Chapter 1198 A heavily guarded place]

“This thing is of course very correct, should we say something else now? Don’t irritate them.

“I know what you mean, they don’t believe some people at all, they didn’t believe it when we started.”

In the end, these refugees explained that they would be really uncomfortable. Winning knows them. In fact, everyone has some thoughts in their hearts.

“Don’t threaten them. Let them do what they are willing to do now. We only need to wait for them to change their minds in this place now. Nothing else matters at all.

“Slowly soothe their emotions in this place, and then let them know that we are doing this kind of thing in this place for their good, but it’s just a last resort.”

After Yingzheng explained, he left this place directly in a carriage, because he knew he had to go to that brightly lit place now.

“In other cases, we don’t need to say any more. We have to go ahead with the 970 now, and let them know that we have given them some opportunities now, and they can do whatever they want.”

From the beginning, they should be absolutely prepared, especially when they are now in all unknown conditions.

“Have you found a problem? If they want this guard to stay in this place now, they will definitely send more soldiers to guard this place now.

Whenever something like this occurs, Yingzheng will report them, so that they must not think about this place, if it is said that once it is random thinking, this matter will be very bad.

“Don’t make jokes in this place, can’t we understand their hearts now?

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, Bo’er seems to have been woken up by us now, let’s go back to the tent now, this carriage can’t hold you anymore.”

When Ying Zheng heard these generals discussing in this place, he asked them to say a few more words, because he knew that he had to listen to them now to be able to sleep in peace.

“Wake me up after an hour or two, and I will come out to deal with some things later. It is not good for them to stay in this place all the time. They must slowly reduce their influence.”

Such things must be prepared, otherwise many people will be awakened by them. This matter is particularly important.

“It’s getting dark now. When it’s dawn, we have to arrange them now, otherwise they will definitely have some complaints against us.”

“We have to take some photos to guard this place, it doesn’t matter at all in other places.”

Yingzheng has already understood their affairs, and has even made all the preparations.

“Don’t say that these are useless in this place, I think we should let these guards come over more now, let them know what our inner decision is.”

“Forget it, the most (aibd) don’t look like this. If we say that once they are pushed to the cliff, they might really rise in the end. You must not do such a stupid thing.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely not. I will definitely let them know what we should do next. We should also let them understand Zhao Gao. In fact, they also know what they want to say and do.”

“I haven’t decided on anything else. We have to fill them with this one. Some people in the palace, they might still be waiting in this place eagerly waiting for us to spread the news.

“Everything about Zhao Gao must be blocked on this version, absolutely not let some other people know, this decision must be carefully considered by all of us.”

“Have you ever thought about why they always understand this place? It’s because they don’t take this issue seriously.

The other issues don’t really matter, especially some of Bao’er and others.

“Have you ever thought that if we say that once Bo’er is waiting in this place, then their hearts will definitely be particularly uncomfortable all the time.”

“Don’t say so much. Now that they have made a decision, they will definitely stick to it in this place. We must now see what kind of torture they will face.

“Torture or torture doesn’t matter to them anymore, as long as they can save their lives now.”

General Meng Tian always felt sorry for them, because he knew that his decision would not change anything from the beginning.

“It’s over, I think our decision like this is really upsetting, do you think so?”

If they really forget all of this in such a direct way, it would be too irresponsible, and they feel that they must be put in place now. .

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