Chapter 1143 Repeated mistakes]

“Forget it, I think Zhao Gao is really not a good person, we should not reuse it now, we should now send it directly to some other dark and humid places, and let him stay in this place for the rest of his life. Can’t come out.”

Yingzheng has always thought this way. She felt that she should sort out her authority to the highest place now.

“If we say that when they make a mistake for the first time, if they don’t give them a predicament, they will definitely take it seriously in the future, and maybe they will make mistakes again and again.”

“Are you sure you really want to look like this? I think we should ask him first, at least let him have a chance to argue.

Regarding the reasons they said, winning politics has long been not annoying, and he feels that he doesn’t need to guess at all now.

“Aren’t the reasons that you heard before were not enough? I think you are really joking. Don’t think about it anymore.

Yingzheng has been watching his 937 people all the time. He feels that he should show his weakness a little now, so that they can show more of their feet.

“They must be very vigilant now, what do you think? I think we should be a little bit ready now.”

As long as we can stay in this place to the end, everything is meaningful now.

“I think we should walk outside from this place now to let them know that our place is constantly coming in, and we will not stay here forever.”

As long as the news can be passed on, they will not be overly nervous now. Winning knows what will happen next.

“Have you ever thought that if we really want to do this outside of this palace, then it is very unfeasible.

(aibd) Although they say that they make mistakes all the time on the surface, in fact they will not stay in this place at all.

“Let’s take your time now. We have to let them know about us now, so we are outside the palace, but we now know everything that happens inside the palace.”

As long as they can be helped, all this will go smoothly. Winning has been thinking about this issue now, and he feels that he must bring them over now.

“Don’t talk nonsense, we have to let them know that we have surrounded Zhao Gao and some of their people.”

If they do any other actions now, they will definitely be picked up by the chicken immediately and sent to the sky prison immediately, and then these tortures will be sent to them one by one.

“Although they did not betray us on the surface, in fact their hearts are no longer in our place, so we must now let them know that we will not let go easily.

They must understand this truth, otherwise the situation will be very complicated.

“I have already told you, we have to let Zhao Gao stay in this place well now.

If they are not ready to prepare quickly, then they will really be blinded by this power in their hands now. Yingzheng now wants to ask if they have any thoughts.

“You must not speculate about anything in this place, I have already told you so much, you must not take it seriously.”

They already fully understand this process, and they even want to ask if there are any major moves in their palace, especially General Meng Yi and Yang Duanhe.

“We don’t need to inquire about other things at all. We just need to wait in this place now. What other people do has nothing to do with us.”

Yingzheng asked the other people, and he felt that he should abolish them directly now, so it would be more enjoyable.

“Are you sure you want to do this? If you really do this, will you feel happy in your heart? If you feel happy, then I can promise you.

General Meng Tian now wants to make Yingzheng a little bit happy, because he has been nervous and extremely nervous since coming to this place.

“Don’t feel nervous, I have already told you, if once you feel nervous, it is not good for you.”

“I think we should stay in this place for a while now. It’s not that we haven’t heard of these words. We should now let them know that Zhao Gao is actually a good person.”

“Don’t tell me, if we are really spreading this bad news now, then other doctors will definitely be deceived. How can we do such a lack of heart now?”

Some ministers don’t want to say anything at all in this place.

“Don’t say these are useless, I think we have to listen to these dramas now, how they inquired about the news, and whether they will have someone sent by Zhao Gao.”

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