Chapter 1203 The determination to build the Great Wall]

“Okay, don’t say some useless things behind this, now you can talk about it when you see him, just put him down, and then crack him.”

“It’s over, you are really getting more and more violent now. If there is really such a way to resist it, then I will definitely be able to take the lead.

The ministers began to quarrel, and the victory waved their hands at this time to tell them not to speak any more.

“When you return to the court, you must hide it. The resentment in your heart against him, if you and them are better, you must continue to do better.

It is estimated that Zhao Gao didn’t know these things that they had discussed by themselves. Even if he knew now, he knew some of the tip of the iceberg.

“Don’t let him know about some of them, but if you do, you will find a way to undermine our plan. This matter is particularly important.”

The Huns and others who were in chaos in the frontier entered the land, but they knew that if his 977s were to build the Great Wall now, they would definitely spare no effort to obstruct this plan.

“I know what you mean, but I think we still have to consider their feelings.”

As long as we can help them do these things well, then it is very easy to build the Great Wall.

“Let’s go to these mountains to carry some big rocks. We must choose some very hard rocks. The varieties of these rocks must meet our standards. These craftsmen should know better than us.”

“These craftsmen actually treated us very carefully from the beginning. They just want to live some peaceful lives. People. When they finish pruning the inheritance, let them go back and see them quickly. Their family members.

Yingzheng nodded, (aibd) this is something he has been thinking about in his heart. He feels that he must urge them now to let them seize the time to finish this matter.

“According to our original plan, if we want to make this Great Wall more than 10,000 miles away, we must trim it for nearly ten years. If this is the case, we can move their furniture directly to the site.

This is also a good way, and now they can only do this, otherwise they will never be able to reunite.

“Don’t lose this opportunity. I hope you can promise me that when we are building the Great Wall now, we must do this with no distractions. We must be efficient and determined.”

If there is not even such a determination to complete, then this thing will definitely not be completed. Yingzheng now wants these craftsmen who built the Great Wall to work in this place with peace of mind.

“Now they must distribute their money in place, otherwise they will definitely be uneasy. We still need to put all his furniture in place now. Only in this way can they be completely steadfast in this place. Really complete such a huge project

As long as they can finish such a thing, they can go back in the future and live a quiet and ordinary life, and their wish can be fulfilled.

“These craftsmen are all craftsmen. To be honest, being able to control them all in this place is really good for us.

“In fact, what I think in my heart is not the same as you. We should let them know now that, as the people of Daqin, we will live and work in this place so that they can also have this confidence.

As long as you can have this kind of information in this place, then all this will happen naturally, and there must be no external blessings.

“Do you know? We have to let him know that our current plan will never disappear like this. It will definitely let them understand what our attitude looks like.”

“We don’t need to talk to them in this place now. They want this Great Wall to be completed more than we do, because they want to go back and unite with them now.”

“Don’t say these are useless now. We have to let them know now that our current plan will be foolproof and will not let them have any paper leakage.

“Look at the front as if something weird appeared in front of you. Should we look at them now?”

Yingzheng carefully observed it and felt that this plan was really good.

“Come slowly, we have to let them know now that our current thinking has actually not changed from the beginning.”

“Have you ever considered that if they rush forward without hesitation, they will leave a lot of accidents. We must now take the weapons in our hands and protect the artisans who built the Great Wall?

“You must also patrol this place from time to time. If you say that if there are people with the Huns, they will kill them immediately, let them die immediately, and the dead will not speak.”

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