Chapter 1159 Strict rules and regulations]

“I’ve said a lot, you can think about it slowly.

Yingzheng felt that they had to emphasize these rules a little bit now, otherwise they would not know what to do with this issue.

When they returned to the city gate to this place, there were a lot of guards guarding them, and there were three floors inside and three floors outside. If they wanted to pass this place and cross the border, it would be impossible.

“I think it’s true that a fly can’t fly in or out, unless they have such a pass, which is a wooden token.”

Ying Zheng looked at the guards around him. They basically had a token pinned to their waists, and they could be seen from a long distance shining brightly outside.

“Well, if this is the case, then strictly follow this rule and system. If they say they want to enter or come out, they must look at the token. This way of passage will definitely bring us-more It’s safer.”

For such things, winning the government is very recognized.

These guards are very serious when doing things, especially after they have seen the honorable face of Yingzheng.

“I can see that these guards are getting more and more obedient now, and they are really getting more and more industrious now, we must be treated well now.”

Although these guards seem to be very obedient on the surface, in fact they have a deeper respect for the most successful ones.

“Before, I heard some seniors once said that the person they admire most in this life is Your Majesty, because it is really not easy for you to lay down such a piece of land.”

Yingzheng smiled, he felt that to himself, this matter was nothing but a piece of the world.

“We are just merging these small countries around us. We have gradually become a stronger country, and we are now about to become a country where the country is rich and the people are strong, and the people live and work in peace…”

Winning politics is in my heart at the moment, and now there is only one idea, and that is to create a harmonious society of great harmony in the world.

“We must now have a clear goal. Once this goal is clear, then our next things will go smoothly.”

What Yingzheng said was very correct. She felt that she had to make this situation clear now.

“Have you ever thought about what they will think if we continue to stay in this place? These things are like revolving lanterns, dangling before our eyes. ”

These ministers began to sigh in this place one after another, and they thought about winning the government. If they were to sigh on this carriage, there is really something inappropriate, and now they should be allowed to go to the people in person.

“If we want to experience the sufferings of these civilians, we must be rooted among them now, so when we go out this time, we must disguise and dress up as some ordinary royal nobles.”

Yingzheng now doesn’t want to let himself go too far.

He knows that if you dress up as a beggar, you might really be annoying, because there has never been such a handsome and handsome beggar.

“We are going to stay in this place for a while now and don’t let them have any misunderstandings.

0……Look for flowers…

It is not easy for Yingzheng to let them know that these ordinary people. Now if it wants to really help these ordinary people, it must be rooted in their perspective.

“They are about to have enough food and clothes. I heard that in certain places, especially those that have experienced disasters, they simply can’t eat enough.!

Ying Zheng once watched a memorial, and heard that the people in that place eat bark all day and go to the wilderness to dig some weeds. After their excavation, those barren mountains and fields have basically become bare and beautiful.

“As soon as I heard of such a thing, I felt extremely uncomfortable in my heart, so you have to eliminate this situation now, and you must let these people live a good life, be able to eat and wear warm clothes. .

When Ying Zheng talked about such things, he felt very sad in his heart. He felt that he must now make these ordinary people really rich.

“You must now send some cronies to the disaster sites in the south in person. If it is supposed to be in need of treatment, treat them at all costs, and then lead them out of poverty.”

While saying this, Yingzheng carefully observed the expressions of some people. They are still very serious now. It seems that they have basically got their own true biography now.

“Let’s take it slowly now. As long as we work hard, we will definitely overcome these difficulties.

Yingzheng was very happy. He felt that the ministers under his hand were all in one mind with him. factory.

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