Chapter 1184 Torture]

At this time, Yingzheng wanted to rush straight over, because he knew that if this matter is not handled properly now, everyone will be very uncomfortable.

“Do you know? I don’t think we can think too much in this place now.

If you think too much, then each of them will take action, and some of their next plans will be completely disrupted.

“Well, I know what your thoughts are, don’t make these decisions, because I think they will be very afraid of us now. Our king has already said that we must give up such a right now. It’s important to consider the people as the first thing to consider in the struggle.”

General Meng Tian is a very talkative person. He knows that he only needs to say a few more words in this place now, then this thing will be done.

“I think we should now let all the civil and military officials above the court come out to experience it. Only when they experience such a thing can they know how difficult it is for us to fight outside.”

Meng Tian deliberately snatched all these words over. When he was speaking in this place, many ministers all bowed their heads, and they didn’t dare to raise their heads at all.

Now the person with the highest position in the house besides winning politics is Meng Tian.

“Are you sure you want to do this now? If we really do this, other people might think that we deliberately did something like this to resist them, and they might still think that we deliberately do it in the end.

Ying Zheng shook his head and felt that this matter actually didn’t matter at all. No matter what, they should know that there is a natural solution to this matter.

“Don’t think about it in this place. Some of their people are actually very Damn it. Don’t be deceived by them, and don’t be misled by them-anymore.”

Yingzheng looked up and down, the minister in front of him seemed to be particularly anxious now, especially as some big beads of sweat ooze out on her forehead.

“My goodness, I don’t think we should face them like this at all now. We should tie them up and put the knife directly on their necks.

Meng Tian has basically determined now that there are indeed some Huns in their team, and I don’t know when they are going to extend these people to this place.

“We have to give them a warning now, or they won’t take it seriously.”

Yingzheng has made a decision, and he feels that he should let them know from the beginning that his decision is correct.

“Hurry up and make a decision. We have to let them see our purpose clearly, and then make them dare not confront us at all. This is the best way.

“Now if they are not allowed to guide us, will they really complete this task without hesitation in the end? We must stop them now.”

Everyone knows very well that they have one characteristic of these people, that is, they don’t shed tears when they don’t see the coffin. If they don’t just open them up, they won’t pay attention to them at all.

“Well, I see, if I encounter such a problem again in the future, I will definitely not just stop it like this.”

0……Look for flowers……

Although this person looks good on the surface, in fact it has a lot of flaws and loopholes. If you look for it carefully, you will definitely be able to find these loopholes left by him.

“We have to take our time now, there is no other chance at all.

If he can bear the torture of words and deeds in this place, then no matter what it is, it can be done smoothly. Winning politics is actually very serious now. He wants to see if this person will make up. What kind of lies.

“This person should be in this area. Now you have to arrest all these people and interrogate them one by one.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? To be honest, I think it’s quite scary. Some of them said they would ignore us at all.”

“Don’t worry about this. They care about us and ignore us now. We just need to find it out now. As for how to deal with him next, it’s up to fate.

Meng Tian nodded. He has always had his own considerations for winning politics.

“If this is the case, then I will just implement it. You can bring good news here. I will definitely give you the results of this news as soon as possible.”

The eyes should be kept bright from the beginning, otherwise this matter will be troublesome.

“Do you know? We should give them some reminders now, or we can now ask them what will happen next.” Factory.

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