Chapter 1190 Refugee leader]

The leader of these refugees looked like a tall, thin man, who seemed to have many scars on his face.

“I don’t know why. As a leader, you actually live such a life. It really makes people feel that some people can’t believe it. Let’s talk about it now, what is going on?”

“You don’t need to say more about this, what is my identity here? What do you want to do when you brought us here, just tell me, we won’t succumb to you now.”

Sure enough, they are very angry in their hearts now, because they are not respected at all now, and they are now slaves in the eyes of some of their “Nine-Six-Seven” people.

“We will never agree with us when we come to be your slaves. Even if we commit ourselves in this place, we will not fulfill your ambitions now.”

The light from these people’s eyes was holding them with a trace of hatred. He didn’t understand them in his heart. He felt that he should let him know that he had no ambitions at all.

“I am the emperor of Daqin, you should be very clear about the atmosphere, such a ruler on a vast land, I am not discussing with you now, but informing you.”

Winning the government is just talking to them. His aura is full and no one will dare to resist him.

“You all understand the order I am giving you now. In this place, men plowing and weaving women must do this well. I will come to see you in a while.”

Yingzheng did not say anything or what to do with them, but let them cultivate in this place.

“If you can produce food and cloth in one place, then I will definitely use the thing you produced to offset the sins you committed on our land.”

They finally understood what Yingzheng said. There are many people who disagree to live on the ground and kowtow to Yingzheng one after another.

“Okay, you don’t have to use this kind of behavior to express your center in this place. I understand what your thoughts are.”

“Otherwise, let’s stay in this place for a while now and see how they will do this thing in the future. We have to control this thing now.”

After Yingzheng ordered to go down, some other people knew what to do.

“Otherwise, let’s lead them. They may not even know what kind of food is suitable for our place.”

“Are you sure you want to look like this? To be honest, I think I’d better not think too much in this place now. We have to be down-to-earth now.”

Whenever something like this happens, they must be soothed. They must not be abused in this place, otherwise they will definitely feel uneasy in their hearts.

“I have already told you, you just need to wait in this place with peace of mind, don’t worry about anything else.”

It’s really not good to take care of other things in this place.

“Do you understand what I said now? I hope you can be a little calm and calm, and don’t say something bad in this place, understand?”

“Yang Duanhe has led some other soldiers to take some hoes and sickles, and teach them to cultivate some grain in this place.

When the people below came to report, Yingzheng didn’t believe it at all, because he felt that Yang Duohe had always been a person with little speech, and he was a very arrogant person, how could he do such a thing.

“In his own residence before, I had never seen him do such a rough job, but he was able to perform such a kind of performance today, it is really very good.

“I feel quite surprised, but he really has a very clear sense of purpose now. We should learn from him now, what do you think?”

“Does this still need to be said? This is for sure. I think I should let them know now that we will never fight with them so easily now.”

“Hurry up and stay away from them. Don’t say this to them in this place. You don’t know that some of them are broom stars. 1.3”

When another wave of refugees came over, they saw these refugees, and they seemed to dislike each other now.

“These refugees are the refugees from the south. They have fled. They look down on these refugees from neighboring countries.”

Winning the government thought for a while, now we have to tell them that they are equal now, and there is nothing to look down upon at all. It is better to let them help each other in this way.

“Don’t let them form such a chain of sight, we must now coordinate their mentality so that they never collapse.”

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