Chapter 1214 Hearing six ways, seeing all directions]

“Don’t say so many things that make people feel bad, I think we have to say more good things in this place now.

“We have to look more at these things now, otherwise who knows what will happen next, what do you think?”

There are many problems in winning politics. He feels that he must understand the process now, and this is more appropriate.

“If you are not a little sharper in this place, they might really be led by the nose at that time. You don’t know what we are worried about.

“Did you see this bright spot ahead? We have to seize this opportunity now to let them know that we are ready now.”

“They seem to be very calm on the surface, but in fact they are actually worried about them in their hearts, and now they don’t know how to deal with these problems.

“I have told you since the beginning, we must now be prepared.”

“Don’t talk about these useless things, I have already told you, we must continue to move forward now, and we must not stop.”

“If you say that once such a thing is stopped, it will be very bad. You should be better than everyone in your heart now.”

“I have warned you from the beginning. If there is any other change, you must listen to me now. Why are you not obedient now? Now quickly tie this place-this White towels.”

Every one of them began to listen to these instructions seriously. They are now lining up at this place after they have tied up everything, because if they want to go in now, they have to line up with the people in this place-go in.

“When we went in, we had some rewards on our right hand side. We can now take it a little bit more easily. Don’t just walk in without squinting, otherwise they will doubt our intentions.

“I see, when we go in now, let’s take something in our hands.”

There are a lot of snacks inside, and the winning government is standing outside the door, but it can also be seen.

“I think they are now celebrating something in this place. It’s better to ask what they are celebrating now.

“You’d better not ask too much in this place. If you ask them, they will definitely not tell the truth now. Why should you take your own humiliation in this place?”

“What you said is very reasonable, but I think we better not think about so many crazy things in this place now. They must have been waiting for us in this place for a long time now, do you know?”

From the beginning, you have to be honest, otherwise this matter is really difficult to solve.

“Slow down, let’s first let them know why we have to line up at this place. We are going in to get these foods, so it is enough to let them feel at ease in this place. This is our ultimate goal. Don’t anger them, don’t get their attention.”

“Don’t worry, we are the best at this kind of thing, and will definitely not attract their attention. These Xiongnu people are really completely shameless.”

“These people in front don’t know why, they are now discussing some things. Otherwise, let’s ask them in the past, why are they fighting in this place?”

0……Look for flowers…

“You don’t need to be like this. Even if we ask them now, they won’t answer us truthfully in the end. We only need to answer as we want in our hearts now.”

“What you said makes sense, but I still think that if we really do this now, I am afraid that these are not appropriate, because many people are staring at us.

“Really? Don’t be too arrogant now. To be honest, I think we should listen to what they are discussing now. Maybe we can hear some clues.

Yingzheng smiled. He doesn’t take this issue seriously now. He feels that he must go all out now.

“You think, if we don’t go all out like this, what will happen next?”

Many people are very narrow-minded in their hearts. For example, these Huns only want to continuously expand their territories, and they simply don’t put this energy on planting and other infrastructure.

“I think we must now let them understand in their hearts that these things they are doing are really stupid. How can they understand now?”

“Don’t say these are useless, I think if we continue to stay in this place now, I am afraid it is not that simple at all.”

“Really? Is it really like this? To be honest, I think we should continue to look ahead. Everything else doesn’t matter.” The factory,

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