Chapter 1146 Vendor who sells things]

The street outside is around noon. Now they have a lot of people wanting to buy vegetables and so on. They already have a lot of people on the stalls.

“Don’t think that some of them came out on purpose. I don’t think we should disturb the normal lives of these ordinary people.

These ordinary people are actually very pitiful. They sell some things in this place early every day, but in fact they can’t sell a few dollars at all.

“When we drove out all these Huns, we will seize all their belongings and distribute them to the common people.

At both ends of the street, there are a lot of small vendors who sell things. Some of them are made by winning political parties, and some are real vendors.

“Don’t disturb the normal life of these people, and we should now give the people more of these 08 silvers, and let them get more food in this place, so that we can protect their lives.”

Some other people simply don’t know how to do this.

“Forget it, we only need to get rid of this Zhao Gao now, then we can get a large sum of money, you may not even know how many things Zhao Gao has hidden himself.”

Yingzheng would not think so. He felt that he had to get rid of it directly now.

“Don’t think of it as some very powerful person. In fact, he doesn’t have two brushes at all. We only need to remove the right arms around him. Now he is like a handless chicken. Like a little chicken of the power.”

Ying Zheng knew that Zhao Gao actually had no abilities at all. He now only has a three-inch tongue, and everything else is. Lie to those other people.

“You must not take this issue seriously. I think we should now knock these small vendors directly, so that they must not have any losses in this place.”

He is very careful about winning politics in such matters. He has now replaced all the small vendors around the inn with his own people, and no matter what method he uses, he will drive some other people far away.

“Although these ordinary people were swearing when they left, they will know that our behavior here is to protect their property.”

There will be fights in this place later. If there is a fight, then these things on their hands will be smashed, and in the end they will lose these things for nothing.

“If we now say that once we give them our talents, they will know our identity, and we must not expose it easily now.

Ying Zheng is very vigilant, because he knows that there may be some Huns among these small vendors, and now there is absolutely no way of showing any softheartedness.

“What you said is really right. We definitely can’t be soft-hearted now. If we are soft-hearted, it will be in their arms.”

From the beginning, you should be hard-hearted, or else you won’t be able to accomplish such an arduous task at all.

“Even though they don’t seem to care on the surface, in fact, their hearts must be brooding. Otherwise, how could they be so peaceful? They will definitely be staring at this place now.

Ying Zheng saw these small vendors, they were all played by their own guards, and they had some swords in their arms.

“Don’t show their weapons. If you show these weapons, won’t they let other robots see our purpose at a glance? Are you stupid?”

“Have you ever thought about why they keep hiding their identities in this place? They may be waiting for this moment. We absolutely can’t let them succeed in this way.”

From the very beginning, they should be pushed out directly. Only in this way can they know how good they are.


“I think we should let them have a taste of what this torture is like now, so that they can truly remember.

If they don’t have a long memory now, it’s over. Winning politics now just want to see what they will think next.

“Don’t talk about these useless things, I have already told you so much, we have to ask Meng Tian and Meng Yi to get together a little bit and discuss how to respond inside and outside the palace.”

The ministers of civil and military affairs in the palace didn’t even know that they were out of the palace now. If they knew it now, they might really faint in shock.

“Since we entered Xianyang, they have never seen me come out of this palace, so we must keep this secret now and don’t let other people know my whereabouts.”

This matter is very important and we must never let them know. .

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