Chapter 1175 I don’t want face?]

Anyway, these people are some very nice people, and they cannot be allowed to think too much in this place.

“Forget it, I think we still have to give them a little bit of face, otherwise they might really make us feel very uncomfortable.”

“I have told you many times since the beginning, don’t think too much about this place.”

General Meng Tian started to chase the person in front of him. What he didn’t expect was that his riding speed was so fast that he couldn’t match it at all.

“Sure enough, I am young and promising. I have been planning “Nine-Five-Seven” in this account room before, so I haven’t been riding a horse for a long time. What I didn’t expect is that in such a short time. Can’t keep up with these young people.”

Meng Tian started to joke at this time.

“You must not say anything about me behind this. I am a face-saving person. Anyway, we must train them now. They are some of our hope for the future.”

For such a situation, he has his own considerations. He feels that he has put all his energy into theirs now.

“I think it’s best for us to keep our eyes open now, only in this way can we really maximize our ability to fight this one.”

“I think as long as we can follow him now, then we can definitely handle this matter, especially if they are so powerful.”

At this moment, Yingzheng has considered it, and feels that he should tell the truth to them now, and then they stay in this place for a while. This is more appropriate.

“Don’t say such ugly things in this place, I think we should now carefully ponder how to say these things in the future.”

You should understand their thoughts from the beginning.

“Forget it, let’s step over now.”

As long as we can prepare well in this place, these things will go smoothly.

“Are you sure? To be honest, I think some of the decisions we have made now are still inappropriate.”

Now is not the time to say anything is appropriate or inappropriate, Meng Tian has already spoken, and now he must do the opposite.

“We don’t need to care about these bandits at all. They are refugees. They have no fighting capacity at all, and it is impossible for them to cooperate with some people from the Huns at all, because the people in Hope Building simply look down on them.

These refugees from the south are already skinny and skinny, so they will definitely hide in this mountain now, and will never come out to see people.

“Those Xiongnu people should be looking for them, it must be very difficult to find them, because they hide in such a leftover old man and never come out.

Ying Zheng’s heart thought about it carefully, and felt that now he should let Prime Minister Li Si and Lu Buwei and others report to himself some progress in the palace from time to time.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely arrange this matter properly. We are going to this place overnight and go directly to this inn, which is a location in the center of the capital.”

As long as you can press the footsteps in this place, then these next things will be held very smoothly, and the more you think about it, the more happy you are.

“All these things outside of us are smooth for him, and these things inside the palace must also go smoothly. The construction of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses and the Great Wall must be on the agenda early.”

From the beginning, some of them were unhappy, and the winning politicians did not understand what they thought in their hearts.

“I know you feel unbalanced in your heart. If that’s the case, then you should show your true ability. If you have the ability, you can take us directly out of this place.

Yingzheng knew very well in his heart that he felt that he should give them a good start now.

“It’s not that you don’t know. I am always very serious when doing things. Some of your thoughts are really unpleasant.”

Yingzheng said this deliberately, and now he wants to see how these people will react.

“Your Majesty, please calm down your anger, even if these people have worked hard, we will definitely fulfill this wish of yours, especially the people around 1.3 are always in trouble.”

Yingzheng didn’t say much, he felt that he should now let Lu Buwei and the others quickly tell the matter.

“Don’t say so much, okay? We have already told them so much about this situation. Could it be that they don’t have any experience and lessons? They will definitely repeat the situation in this place.”

Whenever I think of such things, Winning feels worried, because he knows that his abilities are very strong, but the abilities of these people around him are not necessarily.

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