Chapter 1148 Running Wagon]

“The carriage, although it is said to run very fast, but the goal is too big, we should not let them see where we are now, we must now look ahead.”

If the target is too big, they might suddenly come out to attack, so they have found a lot of people waiting in this place, but it is still not suitable.

“Don’t say so much now, is it okay? Let’s go slowly now, there will always be a solution to the problem.

Ying Zheng also understands what kind of trouble he will cause if he does this. He feels that he should first see what kind of thoughts they will have in the face of such a thing.

“Don’t wait so much in this place. Let’s take a look at a song now. They might actually come out directly from this place. You will cut off their heads as soon as they come out.”

Faced with such a gangster, there is no need to calmly think about anything.

“Are you sure? To be honest, I still think it’s terrible. Can’t we stay here a little longer now?”

Yingzheng looked at 940 people who were not far away, and felt that his decision was still a bit too hasty.

“Don’t think so. Our current thinking is actually inappropriate. We have to go ahead and let them know where the root of this matter is.

“I know what they are saying and what they mean. To be honest, I think Zhao Gao is a very ill-informed person. If we kill him in this place now, it will be cheaper for him.”

Don’t let them be too silly in this place. If they are too silly, many things will be difficult to handle.

“Well, I see. I think we should let Lu Buwei and Yang Duan and them see clearly what our intentions are. They will definitely wait in this place next.”

“Did you see that they are already waiting for us at this place in this city gate.”

As long as they can help them, then this thing is worth it. Win Zheng now wants to see if Meng Tian has learned any real skills when he is out in command of the troops.

“We now have to let them know that this matter actually doesn’t matter at all, and there is no need to think too much.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? If we get under this carriage now, other people will definitely think that we don’t take these rules seriously, because we are going through this city gate now. NS.

There were rules in the past. If you are about to cost this place, you must not be presumptuous. If you have any ideas, you must tell them in time.

“Don’t think about this matter so complicated, OK? We have already given them a chance, but they didn’t seize it.”

“The opportunity is so rare, they must not be allowed to think too much in this place, they will definitely have a deep misunderstanding in their hearts.

“I want them to rush directly from this place. To be honest, I don’t want to hear them say such things in this place.”

Yingzheng now wants to go (aibd) to ask them what they think about this matter.

“We only need to do what we should do now. We don’t need to deal with some other people at all. If we say that if we go blindly, then those other people will definitely blame us.”

“I see. I must not dare to say anything more. We will definitely stop here in this place. Don’t worry.”

It is really time to deal with this matter properly, otherwise they will definitely have a grudge in this place.

“General Meng Tian said these things seriously. To be honest, I think we should let Zhao Gao know how good we are now, so he won’t dare to toss.”

“Although you are right, I think our current decision is actually not bad. They must not dare to be presumptuous in this place. Don’t worry.

Ying Zheng now wants to take a look at how Meng Yi and Lu Buwei are dealing with this matter in this palace.

“Needless to say anything else, they will definitely be calm now.”

These things in the palace are very handy. They don’t know what they should do next.

“I advise you now, don’t think about these things, because a lot of people are staring at us. Maybe they already know that this carriage has been taken by us.”

“No one knows what will happen next in this matter, they will definitely rack their brains to think about this issue now.”

“Now we only need to let him know how good we are, and don’t need to worry about other things.”

Ying Zheng looked and couldn’t see far away, he felt that he should give them some power now.

“Let them walk around from this place, don’t think about those messy things, as long as they can pass this city gate, nothing else is within our consideration.”

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