Chapter 1187 Deliberately joking]

“You must never say such a thing, I will take it seriously.

Yingzheng now doesn’t want to talk nonsense with them, because he knows that he must be calm now to be able to take them all.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

The brightly lit place in their place must be something that has happened. Yingzheng now wants to know why they celebrated here, and there are some very strange ceremonies.

“This is the ceremony celebrated by the people from their Huns’ side. He said that now that we can’t make something successfully, we have to hurry over and take a look.”

Yingzheng has been thinking about this matter. He is surprised now. He thinks it is time for Bo’er and the others to rest in this place.

“We can now pretend to be ordinary people, and we used to deliberately joke with them to divert their attention, what do you think?”

If you use such a method, it is really good.

“Forget it, I don’t agree with you at all. I hope you can cheer up and bravely fight with us.

Ying Zheng didn’t want to make any jokes with them on purpose. He felt that he should first ask General Meng Tian to send someone over to find out what happened in this place.

“If there is something about people in this place, let’s not care about them, you know what I mean, Zhao Gao and the others have already started to act now, we can’t fall back now, 々.

If this matter falls, it will be over.

“I understand what you mean, you must be more anxious than I am now, and I will definitely implement our plan now.”

After hearing General Meng Tian’s affirmative answer, Ying Zheng’s heart was touched, because he felt that only he could truly understand his thoughts.

“Your brother is still looking for the elixir of life in the suburbs, and when he returns to the palace, he will hide the other ministers of civil and military affairs.”

Ying Zheng has already told Meng Tian of this important news, because he knows that only in this way can he truly work in this place with peace of mind.

“Thank your Majesty, if it’s not you, I don’t know how to do it.”

Before such a thing happens, they must be made clear about the ins and outs of this thing, otherwise these guards will definitely be very uncomfortable.

“We don’t need to continue entangled with them in this place, we just need to station these thoughts directly around their inn.”

The people around were stunned, because they had just received an order to relax their vigilance and pretend that some other people didn’t have any opinion on this matter.

“Are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this? I think you really make people feel very speechless.”

Yingzheng is very calm. He knows how to look at them when facing this matter.

“We only need to be able to control them now. The others don’t matter to us at all. I have now said all these things that should be said.”

“Well, I think we should gradually clarify this situation now, and don’t let them have any doubts about us, especially because there are many people who don’t seem to want to contact us at all.”

Yingzheng does not want them to have any misunderstandings at all now. He feels that now he should implement his original plan first. Only by implementing such an idea can he see what will happen next.

**” Let’s take pictures of some people dressed up as ordinary people, and join in the fun in this group. Let’s fool around with such a thing first.

“I agree with you very much.”

Yingzheng understands this process and feels that it is best to deny them directly now.

“Are you sure? I think we should still let Zhao Gao stay in this place. Otherwise, they don’t know what our next plans are, and they won’t have any actions.”

If Zhao Gao is really going to come out halfway now, it can only show that they are all people who are prepared with something.

“I’m really very angry, do you know? I think (good King Nuo) we should warn them now somehow.

If the warning fails, then look for another opportunity to directly attack them, so that you can catch them all.

“The people on the Xiongnu side are really chaotic. They are not only harassing us in this frontier, but also sending some spies to our spirit. We must now settle such a sum of money.”

“Don’t worry, we will definitely do this seriously.”

Until such an account is clear, you don’t need to care about other things at all, just do what they have to do.

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