Chapter 1161 People without food]

“Your Majesty’s words are very correct. We must now implement these rules and regulations very strictly, so that we can prosper the country and strengthen the people.

“We are far away from the place of the city gate, we will take a remote path next, but I looked at it and it is about to sunset now.”

They have a total of three or five carriages in front and back. If they encounter bandits, then they will be in trouble. They still have a lot of silver and some food in their carts.

“If we really meet some bandits in this mountain, then we must stay away from them now, and we should not fight them now.

These ministers are all a group of civil and military officials, and they actually don’t want to waste this energy in such a wilderness.


“Although the purpose of our coming out this time is not this, we have to be prepared because it is not easy for us now.

If you encounter anything, you must get rid of them, especially some of their very shabby people.

“We must not let them succeed. This matter is particularly important. I have told you many times. We must now rob the rich and help the poor.

While Ying Zheng was talking, he looked at the land in the mountains. In this place, there were indeed many houses with no smoke at all. At first glance, this place was the nest of some bandits.

“No matter what kind of things we do, we should pay attention to efficiency. Let’s quickly go and see what kind of people there are in this place.

When Yingzheng and their carriages slowly drove forward, a team suddenly rushed down from this mountain in front of them.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, they should be a powerful gang now. Should we call all our elite guards and rush to the front?”

Ying Zheng felt that he wanted to see what the identities of these people were, and why they would suddenly fight and rob them on the way.

“If it is true that the country is prosperous and the people are strong, there will be no such people as bandits and robbers. Our current path must be a long road and we must seize all feasible motives now.”

At such a critical moment, the winner is preaching to them, because he knows that he is still far from his ultimate goal.

“They said they were wearing fancy clothes, but I suddenly discovered that they weren’t like bandits and robbers at all. If they were really bandits and robbers, they would definitely wear a lot of clothes, and their clothes were particularly torn.”

Ying Zheng took a closer look. It was not completely dark yet, and he could see that their faces were really like beggars’ faces, and there were stains everywhere.

“How can it be possible if it is so strong? If they keep tying knots in this place, then they must be rich.

Yingzheng thought for a while, these people might be people who are in trouble, otherwise they wouldn’t be like this at all.

“Who the hell are you? Why do you look like this?”

Yingzheng thought about it for a long time, and felt that this matter was actually indifferent at all.

“Otherwise, forget it, let’s take it slowly now, don’t pay attention to so much, you don’t know what we have experienced.”

Yingzheng has basically taken out all these valuable things from himself now, and he feels that he must not scare them now.

“They must have made up their minds now to rush down from this mountain. They probably haven’t eaten for a long time. Now they should quickly take out some of our food and give them.”

After some observations, Yingzheng basically had some judgments about them in his heart. He felt that these people might be some very poor people, and they now have to do such bastard things.

“We 947 now have to ask them why they are in this place. If we say something you should be talking about, we will ask them proactively.”

No matter how you actively ask, the matter is not too much when you ask, these attendants and guards have already put their hands on the handle of this treasured sword.

“Don’t be impulsive now. If you kill a common people now, I will pay for your lives. These common people are all innocent.”

Yingzheng knows that there is a reason that I have been thinking in my heart, that is, water can carry a boat and it can overturn the boat.These people are their own food and clothing parents, and they are taking good care of them now, then they will become their own in the future. Faithful backing.

“If you use such swords and sabers to face them now, in the end they won’t believe us at all.

For such things, there is a lot of experience in winning politics. .

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