Chapter 1152 No rules, no standards】

“Don’t think so much in this place. I think we have to cancel the token for us now. If we need to strictly implement it for us, it is simply too inconvenient.”

When some guards around said something like this, Ying Zheng suddenly remembered the rules that Shang Yang had said in front of him.

“There is no rule to make a circle. We must treat everyone equally now. Whoever enters or exits the palace must look at his token. No one can be an exception.”

Ying Zheng knows that if it is himself, it can be an exception, but he can’t take out this royal token now, because once it is to prove the identity, then the surrounding assassins will probably be ready to move.

No one thought of these things that Shang Yang said at the beginning, but Ying Zheng knew that when faced with such a situation, he had to steadily perform it, otherwise those people would not follow it.

“Have you ever heard of a saying called “Up and Down Effect”, how we do it, the people below will do it.

When faced with such an incident, you must follow the rules. If you don’t even talk about such a rule, then nothing can be done at all.

“Forget it, I think we should slowly do these things right now. After we go back, we will quickly take a look at the decisions made by Prime Minister Li Si and Master Lu Buwei, and whether there is any decision in the palace. Once the shadows of these assassins are clear, we will go out immediately, 々.”

The whole palace is very relieved to be handed over to Lu Buwei and Prime Minister Li Si to win the government.

“I knew that the rules we made were so troublesome, so we won’t come back easily. To be honest, I really had a trace of fortunate mentality at that time…”

At this time, Yingzheng laughed while talking. He felt that he should at least let them know what he was thinking in his heart now.

“Don’t think so much in this place.”

Yingzheng now wants to ask them what they think about this matter.

“If we continue like this, I am afraid that the remaining ones will be very troublesome.”

Yingzheng now wants to ask, what do they think about this matter?

“I think we should revise this rule now. Can’t it be so strict for everyone? If we take out the token now, then it will not reflect our noble identity at all.”

Yingzheng did not speak much, he felt that he was not talking about his identity at all.

“Stop joking in this place, you don’t know, we should let them know our thoughts now, this matter can be troublesome.”

In such a palace wall, there are a lot of people who are not together, and Yingzheng knows how to consider this matter.

“Do you know? We should calm down a little bit now.”

If we do not handle this matter properly, I am afraid this matter will be very troublesome.

“I think it’s better to forget, we have all come to this place now.”

If we do not handle this problem well, then this matter will definitely be very difficult.

“These people are staring at us. They can’t wait to pull us out of the carriage directly. They definitely don’t think our identity is true now. They might think we are the assassins of the Huns.”

The guards stared at this place with enthusiasm, and Ying Zheng felt that he had to show his identity now.

*” It’s time to tell them what our identity is. Now you quickly handle this matter for me, don’t mess with it. ”

Winning politics is very serious. He thinks he should give them a nephew now.

“Finally, if you encounter this carriage, don’t stop it. If you stop it, your head will not be protected. When you see this carriage in the future, especially if this horse has a horse on its head. Golden armor, then you can just open up this cost all the way.

After winning the government out, let them take a look at their royal ace.

“They don’t even know what this (Norma’s) thing is for, but they know that the person with a token must be the emperor. They are probably licking their mouths in their hearts now.”

Yingzheng smiled, thinking that this thing shouldn’t be done like this.

“It’s nothing, in fact, I think we still have to calm down a little bit now.”

As long as you can be prepared, it is quite troublesome to solve those other things.

“They will definitely recognize us now, and to be honest, I think we really have to give them a good start now.”

If he is not punished, he would never know what happened. .

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