Chapter 1150 Long walk back to the palace]

Yingzheng now wants to open the curtain and look outside, but he was stopped by these people next to him.

“It’s best not to make rash decisions, and don’t do these things. We have been slapped by some other people now, and we have to be careful no matter what we do.”

Yingzheng feels that his own ideas are correct, so he said that he does not need to consider the opinions of others.

“Are we right to do this now?”

If you go straight and rampage into it, you might really alarm more people in the end. Yingzheng now wants them to take their route back to the palace and talk a little bit “nine forty” with other people. One said.

“Now I have to let them know my route back to the palace.”

If they say they don’t know now, then everything will be very irritable.

“Forget it, let’s not think about it so much now, we just need to let Lu Buwei wait in this place now.”

They already have a lot of people waiting in this place. If this is the case, then they should say a few more words to let them know more about it.

“I think we should let him go straight out of this place now, otherwise they will definitely harm the country and the people.”

Zhao Gao shouldn’t trust him at all. Winning is very clear in his heart that once all these trusts are imposed on them, it would be too bad.

“From the very beginning, when I first saw Zhao Gao, I thought he was wicked. I won’t criticize him for his looks now. He is not right in his mind now. It is really unpleasant. ”

“Oh, I really didn’t expect it. It turned out that our General Meng Tian would still talk about such things, which is really surprising.

“Let’s not think about it so much now. As long as we can take out their torture and suppress them, then all of this is worth it.”

Ying Zheng has always said these words very directly. He feels that he should now take Li Si directly from this palace. This is more appropriate.

“Even if we stay here all the time, it is excusable. They are not qualified to come and screen us now.”

General Meng Tian was very excited. He felt that he could use this opportunity to completely eradicate all of Zhao Gao’s right and left arms.

“Forget it, let’s do it slowly.”

Winning politics makes them move a little bit slower, don’t disturb other people, or things will be troublesome.

“I know, I know how our actions should be executed.

As long as it is possible to return to the palace, then all of this is worthwhile, and there is no need to talk about other things at all. Many things are very smooth.

“I think we should give them a reminder now, let them know what we are doing this for.”

I don’t know why in this place. It seems that there are a lot of wooden shelves that seem to be put in this place to resist other people coming in.

“It’s really inappropriate to put these things in this place, don’t you think you think?”

Yingzheng shook his head, feeling that there was nothing inappropriate about this matter.

“What you said is reasonable, but I think we have to give them a warning now, so that they will never dare to mess around in this place in the future. This is what we want to do most.”

Just let them experience these things first, and don’t care about the others at all.

“I think we still need to keep this general away from this place.”

These people do not have a long memory at all, and they are very clear in their hearts. Although they seem to be very submissive on the surface, they actually look down on Zhao Gao at all, because they all know Zhao Gao. How did you make a fortune?

“Don’t pretend to be in this place. Now in this carriage is our noble majesty. If you let us have some shortcomings, you won’t be able to keep your heads.”

General Meng Tian felt that he had basically come inside the palace gate now. If that’s the case, then it would be okay to tell the truth directly to them.

“There are a lot of our people in the palace gate. Even if we have a big fight with them in this place, our number is huge.”

In such a place, it is better to avoid suspicion. Otherwise, some other people might still think that winning politics is a very tyrannical person.

“Don’t ruin my image. I have told you so many times. In this court, you must put this tone to a little more soothing.”

Ying Zheng opened the curtain and walked out. He now wants to let other people take a look at his own dignity. What he didn’t expect was that the guards in these public doors had never seen him at all. .

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