Chapter 1196 Don’t listen to the old man’s words]

“These plans will always be interfered by some other people. We must now resettle these refugees, and then go back to the inn to give them a warning.”

“Okay, let me do such a thing, I don’t have to bother General Mengtian at all.

Yang Duan and him are very clever now. He now knows that if he says that he doesn’t perform well, he won’t be mixed up by your Majesty’s side in the future.

“I already know how to make us happier. I was so stupid before to be honest.

Meng Tian was really happy for him to see Yang Duanhe’s change, because he had always regarded him as a brother before, but what he didn’t expect was that he couldn’t move him at all when he wanted to change him.

“Seeing that you can make such a change, man, I feel very happy for you in 08. Although we are competitors in the future, I will definitely treat you well.”

Ying Zheng kept thinking about this matter in his heart, and he felt that he should let him know how this matter was now.

“Don’t say such things for now, let’s first think about what we should do next. To be honest, I think we should let Bo’er stay in this place for a while now.”

“Have you ever thought about why they stayed in this place? To be honest, I think we should slowly get away from them now and let them know that we will not control their will like this now.”

“If it is said that once they are in control of their will, then this matter will definitely be very bad.”

“Don’t worry, I know what you mean.”

When Ying Zheng saw that the two of them seemed to be talking some whispers all the time, he felt very happy before, and he felt that Yang Duanhe was too rigid.

“Let’s stay away from him now, don’t get too close to him. They will definitely perform the tasks we assigned to them now, especially since they now know that we now value power very much.”

After Ying Zheng tied the person to this pillar, he dragged him directly on the Internet. When he reached the top, he let him sit in this place. He is truly in a desperate situation now.

“He must be forced to a certain amount before he is willing to tell the truth, otherwise these people will not be frightened. We must now be a little bit cruel with the equipment.”

“I know what you mean. Before we do something like this to him, we have to declare to some other refugees that this person has done something that betrayed us, so that’s why we were treated like this.”

“Do you know what we are going to do next? To be honest, I don’t think they deserve to say anything to us now.”

“It’s best not to say such things now. I think we’d better talk to them about this in advance in this place, so that they must not have fun in this place.

“Well, I understand what you mean, in order to be able to understand your situation, but I think that we should catch each of these spies one by one now.”

If Lu Buwei is allowed to clarify things like this, it is really not so good.

“Have you ever thought that if we say that Shang Yang should continue to stay in this place now, the problem is very bad.”

Shang Yang never knew this question, what will happen next.

“I think this matter should be forgotten. We should now ask them when they will be abolished.”

In any case, this situation is really a headache.

“Do you know? If we really abolish them now, then some other people might really do it to plead, if they are pleading, should we respond to them or not to them? ?”

Ying Zheng shook his head and told them not to think too much about 970. Now it is enough to catch Shang Yang and let him know that he will not have any evil intentions towards him.

“Let them not work hard and think too much, as long as they can perform this task as we think.”

“Do you know that I am really worried about the rhythm for this matter, so you must now complete this task smoothly, otherwise you will have failed my expectations of you.”

Some other people nodded and said that they knew very well in their hearts that the next plan should be done in order to make other people completely at ease.

“The fighting hasn’t meant to continue, but I think we’d better stay away from them now and don’t give them any more warnings.

“The fighting will not stop at all for a while, you can rest assured.”

The people around seemed to be very unbelievable about this, and he even wanted to cut this person in the middle. .

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