Chapter 1155 Capture Shang Yang alive]

“You must go out now, you must wear a token on this waist, and when you enter and exit these levels, you must show this token.”

While Ying Zheng confessed, they asked them to quickly search for Shang Yang’s shadow. If he really found a place to commit suicide, it would be a waste of talent, just like what they said.

“If you really can’t find him, immediately issue a wanted order throughout the country, and you will definitely find him.”

After you find him, you must invite him to the palace respectfully, and you must not hurt her anymore. When Ying Zheng thought of such a thing “Nine Forty Three”, some laughed.

“We can’t let him be like this anymore. We must now let him know that every decision we make now is for the good of our Daqin.,

Yingzheng nodded his head while talking and laughing with them, because when he really faced such a situation, he had to let each of them know that he actually respected them very much in his heart.

“I have said so much to you, and you will probably understand my good intentions in your heart. What I want to tell you next is that we must wait step by step in this place now.

Just wait for them in this place, then all this is worth it, especially since they are so diligent in this place.

“I understand what you mean, as long as we capture him alive now, then all this is very natural, right? He will definitely come back for our use now.”

Prime Minister Li Si hurried to the back garden in a hurry. He knelt on the ground with a plop as soon as he came. He now has some riding on the wind, and he feels that he has been wronged outside by winning the government.

“We are guilty of death, and our Majesty was allowed to go out alone and form a group to go together. It’s just the most recent thing. It’s really hard to turn around.

Yingzheng raised his hand and waved it so that he must never say these high-sounding words again.

“Come on, Ai Qing is flat.

Yingzheng didn’t want to say more, because she knew that Li Si was also very tired in this place recently, and every decision he made now was for his own good.

“You must be very hateful now, because you just went out without saying hello to you. You must be very uncomfortable now.”

They might be very serious now. Everything else is indifferent. They are sent out. These people are doing their best. This is something that should be done. Ying Zheng is very happy.

“Other things should come slowly, don’t make this situation so complicated.”

“Don’t worry, I understand what you mean. They have been in this place for a long time now. I think we should let them understand this situation now.”

If they don’t even understand such a thing, then they will definitely feel very cool in their hearts now.

“Are you sure you want to do this? If you do, what if you hurt their hearts? To be honest, this is something I am more worried about.

Yingzheng doesn’t want to talk to them so much now, because he knows that now the main reason is to understand this issue, so all this will go smoothly.

“When letting them go out, they must hold the token. We just forgot about this. Now we must remember that we must now strictly follow the rules and regulations that we formulated at the beginning.

After knowing so many things, winning the government didn’t worry at all, because he knew that Shang Yang would definitely come back by himself now, and he wouldn’t be able to live outside at all.

“We have raised them in this palace for so many years, and they have been pampering them all day long. They simply can’t stand the poor days outside.”

He knew very well about this kind of thing, and he felt that as long as he was able to be caught back now, then everything would go smoothly.

“I know what you mean, but I think we are doing this now, but there are some things that are not very good.

Yingzheng now wants to ask them what else they want to say about this matter.

“No need to say anything else, I think we should think of a way now, after all, there are so many things in this matter, what do you think?”

As long as it can make them understand their own good intentions, then all of this is worth 1.3. Yingzheng now wants to see how the scenery outside is.

“Looking back on the days when I was outside this palace, I felt very free. There are really many rules in this palace, but as long as it is able to benefit the people of the world, then this is no matter what kind of thing it is. worth it.”

The ministers below knelt down one after another, praising the victory in this place.

“Don’t say that these are useless, if you immediately transfer these silver coins to the people in the disaster-stricken areas in the south, then immediately raise his head and see his skin.”

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