Chapter 1165 Merciful]

“Oh, look at this bow and arrow. It directly pierced the ground, and it didn’t hit some of us at all. It seems that they are really merciful.

“I think they are all masters. We better stay away from this place now. If they say they are willing to give us food and entanglement, let them give it to us. If they say they don’t want to, don’t stop them. .”

This bow and arrow is just between the two horns of the strong man. If it deviates slightly, his foot will be injured immediately.

“They shoot this bow and arrow now to frighten us. If you don’t “nine-five-zero”, you don’t know their master. If you want to kill us, it’s really a hit.

Yingzheng now doesn’t want to continue wasting time with them in this place. He feels that he has made an agreement with them now, and he will definitely fulfill his promise.

“If you don’t know this token, it can only mean that the implementation time of this token is not particularly long, so you are in this deep mountain and old forest, you don’t know what the effect of this token is.

“This is a token of a prince and minister. You should salute after you see it. Today, I will save you from such a crime for the time being.”

While Ying Zheng said, he made them feel like giving way in front, otherwise their fate would be like this little branch in their own hands, which would be snapped immediately.

“I think we must be prepared now. Don’t irritate these people. Some of them are masters. I have told you many times. This place provokes them…”

“If you provoke them in this place, then this matter will definitely make people feel very anxious, what do you think?”

Whenever something like this happens, Ying Zheng wants to ask them what kind of understanding they still have about this matter, and what will happen to them next?

“We absolutely can’t ask him to be merciful now. We have to let them know now that we have really done this to the extreme. We can’t think too much and talk too much.”

Thinking of such things, Yingzheng felt that he had to make this token a little bit more popular now, so that the people all over the world would recognize this token, and they all knew that this token was a symbol of status.

“These people still don’t know the identity that this token symbolizes. In this case, we must let them know now that they are too ignorant.”

“We are not to blame for this. They are living in seclusion in this deep mountain and old forest all day long. It is useless to tell them that, so I think we only need to be able to be ourselves now.”

Yingzheng thought for a while. This is indeed the truth. If they hadn’t lived in this place now, they would have known how terrifying this token was.

“I think we should give him some face now.”

Everything else is indifferent, so now I want to know how much Zhao Gao knows about this matter. If Zhao Gao knows, will he come out and blend in?

“Zhao Gao and the others actually looked down on us very much from the beginning. To be honest, I think we have to hold them down like this now, otherwise they will really bully us.

Winning Zheng didn’t want to consider some additional things at all. He just wanted to see how these people in front of him should be dealt with.

“Come slowly, they must now know how to do this thing.”

Yingzheng’s eyes widened. He felt that he couldn’t think about it now. Now he must be moved with affection and persuade them with reason.

“You can persuade them a little bit in this place, tell them not to do things that are contrary to their original intentions, and let them stay in this place for a while.”

“Are you sure? If we say to persuade them in this place, they might not have any kindness at all. They might even hit a south wall.”

These poor people now only need some food and entanglement. It is such a simple thing. Winning the government will surely meet their needs.

“If we say that we can’t even give them such a thing, what is the point of ruling them in this place now? We must satisfy them now.

The other people actually don’t care at all, and they don’t want to talk more about winning the government now.

“Don’t tell me, I think the people we have dispatched now might really give us something quiet in the end. We just need to look forward to it in our hearts now.”

The head of this very strong man, named A Zhuang Yingzheng, looked at her up and down. She seemed to be eating very well. She looked fat at least 200 kilograms.

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