chapter 1217 Mysterious Woman]

“I just saw a woman in white clothes passing by from this place. Is she coming here for exactly the same purpose as us?”

Ying Zheng suddenly felt that this mysterious woman seemed to have some familiarity, because he had met General Meng Tian’s wife before, and General Meng Tian’s wife was just like this.

“We just have to wait in this place now. General Meng Tian will give us the answer later. We don’t need to say anything more now.”

While talking, Ying Zheng was carefully observing the people in front of him. Some of them have been eating these delicacies, and their mouths have been talking endlessly.

“They definitely want to get news around this place now, otherwise their eyes won’t keep drifting around in this place.”

“I heard that there will be some silk and bamboo vocal music tonight. If this is the case, let’s sit down and listen to it quickly now.”

Many young princes have been looking at the edge of a table to move closer since they came over, because they knew that some singers would come out of this place in the future.

“Are you sure you want to stay in this place? Do you remember the purpose of our coming to this place now?”

Such a grand celebration banquet will definitely invite many princes and generals, but they certainly don’t dare to make such a show now.

“We just need to wait for the news in this place. What are they doing now? Don’t worry about them, 々.

“I understand what you mean. We just need to wait for the news in this place, and their evidence will slowly surface.”

“Have you ever considered that if we really find out such a mysterious woman directly now, what if we ask about his true identity? There will be no such thing as an action like us. help.”

While they were discussing this fiercely in front, General Meng Tian squeezed to the front, and he now pointed to the white-clothed woman in front and gave a whisper to Ying Zheng.

“This woman is the wife of Weichen…”

Ying Zheng knew that he had met with the wife of General Meng Tian before. He was a very quiet person, but he was very resolute in doing things.

“I think Mrs. General is really a very smart and very calm person. It would be so right to let him do such a thing.

Yingzheng feels that this kind of gift-giving marriage was really appropriate.

“If you weren’t your son, I wouldn’t have received such a treatment at all. To be honest, I really feel very happy.”

Ying Zheng knew what the words of General Meng Tian meant, and he had to encourage them a little bit in this place now, and let them continue to speak.

“Don’t worry, we will definitely handle such things well.”

Yingzheng has always been seriously considering these issues, and he feels that he must be a little more steadfast now.

“Stop talking about these bad things, you don’t know, some of the things we are talking about are actually really bad.”

“You may not understand what I mean at all, but I can talk to you a little bit now. For example, many people think that our current action is somewhat chained and risky, but only we know that this matter is actually A very clever move.”

“Don’t say so much in this place, you should be able to understand what I mean now.

This place is brightly lit, and the pillars are some fine agarwood nanmu, I don’t know how much money they spent to build, such a very low-key luxury inn.

*” There is a little bit of luxury in this place. I think this place must be run by an official. Otherwise, how could there be so many you piled up?

In the eyes of Yingzheng, every piece of wood is very precious. He knows that if it is put in the eyes of a knowledgeable person, this is a walking golden mountain and silver mountain.

“If you say something directly like this, it is actually very bad for some other people. You know what I mean (good money), don’t think too much.”

The things they are talking about now also make people feel a little worried.

From the very beginning, you should clarify this situation with them. At the very least, you should know who the shopkeeper of this inn is?

“The shopkeeper of the inn will come out immediately. I heard that it seems to be a young son. I don’t know who it is. I don’t know if we met before.”

Meng Tian frowned and seemed to have some new ideas.

“It’s best not to go to the top for now, and take a look at this place to see how sacred the shopkeeper of the inn is.”

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